New Player - The silence is deafening

That’s just modern WoW. This is what happens when you put all the important progression paths in gimmick Mythic raids that 90% of the community won’t touch. When all raids were the same difficulty we were much more social.

We actually did heroic dungeons as endgame content for valor grind. That provided a much more laid back environment to chat and hang out with people. Now it’s M+ dungeons only and RUSH RUSH RUSH to the next objective or you miss the timer. Normal, Heroic, and Mythic dungeons are just waste of time hurdles to plow through till you get into M+.

PvP is a joke and it’s just a place where decked out players in gear go to farm out new players. Gone are the days when everyone was wearing the same gear because PvP gear was gained from a vendor, at the same ilvl as everyone else for the same price. Minimal effort needed to farm it. BG’s went from being a place where people got to enjoy the game and have fun with their pvp gear while waiting for new PvE updates now its just… a reminder of how crap you are for not being 2.1k+ or in a mythic raid guild.

Yes, because you cannot type and attack/heal or tank at the same time.

If you want to talk and play the game in a dungeon environment, get on a voice program with the people in your group or figure out how people can grow 2 more arms.

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vast vast vast majority of the time, Im already in my guild discord having conversations, or converse in guild or etc etc etc.

Its nothing personal; when I hit up a random dungeon its usually with four randoms I will likely never meet again ever, and I’m there to do one job and then pizz off.

Sometimes there’s a little banter. Not usually much more than “hi” “still learning role, bare with me” or “let me know if I need to slow down a sec”
Most of the time I just get to work and then go.

If you want actual interaction and whatnot, your best bet is to look into guilding up. I know sometimes that can be daunting. but really can make some life long friends in the right ones :slight_smile:

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I’m a pretty social butterfly, but I don’t really speak in LFG, LFR, or Random PvP either. Maybe a few casual words of encouragement if they’re needed, or a quick strat tip, but that’s it. It’s the bottom of the barrel of autopiloting, even below doing old quests.

I DO talk a ton in dedicated groups, guilds, role playing events, and so on.

So as far as looking for interaction goes, first I’d suggest finding a guild that aligns with your interests. Then for general content outside of the guild use the group finder and try to build a friends list.

WoW, like every other MMO I’ve played, requires some effort to cultivate a friend group. But once you have one the world becomes a lively place!

EDIT: Think of it like this. You don’t usually make friends on the subway or standing in line at Starbucks. Maybe you have a nice encounter, maybe you have a bad one. The LFG system is the Starbucks line of content.

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Dungeons are too fast paced for most groups to have time talking in party chat. It was different at one time when groups would regularly stop to drink and eat, there was enough downtime to have a conversation. Now if you take the time to talk between fights you’ll either fall behind or accidentally run into a mob pack that the group tried to skip.

most social aspects have moved to outside coms (Discord) with guilds, raids, and M+.

I always type /fart when I enter the dungeon. There have been many times other players proceeded to type /fart too. Sometimes everyone remains silent.

That’s the only communication I do.

A lot of people have instance chat turned off… like myself, lol.
Classic is a lot better for socializing, or if you stick to guild content.

Until you get into mythic+, yup. Par for the course.

The content is so easily zerg-able that people gave up talking years ago.

Retail is some kind of strange Diablo-WoW hybrid, not really an MMO in the traditional sense anymore. Play classic if you want more social interaction and also a more RPGish experience.

Its social aspect is unrivaled… in boosting spam.

On a day like yesterday where a leveling ret paladin saw plaguefall 6 times in a row…you’d not want me talking in chat. It be negative and have the language filter going into overdrive lol. I was not a happy leveler yesterday. Not at all…I hate plague fall and in 6 runs…1 drop.

Currently in the leveling dungeons you will see alot of us on alts. We know these dungeons well. So we assume most do.

Also some like me go with the flow. We don’t want to start static in comms so silence can be best. I follow the lemmings. As long as badness is clearly tank’s fault…at least I won’t be blamed as dps lol.

Like today this char I have finally started to level. Hit HOA. the lemmings went left first. making for an inefficient loop that has to go back right to kill the 2nd anima holder to kill the boss. And hits more mobs in the yard to get back up those stairs.

But…I kept my thoughts to myself. Some take critiques well. Others do not. Not major end wording stuff…I can kill a few more mobs. Since I never know how this goes…I stopped since I don’t want bad blood in the crew.

Since I sign up as dps…either as demon huntard or mm huntard its assumed my input is not liked lol. Usually the fastest way for people to go wth do you know. Only tank and healer know THE WAY.

You are in a guild, play with them if you want social. The group finder is for people who are mostly just doing chores and want them over and done with asap.

I never found any difference. If you don’t go looking for social you aren’t going to find it, just like this game.

Pretty accurate.
It’s a single player game with multiple players.

If you play with friends and use discord for voice chat it’s better. Of course my friends keep quitting, because Shadowlands, so were down to 3 who regularly show up.

You don’t need an expensive headset either. I bought a $20 headset and it’s working just fine. FYI in-game voice chat is pretty much trash. I have NEVER seen it used, and the times we did try it didn’t work. Discord is a free download and works great.

If you’re interested in multiplayer social interaction MMO gameplay you either need to timetravel back to 2002-2010, get into an active guild who socializes, or pick up another game.


The dungeons don’t require what they once did. Part of the blame is the players, most of the blame is blizzard. Sure things are easier than ever, but are they better. I would argue. Don’t take it personally, sometimes its just people that might not speak English so remember that.

Welcome to wow. I mean… I guess it could be worse like league of legends bad? You’ll get your dose of that once you get into m+.

Be the change you want to see my guy. Be the change.

This is normal

Random groups are pretty quiet, unless you get a talker. I’ll respond at times, but most of the time, the pulls are happening fast enough that there is no reason to have a conversation.

Guilds on the other hand, tend to be more vocal.