New Pre raid BIS

Dire mauls going to be in at launch unless they’ve said something different over the last couple of days.
If this is the case then I think I’ll be missing 2-3.

You should check the new Sticky

Yeah went and checked. Removes a few back up items but that’s about it.

Sawyer#5623 <3

Pretty rough BiS list per tier (can’t post the google doc link):

The guy that made that sheet updated it for the 4 stages and is now working on updating it again for the changes made. One thing to watch out for is that some items on that list are in their 1.10 itemization and that might not be the case for launch. For later tiers, it might not be entirely accurate as it shows only the absolute BiS per-patch and could be wrong on some items/classes.

You could also join the Classic Priest discord, I’m in the hunter one and it’s decently active, though I have no clue as to how active the other classes’ are. The links to join are easily findable.


Also curious about AB and AV release since those have some pre raid BiS as well. Had Mindfang and Tome of Shadow Force forever.

Thanks for this link.

DM has a bunch of caster focused gear. I think most martial classes don’t see much prebis changes.

That depends, Hunters actually lose 5 pieces.

Actually it was more of a, “hey we kind of started to figure out what stats classes actually want on their gear” moment than a catch up mechanic. Which is why it seemed so caster-focused, since before DM most caster gear just had Int and Spirit and almost no spellpower, hit, or crit.


Hunter requires hybrid itemization, not really pure martial items. I could say that Ret or Enh sees a lot of gear from DM, but that doesn’t really make them martial classes.

Hunters aren’t hybrids and don’t want hybrid stats. They want agility, AP, hit and crit. If there’s a hunter that’s rolling on int/spirit/mp5/str gear because of those stats, then they have no clue what they’re doing. If anything, hunters are more specialized than melees because melees want both STR/AGI with priority on STR while hunters only want AGI.

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I was also told that every weapon is a hunter weapon. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m sure that is true, but every “private server” pre-raid BiS list for nearly half the classes is DM gear.

Nobody will have that stuff per the recent Blizzard post and I think that is excellent for the health of the game


What do you mean hybrid itemization? Hunters want Agility, AP, Hit, and Crit. They don’t want anything else. Their BiS is largely shared with the other martial classes - Truestrike Shoulders for example, or the Devilsaur hands/legs, or other pieces that are leather and not mail.

The pre-raid BiS specifically from DM include:
Bracers of the Eclipse shared with Rogues and Feral Druids,
Warpwood Binding which is the only example of “hybrid” itemization and that’s because the Strength from the Cloudrunner Girdle or the +Daggers from the Mugger’s Belt isn’t either,
Tarnished Elven Ring shared with Rogues and Ferals,
Royal Seal of Eldre’Thalas since they can’t use Hand of Justice,
Barbarous Blade which is too fast to use by anyone else.

The only “hybrid” ability they have is Arcane Shot, and you don’t even use that at endgame. It’s better to use Multi-Shot (which is physical).

Rather sad I can’t use hyperlinks for items…


Some of that will change now that Dire Maul will not be at release. The rogue in particular. Also, this list doesn’t put alternatives. It just gives you the best. It doesn’t give you the second best if you have bad luck getting the best. Cadaverous armor for one. That is on a massive loot table.

Rogues will change the rings and bow to be: Painweaver Band and Blackstone Ring. Ranged: Precisely Calibrated Boomstick.

I prefer Oto’s Rogue Guide. It gives you back ups until you can get the exact BiS.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t hunters get 1 RAP for each point of strength in Vanilla? I know they got 2 RAP for each point of a agility.

Back ups and alternatives is quite nice. I’m on the lookout f or a Hunter list, as I don’t think I want to play a Rogue (energy in chunks sounds painful) and Hunter seems decently fun looking.

From what I can understand based on looking at a few different sources, Strength increases melee AP only.

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Well I’m curious now to see how long it will take them to get through the phases!

If it’s a few months between phases. Some folks may be hitting 60 when Dire Maul is released.

Otherwise my BiS list still includes items from BGs. So… :frowning: I’ll have to change it from the private server BiS list people are posting.

I hope they go on player progression rather than a solid time schedule. If players are going faster, it gives them more content, if they’re going slower, it gives them more time to consume content.