Gauging new character restrictions based on only WoW activity during an anniversary launch is unacceptable imho. I implore you to consider updating the logic used to make this determination to consider a full 360 view of a player’s account history before locking returning players out of critical functionality for 30 days.
Additionally, if you keep this policy you need to make it MUCH MORE CLEAR when people subscribe they will be hit with it. Furthermore, you should issue partial refunds to everyone currently affected by this for that 30 day window if you are not going to offer classic anniversary players any way to get out of restrictions. This seems like a clear bait and switch issue.
You will want to move this post to the General Discussion forums for the development team to consider it.
CS has no say over development decisions and the devs don’t visit the CS forums for player feedback.
This is not something that they have ever offered. You’re welcome to view the refund policies though as they are located here:
This is a joke. I was never informed my account would be restricted, and now I can’t get a refund because I didn’t try to use the AH before 2 hours had passed. Great job Blizzard.
You can thank the botters and gold setters. Blizzard has to limit it somehow or else, the game would be flooded with new account, selling gold from here to space and back.
As I described, there are very easy ways with data the engineering team I’m sure already has to make this better.
If it doesn’t affect you why do you feel the need to weigh in?
If there’s a way to do this better, wouldn’t you think they’ve done it by now? Or to put it another way: What’s to stop hackers from breaking into accounts and spamming via that way? There isn’t a magic bullet for this kind of thing. If there was something to have it done, it’d have been done by now.
Because this is a player help forum. What do you expect from a player help forum when people are just helping you with the relevant information?
… because removing and loosening these restrictions would affect the rest of us?
If there isn’t a magic bullet for this what makes you think the current measures are actually working?
And no, a software org doesn’t do something without customer complaints and revenue loss…
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To advise you where to post to have your voice heard? As mentioned in the first reply, posting here will do nothing. You will need to post in General, as no one in development takes suggestions from this forum, nor are the SFA’s here liaisons to them.
Sure would be nice to get some constructive feedback or suggestions if you have them then other than “doesn’t affect me seems to be fine”
Or “I’m sure they would have done something if they could by now”
Customer Support is not the place for Feedback and Suggestions. If you want to provide feedback or a suggestion in regards to this, you’ll need to either post in General Discussion or via the In-Game Feedback submit tool.
Secondly, just because it effects you now, doesn’t mean it doesn’t effect other players as well.
The 2nd post in the topic advises you what to do. As it stands, the game is working is the devs intended:
I’m trying to think of a time where I ever used the AH 2 hours into a new character. Wait, I know when. Never.
I feel like this policy needs to be changed, and find a new way to punish bad actors. Cause this aint it. Imagine coming back to the game after years of being gone. There is zero way for you to know you cant use these features upon return due to poor communication.
Player then logs in, and cant do the thing. Probably the last 15 dollars you’re going to get from that person for awhile, or maybe ever.
I have several friends who returned for fresh who already quit because they were told they needed to wait 26 days to use a feature thats part of the game they paid for because they hadnt played the game for years.
Guess you got their sub money to hulk up those Q4 numbers though.
Blame-shifting at it’s finest.
RMT is a problem but that does not mean that Blizzard has to punish new players so harshly. There are so many other ways Blizzard can do it, and their lack of care around this issue absolutely deserves criticism.
And what are your ideas to fix it that won’t be abused by botters/gold sellers then? If all you can say is “Don’t have it in the first place” then we’d be back in the days of old with gold ads.
… this is Blizzard, dude.
Its not our jobs to come up with the fix. We’re the customers.
I bet you blame people when they get robbed on the street too.
There’s absolutely no reason the mail restriction can’t be eased to allow for account-only mail. That would be a HUGE improvement with literally no downside… and that’s just off the top of my head.