New Race for the Alliance: HALF ELVES!

lol…I hate to go too much off topic but when I first saw the tree houses of the night elves it reminded me of the keebler houses.

Half Elf as a playable race would require that there were already a ton of Half Elves in the game.

Besides, if you want a white elf, just play Horde.

just give them high elves, honestly, I just saw a statistic earlier, the Horde has 60% of the player base at 120 and the Alliance has 40%.

60 to 40…that’s really bad and reminds me of the time in Classic with reversed roles, on warcraftrealms

120 to 120…and look at the number…


This would be perfectly acceptable, given Horde’s next allied race is a compromise as well, like Mok’nathal, if they get full blooded Ogres and Alliance gets a half breed race as a compromise, the uproar would be unreal. That is the only way a half breed race like Half-elves would work IMO.


To what publishing company?

I would be okay with this.

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I also think a Mok’nathal/Half Elf AR set would be ideal.


imagine though, if they let half elves access the asian and african skins/faces/hair. we’d have our first asian and african elves. and they’d look better too cause shorter elf ears and shorter elf eyebrows. remember tuvoc from star trek voyager. yeah well i wanna make his sister vulcan hehe.


not that i want anymore elves in this damn game but… half-elf would allow players to have a slimmer-model human.

think i would prefer half-orcs though.

yes, this is even supported in game lore, such as Elisande letting the cat outta the bag that the quel’dorei had diluted their bloodlines, and when you look who has half elven kids, it’s always a high elf and a human. arator, the half elf son of the high elf alleria windrunner and the human, turalyon, and veressa winrunner’s twin boys with the human rhonin, for example. the devs have just never bothered to make a half elf model, as is evidenced by arator, who is sportin a fine looking belf paladin model in full judgement gear. love that kilt.


That’s a bit much…


if half elf is a dwarf and elf mixbreed then whats a gnome and elf? quarterpounder? lol

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I know, I’m late as usual but… has anyone pointed out Mok’nathal to you? Yeah, those sure showed that hybrid races are taboo.

Additionally, Mok’nathal would be a fine counterpart for Horde when it comes to Half elves, and I say this as someone that doesn’t really care much about anything Orc related.


Hey you know thats a good point actually. I love that idea.

Dude really? What’s wrong with you?


Oh dear god… :no_mouth: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: :sneezing_face:

I think that put me off from eating food.

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I’m not really sure how this would work? If you choose the top half of the elf how does he walk and fight without legs? If you choose the bottom half its brainless and therefore would just walk in circles. I’m not thinking this is a well thought idea.


Even while some people, such as OP, only really want Half Elves because they just don’t want High Elves on the Alliance, the arguments for High Elves are indeed solid, and, as someone who really would like High Elves, I do think Half Elves could have more potential because they can not only continue the legacy of the High Elves on the Alliance, but forge a new and exciting path as a hybrid race.

I would say that WoW has been very vague on what its stance on the matter is, yet ultimately it errs on the side of being normalized.

Think about it, the leader of the most organized group of High Elves is mother to two half even children; Alleria, perhaps the most iconic elven hero on the alliance, also has a half even child, who grew up with Vereesa and Rhonin and eventually became a high ranking member of the Argent Crusade.

In WoW, there does not seem to be great prejudice regarding Half Elves.

Honestly that would work too.


The issue I see with this is that the option of high elf paladin would not be playable Alliance-side. And I know that’s a race/class combo that’s highly desired.

Half Elves are human customization. Let’s not waste a slot on this mmmkay.

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What’s to say if High Elves were playable they would even have paladins? HE paladins have always been a rarity -3 in game- so I gotta say, High Elves Paladins are not nearly as iconic for High Elves as people would like them.

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By that measure Highmountain Tauren, Lightforged Draenei, Maghar Orcs, Dark iron Dwarves and Mechagnomes are even more so just customization options.

Half Elves would be more like Kul Tirans; new model for an off-shoot of humanity.