New PTR Changes Buff DH

WHO asked you [for] this?

No one. They gave another BS micro buff that is totally useless and ineffective, while OP’ing rogues and warriors.

No, they don’t read the forums., apparently.

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in arenas having the power of a 5 min cd for a fight that will last 30sec to a min in average… yes, bubble is extremely way more powerful than anything that dh have.

Some in the bubble window can kill other players.

Unboune chaos, more nerf for DH… as i was content about increasing some of the damage, it seems they are doing the same for the rest of the classes…

lol if they end up bumping every one else 15% then what’s the point?

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Thats what I said, in 9.0.5 it was Supposed to be 500% but they never corrected the tooltip.

Unbound Chaos: Activating Immolation Aura increases the damage of your next Fel Rush by 600%—>500% Lasts 20 sec.
after this nerf its better back to use glaive tempest?

Cool it will be like BFA again. 3-4 DH in every BG stunning and smashing everyone

If you vr into rain from above do you keep the damage reduction until you land?

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ugh…was hopping for fixed fury generation

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hmmmm …what about the hunt too while we are at it ,inmunity to CC while casting hunt could be amazing lol

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Bro not sure what you are getting at? Yea we are not the best but we are far from the worst. We are completely viable.

Glimpse is a good change for us. Could they have done more? Sure. But atleast we are getting some things. We complained about single target and they gave a buff to chaos strike. Complained about survivability, and gave us a talent which is pretty solid on a 25 sec cd.

I’m far from a white knight but I know to be thankful for some things. These are the reason I would like to think devs don’t care to read forums. They give some love to a class and I just get dumped on


Probably by the time it goes live that 15% will shrink to 5%…maybe 10.

New PVP talent seems interesting…perhaps like a much watered down token replacement to Blade dance skill dodge. Longer CD and Less damage reduction.

I’d like to see glimpse baked into vengeful retreat baseline. Being able to dodge CC or have massive DR would be insanely useful in PVE as well.

Asking a lot here, but I don’t suppose you have a toon on PTR to confirm? :smiley:
Edit: WoWhead hadn’t updated their build when I looked yesterday >_<

The old version was awful, but this still seems pretty good, a lot of DHs don’t like having damage tied to our movement abilities though, so maybe personal preference.

If you’re running Mortal Rush it’s more convenient to run.

Oooh thanks for the correction. In that case it’s just a straight I’m guessing 4-6% buff ST then

PTR doesn’t want to let me log in, unfortunately. Even with addons disabled, it instantly kicks my DH when I try to log in. =(

Weirdly, though I’m rabidly against Momentum, I honestly don’t mind UBC. It’s only once every 20-25s, which I think makes some of the difference. Momentum insists that every single charge of Fel Rush be used for the buff, and VR as well, leaving you essentially without any options for movement. Using either one on movement is a direct DPS loss.

With UBC, you’re only losing a bit more than one in 3 Fel Rush recharges, and can easily keep an additional charge banked at all times regardless, and VR isn’t even involved. Unlike Momentum, the talent doesn’t ask you to completely delete your DH mobility advantage for DPS.

It also, frankly, just feels powerful to blast through a group of targets and deal a crapload of damage en route. Still, I see why some people dislike it. Personally, I enjoy Glaive Tempest more or less as much as I do UBC.

My beef with GT is actually more of a beef with Cycle of Hatred, that it’s keyed off of Chaos Strike refunds, which means anything else that consumes focus is counter-synergistic with it. What they should have done is make it:

Every 30 fury you spend also reduces the cooldown of Eye Beam by 1 sec.

The number there can much more easily be tuned than the existing Cycle of Hatred. The current trait is equivalent to 3s per 80 fury (Chaos Strike with the refund costs an average of 32 fury per cast, and has a 40% chance of the reduction, 32 / 0.4 = 80).

So at 30 fury per 1s, it’s slightly weaker (which is probably fine, it’s incredibly dominant atm), but also innately takes into account the 30 fury spent on the Eye Beam itself, as well as fury spent on things like Blade Dance and Glaive Tempest. Like, you’re reducing the CD of an AoE ability, it makes zero sense that two abilities specifically geared towards AoE are actually counter productive for that talent.

See above. The assertion that it was “never 600%” is false.

Why does the tooltip for Chaos Strike say 20% chance to refund 20 fury, thought it was 40%?

Because it has a Rank 2 that increases it to 40%.

Ah yeah, I forgot about that part. Thanks for clarifying

the “full ptr notes” from blizzard dont have glimpse but wowhead does? are they planning on not incluiding glimpse when this goes live? (i know its avail right now on ptr)

Yep, even been uncap, you needed more than 6 enemies to make it worthy. And glaives have a shorter cd. So in the long run look gt will be a better choice.

Glimpse is not what we ask for survival. A 1 2 sec while we are jumping back is not going to save anyone from dieing. While the rest of the class have good shields and auto heals.
Blur is not a shield.
And with meta on pvp would take 4 min with leech for a dh to get back the full hp bar.

Glimpse is not what we asked for. Is simple listen to the community Leach!!! 10%as base plus the talent.


No not all of us want everything just a better defense then darkness, buff to blur and better damage.

Do not want to be op just to be better than what we are atm.