New PvP server rule set: FFA

Solves faction imbalance. Let me kill alliance when I am alliance and horde when I am horde. Lore is full of inter-faction slautering.

Has a side effect of also being able to kill same faction bots.

You are already thinking of making same faction BG’s, let’s take it a step father and see how popular an full FFA PvP server would be.

+1 from me.


We should make all BG’s battle royale too, so we don’t have to worry about faction imbalance.

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Only if it is FFA at all times and all locations.

I can’t wait for the cryjng when I accidentally target the tank and wipe the raid.



You don’t do damage to people you’re grouped with.

Then what’s the point?

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Only Horde should be flagged PvA. I mean, Horde mains tend to scream the most, right?


We’ll talk about what’s flying over whose head after you go back an read my post.

Take your time.

I for one, think making some zones FFA would be really fun. Imagine if netherstorm, elemental plateau and SMV were FFA.

The entire draw of pvp realms for me is the sense of danger in the open world and having to make decisions based on potential enemies. Everyone plays for different reasons, so limiting it to a zone or two gives people the option to skip.

(I mean its never gonna happen but maybe in WoW 2,0 once activision releases blizzard in 2030 once its worth $0.001 a share and some kid buys the rights for $4.00 and then gives a decent dev company the chance to remake it in the original vision).

Where we dropping boys?


I think this is actually a great idea and a route Blizz should consider. It offers a fresh take on the older content and can shake up the metas quite nicely.

Things that could also help pvp servers to thrive would be:

  • Adding sanctuary effect to dungeon portals and summoning stones.
  • Adding an "honorless target* debuff to any player after they get off a flight path / exit a city. Setting the debuff to 3-10 minutes would allow people a better chance at traveling on griefer filled servers.
  • Adding level ranges for wpvp interaction, such as requiring combatants to be within 7 levels of each other to engage in pvp. This would help solve the issue with people being ganked by high level players
  • Xp and rep bonus for the lower populated faction.

People are going to complain and scream for no changes but small tweaks can keep players interested as has been the case with Everquest’s latest classic servers.

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Exactly. Full FFA. Everywhere all the time. Just because you’re with your buddy doesn’t mean your attacks stop hurting! Want to AoE that pack? You just killed your tank. Want to spam chain heal? You just healed the baddy too.

I might actually be up for a pvp server run if it was full 100% FFA.

(Said years ago that wow needed a FFA server)

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It’d be DoS.

It flew over your head

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