New race/class combinations in Shadowlands

Please…Blizzard, give us confirmation if you’re ever going to add more Class/race combinations…the game would be more enjoyable for alt creation in my opinion.

YES please Blizzard! Never have I agreed with anyone SO HARD on the forums. Look Anduin could go train Genn in the ways of the light or something.

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I just want more fun combinations, especially for Paladins and Druids, but every class should be expanded honestly.

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The Alliance really needs more paladin races. Every Horde race except the elves and undead can be shamans, their previously exclusive/headlining class, but not many Alliance races can be paladins by comparison.

Kul’tirans deserved paladin from the start, even before Blizz gave Zandalari the class - and now Zandalari have it, Kul’tirans don’t, and Kul’tirans are short a class by comparison.

Worgen should get it, maybe night elves… there are other races, too.

And don’t get me started on worgen and goblin monks. <.< And I’d also love to see more druids.

Adding new race/class combos would really give Shadowlands something meatier to be excited about. I wish I wasn’t bored with it already, having 4 level 60s, but… I am. :confused:


I want to play an Alliance Paladin myself, but I’m not feeling the current races available. Night elf, Kul Tiran, and Worgen additions, please!


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Well, it takes MONTHS to do that. It can’t be done “now”. Blizzard could start now, and finish in…August?

Stop fantasizing that Blizzard has magic.

The animations are already in game.

The only additional work required would be if they added classes with specific assets;
shaman - totems
paladin - mounts
druid - forms
demon hunter - meta forms

That still leaves: monk, rogue, priest, warrior etc.


I just want a goblin monk. Would race change immediately for it.

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I would love to be a panda


Geez, cool it. No one is demanding it instantly or even by next month. We all know Blizzard takes forever to do anything, anyway. I’m a worgen. I waited 10 years for a promised model upgrade and it wasn’t even that great. I am used to waiting.

Although I don’t know why you think it’d take them that long unless you’re just taking laziness into account. The animations are already there, and not all the classes require extra assets.

And, let’s face it, they wouldn’t get very unique assets either probably, like the way the worgen druid forms have always just been lame rehashes of night elf ones whereas the Zandalari got 100% unique ones for each form.

When I say “now,” I mean this expansion pack, not NOW, ERMAGERD. You can calm the Blizzard defense squad reflex a bit.

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ok that is rather funny

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You lack knowledge of high elf lore than. Cuz Sylvanas was a ranger. Rangers and others were attuned with nature and used druidic magic (just not shapeshifting). Joining the horde with tauren druid should have bolstered their druidic rangers similiar to how harvest witches of gilneas turned into druids cuz of the night elves.

For the sake of player choice and agency? Yes I 100% agree with it. Let’s ditch lore.

As much as I want to play a Panda-Paladin, this is NOT the perfect time add more options.

They can’t balance what they have.

Night elf paladins please! They basically already exist. They already have warrior priests. I need a paladin in WoW that actually worships a real god instead of some abstract concept.

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That will never will nor should happen, keep dreaming though.

What does race/class have to do with balance?

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Hmmm. You’ve changed my mind. Let’s PUNT Lore evil grin. Bye bye lore! Fun shall be victorious!!!

IMHO they should just allow all race/class combos, except Tauren rogues. (How can anything with hooves be silent?)

Things with hooves are much stealthier than things with paws or feet. On dirt anyways. On stone, or gravel, or concrete? Naw. Either way rogue abilities are supernatural anyways. Draenei can’t be rogues in game yet both reg and LF draenei have plenty of npc rogues using stealth and all.