New Realm Connections are Underway

People adapt. My alliance characters are on the Kirin Tor/Sentinels/Steamwheedle Cartel server group. Originally, that meant a pacific, central, and eastern timezone realm. (I think they all show as central now, though.) It just meant that people got in the habit of specifying timezone. (Or listed the times for all 3 timezones.) I’m in the mountain time zone, so I’ve never played on a server that matched my timezone. It’s not that hard to get used to translating times.

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Ah, fair enough!

Yeah, I meant it would be a problem if the realms retained their original timezone, but it’s not an issue if they all have the same server time once connected.

This is exactly what I hoped too. I love that Classic has a community and I was hoping they would make a fresh server that wasn’t crossing with other servers. This would be a great way to get some of the Classic players to play retail.

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yay! finally! i hope my sad dead realm finally gets connected.

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I keep seeing people from the Hellscream/Doomhammer server group while doing my emissaries. Did they merge them with Dalaran or the Aeriepeak/Ysera server group? Just curious, would be weird if all of a sudden a lot of people from that server group were grouped with someone on my server.

Also, why can’t I log into the forums on any of my retail toons? I haven’t played classic since the beginning.

this is the last blue post on the topic I can find
Basically they are still working on problems with the auction house and they are sorry for the problems.

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Are we going to get an increase in guild sizes? adding more people to an already full server with some very full guilds makes it difficult to have a lot of people. Especially with us able to have 50 alts per account.

I was in a very active raiding guild back in Cata with three core groups and a bunch of alt runs and we never went over 500 members. Maybe consider that not every alt needs to be in the guild? There’s no way you’re raiding on 50 toons.

I’m just wondering how this will fix the faction balance issues in warmode…oh it wont.

Is this it?

What does raiding have to do with people joining a guild?

Being in a guild has its perks like shorter Hearthstone cooldowns and access to purchase certain Heirlooms, etc.
90%+ of the people in our guild is not in our core raiding team anyway.

With the the new Guild Finder system, it’s easier than ever to find an active guild on your server and people are joining guilds without guilds having to actively advertise in Trade Chat that they are currently recruiting.
And if people liked their new guild, they naturally tend to want to bring their alts too.

Increasing the number of guild roster cap does need to be considered if they are connecting more realms.

We’re not in Cata era anymore. We already have several clusters of 5 different realms connected back in 2014.

Nothing ever will because that is dependant on what people play and will always comedown to choice, there are way more people playing horde side so that will naturally have holdover effects with warmode, that being said RP servers and oceanic ones do on average have a relatively healthy alliance majority so if your on one of those you will probably notice it less.

I’m not against increasing the cap, but I feel like having 50 alts in the same guild is kind of unnecessary. You don’t need to level guilds up anymore so you could easily just make a guild for your alts that you don’t play as much if you just want the perks. Or join a random guild. I can understand wanting all your active alts in the same guild, but there’s no way someone plays that many on a daily basis.

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Or do what some conglomerates did, like Toast on A52. There’s like 4 guilds.

Has any of this happened yet?

You mean, after the disastrous first attempt on EU servers described in detail up-thread?

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grabs popcorn and scrolls up


“EZ” solution to borked AH: halt trades 48 hours before the connections :woman_shrugging:

Agreed!! Each needs to stay separate to maintain its unique atmosphere and community! Personally I wouldn’t be happy at all if they merged.

Unfortunately, too many alliance faction changed because they didn’t like being outnumbered all the time. Just piling on more to the problem.