New Player - The silence is deafening

…and the only reason I subscribed to Disney +

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Join a guild that uses disc and you’ll find that really social element you’re missing.

9 out of 10 times when people chat in LFD it’s to insult someone. That or just to say hi and nothing else.

Nah, I talk in chat all the time.

Literally never get toxicity.

Well at least on my alt characters when I try to get them to 60, I won’t be the one to initiate the conversation. I am using the LFD system to get up easily while sitting around and doing something else between queues. If you say hi or strike up a combo then yea will converse.

For “most” people playing by now its a task to get your characters up to max and go from there, thats why I am there. People arent completely anti-social, just anti-social (like me) where we might not be the ice breakers.

Not everyone will respond for various reasons, but if you chat enough someone will respond. For example, sometimes I will just have whisper tab open because I am in a convo during the dungeon and am not actively looking at the dungeon chat.

I would recommend doing Epic BGs though if you are looking for a little more social interaction. With 40 people there odds are someone is going to chat about something (be it good or baD).

Yep, this is WoW for the new age. When most people have the attention span of a Gnat, can’t really expect much.

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Silent groups are normal in WoW, esp. using the dungeon finder.

One thing that helped when I was new and used the dungeon finder was to say “Hi I’m new to the game. It’s my first time doing this dungeon.” Sometimes other players will help explain things that are good to know in that particular dungeon. If players leave, then you probably don’t want to group with them anyways. In my experience, there were noticeably more helpful players compared to those that left.

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What conversations do you expect to have with total randoms doing 15 year old dungeons that pose literally zero threat?

Also it’s gnat

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Good catch I missed the G, Glad you saved the day!

Who knows? That’s not the point though. He asked a question, I answered, Are you butthurt over something? Did someone pee in your cereal?

Maybe if you had a better attention span you’d watch your spelling.

I asked you a question and the first thing you do is insult people lmao.

What do you personally expect?


Never said it was consequential. Guess you are on a better server, I have never seen this on retail on any of the realms I’m on.

Ok, let’s be real. There is no comparison between classic and retail w/the leveling experience. It’s not even close. I was a doubter and even I can say it’s a night and day difference.

Most people who are familiar with each other would use voice chat among themselves. You’re just an outlier there.

At end game content it will be the same for mythic+ and if you’re joining someone else’s raid group as a pug. You won’t hear anything from anyone unless you ask to join in on the voice chat.

So, in short. If you’re expecting any interaction as a solo player outside of random bgs, then tough tiddy. Either get a group of friends that you already know or join a guild that is always on the move doing content.

i say ‘hello all’ at the beginning and ‘gg’ at the end. and occasionally reference the healer’s mother in the middle. Very outstanding woman, by the way.

Yes. One is long and more challenging and you spend much time with it. The other is streamlined and much shorter.

But that is inconsequential to the social atmosphere. I found almost nothing social in Classic from my experience. If I showed up in a difficult area, someone randomly invited me, I would finish the quest with a few of these random people who spoke not a word, and then they would quit group and leave.

If I would buff someone or heal them, they would not say a word and then move on without even a thank you.

If I was in a city, no one spoke except for constant begging for gold or groups.

The experience of leveling is mechanically different. The social atmosphere was the same for me.

I just call it tedium, i never really found Classic leveling challenging, unless you mean the challenge to keep yourself awake while you auto attack because you have no mana regen so you can’t actually use abilities.

Many years ago Blizzard implemented some “convenience” changes. Queues for dungeons, removing group quests, a queue for a lower difficulty raid mode, and cross server grouping. Toss in bnet whispers and discords and the “Social” player type is all but gone from the world.

Compare that to Classic wow where getting people to shut up is the problem. :laughing:

That all said though… Glazzed is correct. If you want to talk to people, do it. The biggest problem is a fear of admitting that you’re new. I would much rather have someone tell me and asking questions rather than having to wonder if they are new or if they found a rather interesting flavor of window.

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WoW is a game populated mostly by long-time veterans. On top of these players just being ridiculously experienced with most older content by now and therefore not feeling the need to talk about it, WoW’s leveling experience is also just… not challenging enough to warrant any real communication. You punch the things it’ll die. That was true before the recent level squish and it’s true now. It’s not engaging if you have any experience with the genre at all. Which is why so many people are happy that it takes like 1/4 the time now. If it’s not engaging and they’ve done it a hundred times, the goal is just to get through it ASAP.

If you’re looking for a more community-oriented experience, I’d recommend playing Classic, or TBC when that comes out. That community leans a certain direction I’m not fond of for endgame, but the leveling portion feels a lot better. You aren’t a juggernaut, things hurt, and people actually work together naturally and it’s a legitimate way to meet people. That’s something the modern game has lost in the name of accessibility.

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it ain’t that bad. you will run into people who like to talk. i never shutup cause to me after all these yrs the game is just boring without the chat, cause the content is the same old stuff . put effort in meet some good people btag em whatever, find a guild or whatever to chat with to. i don’t know what game half these people are playing cause i never run into these issues very often.

If you want communication go to classic, the catch is the only communication you will probably be getting in classic is “Go to retail” and an assortment of clever and not so clever slurs.

It’s like how people keep telling me this game is super toxic, but I run pug content and barely ever see any of it /shrug

Unless you go to trade chat, that’s like the wild west.