New PTR Changes Buff DH

Demon Hunter’s rise. This is a good change imo.

Does anyone know how much of a buff to single target this is?


  • Chaos Strike Slice your target for [ 99% [ 113.9% of Attack Power ] Chaos damage. Chaos Strike has a 20% chance to refund 20 Fury. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. 40 Fury. Melee range. Instant.

  • Demon’s Bite Quickly attack for [ 49.81% [ 57.28% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Generates 35 Fury. Requires Melee Weapon. Melee range. Instant.


  • Chaos Strike Slice your target for [ 99% [ 113.9% of Attack Power ] Chaos damage. Chaos Strike has a 20% chance to refund 20 Fury. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. Demon Hunter - Havoc Spec. Demon Hunter - Havoc Spec. 40 Fury. Melee range. Instant.

  • Chaos Strike Slice your target for [ 99% [ 113.9% of Attack Power ] Chaos damage. Chaos Strike has a 20% chance to refund 20 Fury.

  • Demon’s Bite Quickly attack for [ 49.81% [ 57.28% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Generates 35 Fury. Requires Melee Weapon. Demon Hunter - Havoc Spec. Demon Hunter - Havoc Spec. Melee range. Instant.

  • Glimpse (New) Vengeful Retreat provides immunity to loss of control effects, and reduces damage taken by 75% until you land. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. Requires DemonHunter. Requires level 10.

  • Unbound Chaos Activating Immolation Aura increases the damage of your next Fel Rush by 600% 500%. Lasts 20 sec. Havoc Demon Hunter - Level 30 Talent. Havoc Demon Hunter - Level 30 Talent.


Can’t say I agree with the UBC nerf as it’s the one true skill shot we have in the game that rewards good positioning and timing other than playing momentum as a whole

I think these are good. We have been needing a buff to single target, well here it is. Not sure how much % it really breaks down to but welcomed. The new pvp talent might be crazy good!

Would love to test this, can VR chaos bolts and fears, sheeps, cyclones etc. I think this is going to be great. A DH who uses this proper is going to be nutty

Also with the buff to demons bite, I wonder if it is enough to make other builds viable

Glad to see ubc getting nerfed. It’s a small nerf but it’s a step in the right direction. Hopefully this means no more fel rush nonsense will ever be pushed on us again.


If you use Unbound Chaos overall is a nerf rather than a buff to the dps. You need to cast at least 4 Chaos Strike or 5 Demons Bite to compensate for the dps loss on single target, in PVP this will be an unlikely scenario, specially against healers or ranged classes. In PVE maybe we could do like 1.5% extra overall dps after this change.

Unbound isn’t that bad of a nerf. Could have been worse with blizz track record of needing things.

Glaive temp and trail of ruin are still good
Talents that are completely viable.

But Glaive temp is in the GCD.

The buff to Chaos Strike is roughly a 15.14%, Buff to Demon’s Bite is 15.00%

I think the biggest part is demon’s bit currently gives a random fury increase between 20-30. If this is true then 35 guaranteed each time would be awesome and eliminate a lot of RNG.

I wonder if we will see a demon blades buff to compensate for this difference at some point, otherwise I can’t see that talent being as useful any longer and IH or BH used instead.


It’s not and the ST increases more than make up for it. UBC I think will still be good for those 6+ packs but with the damage nerf the risk v reward may simply be longer be there creating a dropped talent in a row that honestly has 3 viable options.

On wowhead now official blue post. Demon blades buffed 15% too


So finally managed to get in PTR and this still says generates 20-30 fury, not sure why the source the OP referenced said 35 fury generated…that is a bummer.

Sad to see unbound get nerfed back to 500%, but the ST buffs are looooong overdue. Overall very happy.

im on PTR atm and the chaos strike buff feels very nice in arena skirms!!!

It was never 600% it was a tooltip error, they just never changed it

Glimpse (New) immune ccs for 1 sec while we are on the air, and 75% less damage 1 sec every 25 sec??? and this is a PVP talent? when all the classes can super shield and self heal, we get 1 sec? Blizz do you even read the forums? WHO ask you this?

 'we listen to the community ... and they want crappy skills for DH 

i will spell it developers:

  1. Blur higher percentage of doge, and higher absorption!
  2. Leech has to be base line of 10% and extra with talent, there is no way we can even get 30% hp of our life in a battle, rest of the classes can self heal 30% every 30sec ish!(warrior, dk) shaman paladin instant heal every 3 or 4 attacks

unbound chaos was just the tool tip? really? or they are nerfing ?

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This right here, it says 600%, but it’s 500% now on live, the spell’s modifier by Attack Power remains unchanged on PTR, you can see on the spell changes @ WoW head how they buffed Chaos Strike/Demon Strike the Attack Power modifier changed, that didn’t happen to UBC.

They just fixed the tooltip.

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Bubble is a 5 min cd you really complaining about this awesome talent? Go pick up nether walk or something then. DH players just want everything.

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So will Demon’s Bite be the play now with buffed damage for PvP?

Loving the chaos strike buff!

They’re buffing demon blades by the same amount

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I just checked it on my DH:

Average non-UBC hit was 637.5, average UBC hit was 4520.5. 4520.5 / 637.5 = 7.091. So it’s definitely currently +600%, as the damage variance is only ±5%, which isn’t enough for these damage numbers to occur if it were only +500%.

Edit 1: also, I’m not seeing where you’re seeing the modifier on UBC. It’s just a server side script hook in the Wowhead data, there’s no coefficient data present as far as I can see.

Edit 2: correction, found the buff aura in the Wowhead data, and it’s clearly 600:

Edit 3: and the PTR version has that same value reduced to 500:

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