New PvP LFG Add-On

God, this kid takes random LFGs and just ignores every Btag DM ever sent ever. What a LEGEND.

I’ll take it.

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I’m enjoying it so far.

Looking forward to when the database is more filled.

It’s also cool just running around and scrolling over people seeing their ratings.

It does seem to require a game to be played before showing anything.

I logged on an unplayed alt and it showed no “highest rating” until I queued and played, and it only did that bracket.

And for the new player complaints - it’s character specific, so if you’re on an alt, you look new. Which is fine.

I think it will help even more in the future once certain specs aren’t so overpowered.

Like I’ve been looking for an hpal for my boomy in 2s to push 2 - 2.1 and there’s a lot of hpals in that rating.

But with IF and everything they’re not always very good players but the spec and corruption has helped them get there.

Maybe a thumbs up that was only available after 5 games with that player, so that one and dump players wouldn’t get positive scores at all. No idea how that would work.

Either way, big ups for making it. Seriously awesome.

It’d be cool if it had something like “Account main/highest x rating y spec” at some point in the future

Maybe like raider io it would be season specific though. Like showing highest rating this season on “main” and then whatever on the current character on.

Which would be similar but then avoid the just seeing a highest account rating with no context as to when it was achieved.

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Would like it if this addon gave us as much data as possible. Give the players the information and allow them decide how to use it. I don’t want subjective info like opinions on the player,thumbs up, or anything like that honestly. Just give as much PvP related data as possible.

Bump. Still needs to be seen more.


This is amazing. Unfortunately, 50% or more of the players I hover over in LFG have not been added to the Dbase yet. So while the idea is brilliant, it’s not as useful as it could be when everyone is added (like raiderio)

But honestly, kudos. Amazing work.

Every time someone uses the “Copy Drustvar URL” and looks the player up on the website, the player gets added to the DB for the next update.

I’ve probably put in a good 5-10 hours doing this myself over the last couple days on both Horde and Alliance sides. I think the database has grown by over 1500 players since I started doing this. I’m even considering buying an EU subscription to help populate the EU database.


This is really cool, I like it a lot!

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No more of the I’m this cr with this xp just to find out they’re lying through their teeth. I love this!

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You are a true hero, my friend

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What about a system like overwatch where you could rank up diff aspects of your player card

Skilled teammate
Good attitude

3 separate categories that players who play with you can thumbs up.

Could encourage improving diff aspects of your gameplay from being more willing to try to voice.

More willing to be positive

And even if your not the best exp be recognized for being competent at the game for your exp.

Could add like a thumbs up for those 3 and have potentially lvl brackets after x amount of thumbs.


I like this.


The idea is really good but, please correct me if I’m wrong, people could (and I believe they will) abuse the system asking friends or guildies to just thumbs up them, creating a “high rated” a$$hole and basically invalidating the “feedback” system.

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Addon doesn’t always seem accurate, and doesn’t list account exp for alts. still remains my go to, but it is a nice quick addon.

I think you could put parameters that invalidates ratings from friends on bnet / guildies to be strictly from LFG feedback.

Idk addon coding much but maybe that’s possible

I think it is a great idea to add just a single thumbs up option, maybe a ranking system with that.

It’s listing character highest, not account. Still working on setting up alts and linking it all up.

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this addon is a great idea, thank you leeka