New Realm Connections are Underway

Will this go towards fixing huge faction imbalances?

Connect not merge.

Two different things.


Ok I think I get it now. Each server has different realms. So if servers are merged, the realms will still have their names. Is this correct?

Servers = realms (for all intents & purposes). People sometimes use them interchangeably.

Also, nothing is being merged. Realms are being connected. Each realm will retain its name and all characters upon those realms will retain theirs as well. So will guilds.

As I mentioned earlier, I am part of a 5-realm connected cluster. It consists of: Bloodscalp–Boulderfist–Dunemaul–Maiev–Stonemaul.

Just as an example, I could make a character named KYZERA on the other 4 realms. The character would just have a different realm name. All 5 of the KYZERA characters could trade, join the same guild, & use the same AH. Granted for the trade & guild part, all the KYZERA characters would need to be on the same faction. The Auction Houses are already shared between Horde & Alliance on the same realm (or connected realm cluster).


Long overdue.

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No kidding.

I’ve never claimed they were the same thing.

Silvermoon / Mok’nathal is pretty dead. Are we absorbing another dead server?

It’s about freeking time.

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Great. More people and my ignore list is already full. On the bright side, lots more people to hate and avoid.

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This is great news actually.

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Wow, finally.


It’s an MMORPG.

This goes to anyone making arguments against this who say they like ‘low pop’ realms. Your arguments are less valid - but you are alllowed to state your opinions of course.

Your wish to play this game more like a single-player game should always be overshadowed by people who want to play this game as intended.


Is there any plan to increase the size of guilds? With alts it is very easy to hit guild player cap now days and and the 1000 toon limit is low.


The main draw to low pop realms used to be reduced load times and no login queues… but neither of those have really been a thing for a long time now… high pop realms are almost never at full capacity anymore and due to sharding load times have been normalized across all realms as now you won’t load into a town with 1,000 active players in it, instead it’s only 100…


Realms will be connected, or merged?

El lame…

The word “merged” is used to describe the idea of taking two servers and turning them into one server. As far as I am aware, this has never happened in the history of WoW.

Connecting servers is simply that - imagine they are sitting next to each other and can exchange things between them. They are still individual servers, they can sell to each other, use the same auction house, join guilds. Sort of like…close relatives.

Merges don’t happen.


Big fan of this undertaking, thank you :slight_smile:

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I like low pop servers, I like that it’s quiet and not busy, I don’t want every experience I have to be Illidan-US.

Hopefully there will be a connection list given out soon, I chose the realms that I did to keep my characters spread out so I have as many armor types on as many realms as possible to buy xmog. Having servers merged means I’ll have to do some realm transfers most likely lol.


Just be aware that not all people are extroverts and some like quiet realms more so their arguments are not less valid… you might like to practice some introversion to see what you did wrong there.