New Race for the Alliance: HALF ELVES!

Listen here alliance filth.

There can never be enough elf and elf-like races.

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Exactly! :see_no_evil:

I ama DH, you are a Druid.
I will smash you like…the hulk.

I wanted to make a different joke but mods have no sense of fun.

I have instastealth, instaflight form, instaadios…no smashing for you. :slight_smile:

I have sight beyond sight.
I have imprison to keep you in place.
I have snares and a stun and I dash faster than you can run.

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(Commentary): That concern seems to be taking the liberty that humans would be nothing more than breeding stock to High Elves, and the fact that Half-Elves aren’t prevalent enough to have formed their own nation as of yet, would seem counterproductive to that idea. Its not as if Vereesa has remarried since Rhonin’s death, nor is there any indication anywhere of her doing that. Indeed, the characters she’s been seen interacting with most, since Rhonin’s death, would be all women; Jaina, Alleria, even Sylvanas to an extent. I imagine the psychological mourning process for elves might last longer than it does for humans.

(Statement): It certainly is logical to consider that, during a High Elves’ lifetime, they’d take on more than one spouse if they limited themselves only to a race with a drastically shorter lifespan than their own, but it takes liberties that are borderline nonsensical.

(Commentary): I’d almost be more concerned with the potential for very dark literary themes for Half-Elves, if that wouldn’t be a breath of fresh air for the Alliance. The old RPGs suggest that the parents of Half-Elves (outside of a place like Dalaran), would sooner dispose of their progeny than claim it as their own, that Half-Elves would nominally be Bastards. Indeed, I recall a discussion in years past about Arator possibly having been abandoned by Alleria, since his dialogue only ever mentioned his father, and never once his mother. We now know Alleria has always loved her son, but there used to be that question before we learned more about those characters.

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Bring him. Bring me my child.

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people would be stumbling over each other to find a high elf mate because it would guarantee their offspring a long life, even if they only lived half as long, thats still 1500 years vs. 70

Like Mok’nathal? The halfbreed ogre-orcs?
Or Draenei/orc breeds, like Garona?

I can see Half Elves being a Human Customization Option along with High Elves being a Void Elf Customization Option. Ether way. It would be nice to see ether one of them made playable.


that’d be fantastic, actually.

Half elves are cool, but there is no compromise for Quel’dorei. I’m fine with them being their own thing down the line though. There’s nothing wrong with more customization options.


People play as Humans and some have roleplay as Half Elves so why not Half Elf Options for Humans. Same reasoning for those who wanted Mok’thanal Orcs on the Horde side too for the Orcs.

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Alliance have two elf races. Any additional race will not be an elf

i explained this to broflake earlier. its possible the only non half elves left are the royals, alleria and veressa for example, because it doesnt matter how much human you have in your lineage, once you have genetics that are not high elven, you’re considered a half breed, because there’s no such thing as a 3 quarters elf or a 1 quarter elf. so our quel’dorei may look more high elven than human but are likely some variant of human also, making them half elves.

they’d still have access to quel’dorei lore, because, according to the game itself, the quel’dorei have diluted bloodlines from mingling with humans over the last 2800 years. so quel’dorei, particularly alliance quel’dorei, are half elves who are the ones who we’ve been fighting alongside and taking quests from, this whole time.

i just think the royals were the last of the quel’dorei to go that route. and they are the only remaining full blooded high elves.

You must work for Blizzard.

Low energy option for the Alliance?

Give them something close to what they literally want but fear enough away to know we don’t care?

Just use recycled artwork and call it a new race?

Now, let’s spend our budget on a horde allied race.

wouldnt be recycled. would in fact, have to be a different model with its own unique animations. i’m also promoting the idea they be a core race and not hidden in the allied races screen or behind 120+ levels of easily skippable content with a character boost, lenghty rep grinds and confusing quest chains

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You know this won’t happen, right?
They’d have to actually care about the Alliance for that to happen and while we know of all kinds of devs who main horde, we still don’t even know ONE who mains Alliance.
The guy who runs the game refuses to even play Alliance!