Hello, I’m currently a level 61 frost Death Knight looking for a new player friendly guild. Since I’m only level 61 I’m willing to start again on a new server but right now I’m playing on Azjol-Nerub. I have discord and a Mic so I can communicate and I should be on pretty often considering I’m enjoying the game a lot. I know this game is a lot more fun with a guild, and I’ve been looking lol. I’m available almost all the time so feel free to add me with Seeker#12911. NA by the way.
Hi there! We would love to have you if we sound like what you are looking for! <From Ashes> is an alliance guild my husband and I lead on the Whisperwind/ Dentarg servers. We are a social/ casual guild with a low stress raiding environment. Most of our members are older members with children and full time jobs. Our goal is to have a guild that feels like a family, where our members actually care about one another and want to hang out. We are firm believers that real life comes first and that this is supposed to be something we enjoy, not a job. We raid Wed/ Sun from 8p-10p cst, have lots of off night events scheduled (in game and out), and a pretty active discord. We try to do as much as we can together as possible whether that be fun runs/ mythic dungeons/ raids/ achievements/ etc. Here is our guild spam if you want to check it out: [A] From Ashes (Dentarg/ WW) LFM
If we sound like a good fit and you would like to chat please contact me in game or add my btag: Chelusa#1974. Good luck in your guild search!
hi there!
For Crits and Giggles
is accepting casual players and players that are interested in raiding trying to rebuild our raiding team we are 7/9N BoD and 1/2 Cos. We raid on Saturdays 8pm to 11pm central time. We are on US-Rexxar Server.
We also do achievement runs and mythics plusses and help people out leveling. Hope to hear from you:smile:
My Btag- Valckin#11875
We sound like we could be a fit for you. Here is a little snippet you can review and if you have any questions please feel free to add me.
<Wardens Tyranny> Turalyon – US is recruiting all DPS classes and potentially a healer with DPS OS. We are a non-hardcore raiding guild focused on Mythic dungeons, helping others gear, and non-hardcore raiding (Non Mythic focused). 6/9 H BoD 2/2 N Crucible
Raid Times 2 days a week
Tuesday 8-11 PM EST
Thursday 8-11 PM EST
Hi, we have several people around your level and don’t mind running low content at all. I’ll look you up on bnet.