New Player - The silence is deafening

Yes, No communication is a thing in this MMO. It is almost like a single player game with bots in a dungeon with you.

Most people won’t say anything because there are toxic people where if you talk people kick. Why? No clue. It is dumb. But sometimes you might need to just start the chatter. I have been in more groups than not where someone talks others join in and have fun. But most people live by the rule to not draw attention to yourself which yes is stupid but that is how some people are.

It’s hit or miss man. I typically say hello everyone and wait and see. It gives me a general idea of how people will act in the dungeon is it more playful or serious. We get the job done either way, but usually yes they are like that. Welcome to WOW btw.

If I want to get people going, I prod them a bit.

Why say “Hey everybody” when you could say “YO WHAT THE ACTUAL F*** IS GWANZ-ON PARTY PEOPLE?!” That usually works.

Guilds are more social in this way. PUGs are not, tending to just motor through it and get it done.

I said “hi” every time I queue into a group. Most of the times I don’t get a response, sometimes I do. One time I even prompted someone to RP throughout the heroic dungeon run, which was actually quite fun to observe (I used to RP).

they could always flame you and give you the real wow experience. play with friends. those people can talk to you. randoms dont owe you a conversation.

Join a guild, people aren’t all that talkative in pugs, and when they are it’s got a high chance of being something you wish you hadn’t read.

Insult people first? You tried to be passive/aggressive with the Gnat comment and then act as if I was the one to come at you? People like you are a special breed. How’s being the victim working for you so far?

ON that note /ignore
I hate Gnats :slight_smile: