New Realm Connections are Underway

That argument would make sense if everything happened in one zone. You need thousands to ensure the whole world has a healthy population.

You also need thousands to create a solid economy and large enough playerbase to serve multiple guilds.

So yes, it does need to be be thousands, at least, to create a genuine MMO experience. A few hundred or so makes a game like Destiny 2, which is an MMO-lite co-op game-- which of course is what WoW is devolving into. The problem is WoW was never built to be a game of that kind, and it shows.

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This has been needed for almost a decade since the last mergers came for our servers back in 2013 MOP days and nothing since. Really hope it works well. I think you should also consider removing the mythic Raid realm limitations sooner as well, as it hinders cross server group play. I also encourage you to consider that horde and alliance populations vary a great deal, and because one side is doing well doesn’t mean the other is functioning at all.

Australian server. Only one legit available is Saurfang. Which is also alliance heavy.

Nagrand and Cael area already connected. Dath’Remar and Khaz’goroth are connected, Dreadmaul and Thaurissan are connected. The only other one that isn’t connected, is Saurfang, and if it’s in a different battlegroup, then it likely won’t work either.

They used to group them together by time zone and then got rid of that on the server select screen.

those are two different terms being used for two different things in this thread and by blizzard.

and lol about your comment on sharding - sharding is the exact opposite, it is the splitting of populations

u just here being miserable or what are you trying to say?

Just because they’re already connected doesn’t mean they can’t connect more to the group - they have in the past.

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Don’t bother, they just want to argue.

Putting a “medium” pop server on those connections would make the population too high.

I’m not getting my hopes up.

Not necessarily. Some medium realms are probably very close to being low pop. There’s no reason they couldn’t connect your realm to the lowest pop cluster. At worst, it’ll make them high pop. And like I said in another post, Blood Furnace, Mannoroth and Nazjatar are all connected together and still low pop, so some already connected realms are for sure getting more connections.

World of Warcraft used to be fun. I could do most things on my own and I enjoyed it. Then Blizzard/activision merged servers and my peace and quiet was destroyed. 60 people competing for mats of one quest. Overcrowding, idiot power gamers being rude! So I moved to another low population server. NOW blizzard/activision announces another merge… enough, your story lines lack imagination but I stuck it out your servers cater to the power gamers and you suck us dry for money. Stop merging servers. I hate playing with bad communities. Took our family several months to find a great role playing, family safe, and a fun community that plays by the rules and for the fun of it. Blizzard keeps demonstrating it doesn’t care about longtime fans and players from over a decade ago. My husband and I, our children, and our 4 sisters, and their husbands, and all the kids in all these families have been playing since 2004 -2006. Don’t we matter?


Not how the game is meant to be played. It’s an MMO.

Not a thing anymore.

They haven’t connected servers since 2014.

All of this has nothing to do with anything. No one is forcing you to interact with people from the connected realms, especially since you said you like doing your own thing anyway.

The majority of players don’t want to play on dead realms, and a lot of us have been playing as long as you have, so I’m not sure why you feel so entitled to have your own private realm where no one will bother you. Again, it’s an MMO.

Also, your realm is already connected to Blackwater Raiders and it’s not even low pop so probably isn’t even going to be connected further, so you’re probably complaining for nothing.

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ooooooooo lol

Dude play an offline solo game if you dont like competition ?? this is wow an MMORPG. consider playing witcher series ?

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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I literally just transferred my char to a dead realm a few weeks ago so I wouldn’t have queue for Shadowlands… I hope this didn’t affect it.
I feel like having low pop servers are a good thing for people that choose it.


And high pop is what they like to avoid when doing connections.

No, I don’t think there’s much of a possibility for AT to get connected. I wish it would, but I doubt it will.

Only means other people are around. Doesn’t mean you have to interact with them.

Definitely a thing in 8.3. They removed shared tag of quest clickies.

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It’d be most likely linked to the other two latin american servers: Quel’thalas and Drakkari, specially the last one since it’s almost a forgotten realm now and the pop is quite quite low.

Fair enough before cross realm, though that’s more of a guilding thing than a grouping thing: most Mythic groups are guild based, not pickup based, even on large servers.

No you don’t. One of the nicest things about Vanilla guilds was that even a moderate sized guild could have a closed economy, covering all crafting requirements internally without relying on outside help. That was a big deal back when trading actually required MMO style interaction with, for example, enchanters actually having to meet the people they were enchanting for.

The increasingly automated auction house if anything detracts from the MMORPG character of the game.

The majority of players play on high population servers; that’s why they’re high population. At best your argument would justify free server transfers so everyone can get on servers that suit their play styles.

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I made a new allied race character on Khaz Modan because of the same reason. This will be my 3rd expansion launch. Legion was not bad for me but BFA was most of my characters were on full pop realms. Alliance on Proudmoore and Horde on A52. I was unable to get into any of characters for 48 hrs. I decided then that I will make a character on a lower pop realm so I wont go thru that again. I certainly hope this process will benefit players to get well connected.


Please disconnect Brazillian servers with U.S ones. Language barrier is a major content hindrance. Who decided grouping them was a good idea?

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