I started playing World of Warcraft about a week ago for the first time and I think I’m ready to look for a guild. I’m a FFXIV raider and am having a blast leveling in wow. I do a lot of my own research and learning, and I love running dungeons; I hope to learn M+ in the future after I finish Dragonflight and am more familiar with game mechanics. Looking for a casual guild or one that is newbie friendly in more intense content.
Hey, come check us out. We are an older crowd, very accepting of new players and don’t mind helping out. If we sound like we might be a good fit then hit me up in discord and we can chat some more.
[Custodians of the Void] We are openly recruiting new and old players that want a social and fun leveling atmosphere. We are doing Mythic + runs and are trying to form full teams for it. We run both an alliance (Stormrage) and a horde (Shandris) guild of the same name.
Let’s chat over Discord.
Hi Sunnytea!
If someone is looking for friendly social community, the beating heart of a MMO, Found a Green Quest (US Horde Zul’jin & cross realm/cross faction community) is the place. While we have Keystone masters and amazing players, we have many more in the community either returning to WoW, in classic or just finding their way through the World of Warcraft in a casual friendly environment. We have mythic Mondays for a respectful and fun environment. We raid weekly in Wednesdays and Thursdays (7:30pm-10pm EST) and are interested in building up people not tearing them down. We have plans for guild sponsored PVP, regular t-mog runs to old content, Guild trivia and game nights, Pet battle tournaments, almost any activity you can think of in the game. If you’re a high key pushers but are getting turned off by negativity, or are a casual looking for a fun and friendly community or are a new or returning player intimidated by everything you see ingame and in Wowhead, we have Plenty of people ready to help you out. Give Found a Green Quest shot and you wont regret it.
Let Kiuayoukai, Kira or Van know if you’re interested!
Discord Kiuayoukai#2395
Battle.net Kiua#1912
Discord- Lexiii#1872
Battlenet- LexiRenee#1472
Discord- Vandro#5790
Battlenet- TheHammer#1904
Hey Sunnytea!
We are a new guild called on [H] Area 52. We run weekly raids, M+, achievement nights, and more! We are completely open to new players and helping said players learn the ins and outs of the game. If you would like to chat more, message me on discord! Rory#0376
Hey Sunnytea,
We have a lot of guild members who have played FFXIV and joined us and were more then happy to help explain the difference in the game and mechanics as well! Would love to chat with you!
Corrupted Intent is a 21+ horde guild on the server Area 52 looking for like minded players to come join us, with an AOTC/Mythic mindset.
- Knowledge of class/fights and prepared for the raid
- Communication
- 80% attendance & punctuality & accountability for raids
- Progression Mindset, and a team player, includes ability to take constructive criticism
Raid Days & Times:
Sry about your parse Fri & Sat 8-11pm EST
WTB PI - Monday 7-9 EST
Current Progression 8/8N 6/8H (Sry about your parse)
WTB PI- New team forming
Sry about your parse needs:
Healer High Priority: Disc Priest, Hpriest, R shaman
Ranged Dps High Priority: Lock, Mage- Arcane/Frost, Boomkin
Needs: Everything
Any and all players that feel they would be a good fit, should apply whether your role/class is listed or not
While raiding is our primary focus we do also welcome any player interested in Mythic + as well as wanting to just be social and apart of the community.
Contact Information:
Btag: Aria#13773
Discord: xstarlite#2756
- im from Area52 (Guild: Dont Tease Me Bro) About Us: A semi-casual guild with progression, we do
Mythic Plus, Raids, & PvP. Raids fri/sat 8-10pm est, and Discord is only {required} for communication during raids. VoI 8/8 NM, 2/8 H Also, we have openings for all specs and are in need of officers if you are interested and we believe you are a good fit for the position. It is not necessary to transfer factions or servers, but the more the merrier.
looking to build a solid heroic raiding Team, M+, and pvp content! Contact information: Mooney#12761 Btag, Mooney#4629 Disc
Send me a req on discord! Stormie#6791
Hello! I help run a guild/community on stormrage called falkor. We are alliance but have a discord community for cross faction/realm play.
We are looking for players of all skill levels to join us in raid and just hangout in general. Our goals every tieir is to clear heroic then do a few mythic bosses for fun. This tier we are currently 8/8 heroic and 2/8 mythic.
I see that you raid in FFXIV. Myself and a small handful of people in the guild also raid and hangout in FFXIV in-between wow patches. As well as other games.
If you are interested you can contact me on discord: Chibibunny2#4469
Hello Sunnytea!
After reading your post I think you might be a good fit for us, if your able to move a little bit with the times. so I wanted to drop by and tell you a bit about our little family to see if you might be interested in learning more about us. We are a progressively-minded AOTC Alliance guild on Stormrage, that’s currently looking for more players to add to our roster for DragonFlight. We have 2 progression teams to choose from! (Raid times for our teams are in the link I’m including)
I’m including the link to our guild information for you to check out if you find an interest to do, as we do have other things going on throughout the week and plan to be adding to that soon! We have something for everyone! If you are interested in learning more about us or have any questions please be sure to contact me! The best way to reach me is on Discord at Byndi#5161. I hope to hear back from you soon and that you have a great night
hi Sunnytea, I still need to get into FF14 to finish endwalker, but glad youre looking to take your first step into guilds, please hear us out, i think youd make a great fit:
Who are we: We are three mythic raiding friends who are seeking to build a second home in WoW. We just created the guild so it is very much in its infancy but we are very much committed to building a strong family to do all kinds of content with.
Our goals: Our main goal is to create an environment that you can log on and just have fun with us. We dont want this to be a guild but rather a family, and families can butt heads sometimes but in the end we all make up and grow stronger. We are aiming to do mythic+ and normal/heroic raiding when we have a group of 10. However we will never raid seriously, it is going to be a chill place to just take down bosses, do drinking nights, etc…
As a guild we havent progressed in any raids but leadership is 8/8N/H and 3/8M.
Raid times: Monday and Wednesday at 7:30pm until 10:30pm PST
Recruitment needs: We are open to all classes/roles along with casual players.
If you’re interested please leave a reply below or contact me via:
Discord: Grum#9775
Bnet: Grum#11774
We would love to have you join our family and we can absolutely help you get caught up to modern wow and even help you with your class/spec. Give us a chance <3