New Pre raid BIS

I think I counted 7 changes to my pre raid BIS for holy paladin now that Dire Maul won’t be there at launch. Is this similar to the rest of the classes?

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I haven’t really made a list, but thinking about it I would miss out on about 3-4 items.

Yes it would be because DM is a “catchup mechanic” type instance to help players get MC cleared.

I havent bothered looking at a list for anything before ZG to be honest. I am far more worried about how people are going to move than i am about getting the best items.

I was always gonna do dungeon set(tier 0) anyway since it’s strong for pvp. Well, strong for warlocks anyway. Not sure about other classes. I hope it doesn’t take too long so warlocks can get dreadsteed.

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I haven’t done a proper BiS list, but looking over pre-raid Priest(the current intended class for me) it would shift some things around.

Uhh… did they say it won’t be at launch?

Rogues use the ring/bow/lw boots from Dire Maul.

New update from Blizzard. 4 content phases became 6 content phases, including phase 1 not including Dire Maul.

On my way! To read it! I’m at work atm.

There’s new blue post explaining all the phases.

Yeah i just read it. It’s only an hour old. Na is at work still.

My guess is it will come in the patch that includes Battlegrounds/Honor System and Blackwing Lair.

What? Go look at the update. They changed it.

Okay, didn’t see it. The way they are doing it makes sense to me.

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Honor system NEEDS to come BEFORE battle grounds!!!


Definitely going to be changes to everyone. Hell, the lack of DM means Paladins and Warlocks can’t unlock their class epic mounts, so we’ll have to plan around that.

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I only have 1 item from DM right now on my mage’s pre-BiS.
This does change my tankadin set though as there were like 7 items i Had on the list. I haven’t gone through much of the other classes though.

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Wanna share that list when you’re done with it? I’m admittedly not very good at making gear lists and I need one for a priest now that it’s changed.

Luckily the rogue bible has pre bis before and with dire maul.

As we get closer to launch, I plan on doing/posting a lot of Priest related theorycrafting.

I just need to know exactly what state of the game I’m gonna be working with at launch.