New race-class combos?

Vulpera Demon Hunter :dracthyr_a1:

Vengeance Demon Hunter looks and sounds awesome but I ain’t playing an elf so.

Pretty much none.

When the game first came out, every race/class combo made sense with the lore. Races and factions were tied into their classes and visa versa (with some minor wiggle room for gameplay reasons, like allowing undead priests to spec holy).

As time went one, some races got access to additional classes where it was like “yeah, makes sense. Seems kind of odd that this wasn’t available originally/sooner”
Examples: human hunters, troll, druids

Then we started getting some rather questionable additions that were kinda :face_with_raised_eyebrow: (like goblin priests/shamans) or lore had to be shoe-horned/retconned in to have the new additions “make sense.”

Now we are approaching the point where stuff that is being talked about/implemented is just :man_facepalming: as it blatantly disregards lore/makes 0 sense.
examples: undead paladins/druids, draenei warlocks, void elf paladins, Blood elf druids, etc…

I’m not opposed to new stuff being written/implemented, but it needs to be done in a logical/sensible way as opposed to “just because we can” or the arbitrary way a child might invent/change the rule of a game.

Free will is one hell of a drug.

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Words can not express how badly and desperately i want Void Elf Demon Hunters, and whilst I am certain that all the ‘core’ classes will be playable by every race I actually don’t think blizzard meant that DHs is a guarentee-simply because they are kind of like Evokers in that it is a one race/elf type thing :frowning:

Ngl I WILL be 100% broken hearted if they don’t expand DH (even if they only extended them to the other elves- NB and VE)

But if they don’t then I am most looking forward to BE and VE shammies, BE and VE druids and VE pallies.

Why doesn’t undead paladins or blood elf druids make sense, when both are of them are in the lore?

In any case, they can always retcon the lore - I really don’t understand why so many people want to point to one specific point in time, and decide that’s where all the lore should apply from.

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Without having any knowledge whatsoever, I’d think they were going the route of making pala-druid-shaman available for everyone, and opening DH to a few more - with Void Elves and Nightborne’s being the most obvious choices

Hopefully we all get what we want:)

All the warlocks.

When Draenei can be every class I will be very happy! So I am waiting for Draenei Druids they could look so cool with forms having goat features and tentacles!

They [Blizzard] have said they plan to open up all classes to all races with Druid, Shaman, and Paladin taking the longest ‘for obvious reasons’, they’re already doing it with Warlocks as well as Rogue, Mage, and Priest. (which they already did)

Hazelnuttygames was interviewing Ion Hazzikostas about it.

I would like to see Dracthyr get access to magic-related classes. Canonically, they have warriors and rogues, so those are a necessity, but I would love to see them get warlock, mage, priest, paladin and even demon hunter.
I know it would be work to make them demon hunters, but it sure would look cool. Also, I do think when Dracthyr get new classes, they should have some more unique animations for spells. Like making Chaos bolt breathed out like a breath attack, Arcane barrage launched from glowing wings, like Essence burst.

Worgen Shammy and Vulpera druid are my top 2, next 2 is paladins for both and after that demon hunters because screw not having make camp and darkflight
:fox_face: Also because furry but that should be obvs :wolf:

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warriors and rogues, mage, sure. paladin and priest…I guess. Not warlock and demon hunter though.

  • dealing with demons/fel energy/corruption isnt something dragons do, that’s kind of like… anti-dragon, as mixing dragons with that sort of stuff tends to lead to rather bad results.

But then I was never a big fan of a dragon race (or goblins for the matter) being a playable race but :person_shrugging:

Lightforged Warlock is one I’m thinking about. Maybe I’ll make her a Night Elf and leave my DH behind. Still thinking about it.

I think Worgen Shaman looks interesting. I mean, feels right for a Worgen to call spirits of wolves and goldrinn and stuff.

Pretty much anything Void Elf will be cool. Shamans are probably gonnna feel like Twilight’s Hammer. Druids should feel very N’zothy. And I wonder if Paladins will have void-based abilities.

I’ve wanted a BE Druid since BC, but I would be interested to see if they add any void flavor for the VE Druid forms.

Gnome Druid forms should be cute.

NB or BE for my Horde Shaman.

It’ll be interesting to see Tauren DHs gliding around. :dracthyr_uwu:

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I am only waiting for Night Elf Paladins. I already have the mount I will use. The Priestess Moonsaber from BFA’s warfronts.

Just have to decide whether to race change my current max level human paladin or create a new paladin.

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Idk, it feels appropriate that they start to study fel. It’s something they have never been exposed to as a people, they were sealed away before the war of the ancients.
Now they’re released, they likely know that it’s considered evil, but they fight alongside warlock allies. This shows it’s usable, and powerful. It definitely stands to reason some would be curious.

The blue dragon essence in them might be a factor to consider with it though.

Wingless non-evoker dracthyr hunter. Maybe wingless can wear gear! And have visible weapons on their backs.

Please, I want it.

It or Drakonid are what would make me race change from vulpera. I am contractually obligated to main a scaly race in any MMORPG that lets me.

No! bad dracthyr! slaps claws
fel magiks not for flying lizards

I want dracthyr to be things other than evoker right now. Not terribly picky about what. Mostly because i feel like you’d have a lot more freedom on whether you would be able to stay in visage or not on other classes.

I’d actually kill for Dracthyr DH though i know that’s the longest shot ever. They have nicer horn and hair options than BE.

I concur, it stands to reason some Dracthyr might look at Warlocks and, learning they’ve helped drop Deathwing, go ‘oh hey that seems like a pretty promising venture, we should check that out’.