New Realm Connections are Underway

I think you can be an introvert even on big servers, but at this point the gains outweight the losses for me. Too much people want to find a decent guild and feel stuck on smaller server, but don’t want to pay for mass transfers and/or still care about their small server community (so they don’t want to leave it).

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Make it with all brazilians realms, please. 5 realms was a mistake for us.

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Honestly that meaningless.

People who think they should be provided for who ask for anti-MMO things are as credible as a person who goes to the Call of Duty forums and requests “I think this game should be less focused on firearms.”

They are certainly allowed to voice that opinion, but you know…

An absolute priority in a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE game is to have healthy and vibrant populations on servers. Massive is the key word here.

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But imagine the community reaction when actual, real server merges occur. Names and guilds will be broken and stolen away from people. Their ‘identity’ for having played x years will be somehow challenged, and “THE GAME IS DEAD GUISE LOL LOOK THEY HAD TO MERGE SERVERS!!”

If the community were more likely to respond well to it, you might see them actually do it. I wish they would myself.

Yes, that’s how it works. I’m on Thunderlord on the Alliance side. We’re part of a group like this already. It’s Thunderlord and Destromath and a few others. We can trade, guild together, etc…but what I have been hoping for is actual merging.

Actual merged servers that closed up the communities. This isn’t the same, and it basically ensures that server community will absolutely never be a thing again.

Sure, it fixes some things, but we see just as many people from Tichondrius (which is not in our cluster) as we do from our own server cluster. It’s more cross-realm stuff, and whereas it relieves a bit of the low-pop. server stuff for those who want guilds, etc…it doesn’t actually repair anything. It’s a band-aid, and it doesn’t address the fact that we have so many servers that cannot self-sustain.

Merging back down was my hope, and this move pretty much ensures that it’ll never happen.

The forums have been saying it’s dying for the last 15 years. Numbers wise, the game has been “dying”, as in not as high as they once were, for 12 or so years.


For all intents and purposes they will be on the same realm. Anything that is realm restricted will be able to happen between the connected ones. That’s the point.


People are going to say this anyways lol People say wow is dead without Blizz even doing anything.

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Yes, I know. I’m on one of these already. I know how it works. MY point was that I hoped they would take the cue from Classic and move back to closed communities…which is clearly not the direction they’re going to go.

I fully understand what they’re choosing and why. I’m just disappointed. It’s not at all the same thing as a closed server.

best news. Cant wait for this.

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The community grows smaller, subs hitting all time low?


…You mean Garona won’t be dead anymore? Best news I’ve heard all year.

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Exactly this. I.E. Scarlet Crusade and Feathermoon are connected. The game effectively treats it as the same server. Shared AH. Players from both realms can be in the same guild. You can freely trade between players from either server. You can send mail, etc.

The only thing noticeably different is the mail, where you have to list their server if its not the one your toon is on. I.E. this character is on Scarlet Crusade so to send mail to someone on Feathermoon I’d have to write Name-Feathermoon.

Hopefully a list will be posted well in advance.

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Hmmmm that’s a good question.

Just do realm merges, for the love of God, suck up your ego and accept that realms need combining.

just turn off guild invites?

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They seem fine with using your old server name as your last name.


That’s what this is, without the drama resulting from forced guild name/character name changes.


A tiny bit of drama would be better than this connect realm mess.

It looks so bad that WoW has 30 low pop and like 50 medium pop realms on EU. It would be so much better if the game just had 20 high pop servers.

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I hope they do this after the expansion launches, not before. Otherwise we are likely to get a bunch of dead servers connected, building together guilds and then the expansion drops and unexpected flood of people throw populations out of whack.