New Player - The silence is deafening

If you make some in-game friends, you can run instances together. Even if you make only one friend, the two of you can group and then queue for randoms. If the two of you chat in instance chat, others will see it and maybe join in.


Well,you just join the old folks club in Gd :grinning:


My problem is I can’t type and play at the same time :laughing:


That’s normal. Most are jaded, or don’t look to waste time. I on e on occasion will type something, like hey all, thanks for inviting me. If I get no response, just stay silent.
Did a mythic +, do kept dying to the one boss in sanguine depths, so after the second death, he was like u guys suck.
Needless to say, we 4 manned and completed it once that DK left. Oh, and we all conversed due to the experience.

If I had been there, we would have had some conversation. It has gotten to the point where if I act like my normal outgoing, friendly, sometimes spazzy self, it actually surprises some people - that being said, more often than not, I find that people are glad that someone broke the silence!

Be the change you’d like to see!

I bet you contributed to the silence, too. People will often respond if you say something.

If you want a social experience, you really need to find a guild or a stead group. I also wouldn’t expect much conversation over “chat”, voice communications are so much more convenient and the game even has a built in VIOP system.

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Most of the social activities are mainly based in guilds.

The difference is night and day.
Driveby buffs, rando grp inv, etc.
Small things that never happen in retail.
Tired of Classic myself buts let not pretend that the social aspect is even remotely the same.

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Perhaps for you. Definitely not for me.

I rarely see this and find it inconsequential. People do that now on my retail server too.

This is not social. This is just random invite, no one speaks, everyone leaves.

I see these happen every once in a while.

In my experience it absolutely is.

Do you need to? No. Should you? Probably.

With how leveling is currently within WoW, there is no real need for communication. Finding a guild and experiencing more voluntary social interaction like discord and such would give you more of the experience you’re looking for.

  1. Join a guild. 2. Join a community. 3. More talking done at end game in my experience. In leveling instances people are on auto pilot. 4. Check out trade chat in major cities.

Honestly, in instances, people are there to get the job done. Socializing is done outside them in guilds

The content is extremely old for most players and completely trivial.

Why would we need to communicate?

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perhaps you were leveling a low level character where people are usualy on alts watching youtube on their second monitor while leveling because i dont think theres a raid that goes by where no one says a word in instance chat at lvl 60 :stuck_out_tongue: i still get some fun random encounters just questing in the game on a high pop realm and even meet new people through guilds so dw about silence if youre leveling it should get better

once you join a guild and start raiding its recomended you have a mic but completely optional in most cases

Outside of a guild this game is terrible for socializing… mostly due to run spam. It is even most times with a guild.

Personally, the community is so hostile, or at least a small but indelible and vociferous group is, that people really don’t talk. Get in and out quietly, hopefully without any bad drama. It’s too bad too, because I think most people are quite good, it’s just the way this game has evolved.

Yall really overplay this toxic stuff. It really is not that bad.

I said small but indelible group, I ended it with most people are quite good. Read much?

This is the way