New Player - The silence is deafening

No, it is all rush, rush, rush.

I went completely solo so I could actually enjoy the game, instead of just running thru it.

If you want social I would join a guild.

I would say leveling has more people talking than you reach a point ,there is none. But because there is discord and others you wouldn’t see typing . It has become like an ancient language last to time.

It didn’t used to be like this. And it sucks.

I have found, for some reason, that players are friendlier when you play early morning (like 7-10am) on weekdays. I don’t know why. Because night-shift workers are friendly?

But I really think Blizzard’s game design largely attracts a certain kind of person more and more post-Mists of Pandaria. And it drives more friendly, laid back players away. (Obviously there are still some nice and funny players but they are harder to find).

I always say “Howdy” at the start of a dungeon run, and normally I’ll get at least two similar greetings as replies. From there, it’s more likely than not that people will talk a bit when necessary.

But when I’ve not said howdy at the start of a dungeon run and no one else did either, then typically a run will be done in complete silence, unless someone starts to nerd rage at the first sign of a problem.

/moo :cow:

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I actually seem to have some rare trait where people have been friendly and talkative. The other night, Friday I think, I took a friend into their first M+, groups were chill on the breaks we needed, we all were chatting on pulls, and they even helped him get to a +5 on his first night.

And that isn’t some one time thing, most of my random groups like to chat if the effort is put in and not just ‘Hi’ as the only way of conversation.

That is true. I talk on my guild’s discord far more than guild chat.

Chat has moved to outside of WoW in many cases.

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randoms dont talk alot

find a casual guild or one to your play level and run things with them, hop on their discord

“hiya” when i zone in
“ty friends” before i leave instance

99% of the time that’s it. if somebody wants to chat i’m happy to, but i’m also fine with silence.


There’s more communication as the content gets more difficult.

If you want to just make some friends as you queue with randoms, never hurts to say “hey!”

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Yeah, most people in that range don’t talk because they are just trying to speed level.

There is a lot more talk in later endgame content, particularly raids and guilds. Thats where I find the most social interaction though some higher levels of mythic+ also have a lot of talking. Unlikely in leveling dungeons but if you try and talk to people in max level dungeons they will probably talk back.

Well, I’ve been playing since 2005 and I say hello in the beginning of PuGs, even world boss LFGs and thank them when I’m done.

Anything more is not happening unless we’re waiting on something. I can’t type and run (mouse moves) and hit keybinds for the fight. Yes, I can walk and chew gum but talking during the game is another skill-set. Some people can do it (maybe auto-attack?) but I gotta watch my cooldowns and run from bad crap on the ground and etc. etc.

So hi. And bye.

ps. I talk a lot when in random BGs. Cheerleading, scolding road fighters, calling out incoming. I tend to be the guard/bait at Farm.

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You will need to find a Guild or Community to socialize. Talking is frowned upon in random dungeon groups.

When people chat I will chat but I’ve been playing for so long so a lot of those leveling dungeons are just going thru the motions. I will be watching stuff on my other screens or listening to something or chatting with another group.

A lot of players are fine with this and I think a lot of the social side moved to guilds. You’ll still want a mic and headset because even in a guild a lot of the conversation is over voice now.

Thanks all for the replies… I read each one and they all make sense. It REALLY made sense on the whole “they are leveling as fast as possible” thing.

I’m an old man IRL and I just like to interact as for me that makes it more fun… but its your guys game, I am new, so I will adapt.


there’s plenty of socialization and interaction! it’s just not really found in leveling dungeons. your best bet is going to be to find a friendly guild that does the kind of content you’re into.

my guild has people chatting in /g throughout the day at pretty much all hours, plus a discord channel people chat in about both game and irl stuff.


Ah,about guilds. if they have a new player ,It would be good to be open to them. I joined one even if you joined in the conversation ,no one would be talk to you . You might as well be alone and talk to a wall.

In current content sometimes you get a “Hello” at the beginning and a “GG” at the end.

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I see players talking in the newbie chat all the time.



As others have said, long time players are just there to level as fast as they can. They might chat if you prod them, but mostly they’ll just run the instance as efficiently as they know how. New players are so busy figuring out what they’re doing, they don’t really have the ability to chat with the keyboard.

OP, if you want random chatter, sit in a city and look at trade chat. (I’m not really recommending that.)

I always talk to others who speak in a dungeon.

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