I want beefcake night elves using the Zandalari body. Just, y’know, with the correct number of fingers and toes
I just wanted a haircut.
Whew busy day yesterday and didn’t get to respond to these. I would definitely like more customization for the existing races. I’m still waiting for the Nightborne to look like the NPCs. Gilgoblin options for Goblins, Frost Dwarves and Stone Dwarves for Dwarves, buff Trolls for Trolls, skinny Kul Tirans (I’m mystified this wasn’t implemented with Kul Tirans what a joke), etc.
I like the idea of a third faction but it’d be difficult to implement not just game wise but as a faction that could seriously take on the other two. Tldr it would need a few large capital cities, a big enough population to field a large army, an economy capable of supporting industry, resources to build ships for a navy, technology for flying machines, etc. I don’t think there’s really any races right now that aren’t playable that could support a main city like Orgrimmar or Stormwind.
It would need a defection of a few of the core races probs.
I asked myself the same thing, and still do to this day, every time I think about cool outfits (particularly skimpy ones) that Blizz could have made… and then look at every NPC in Suramar City, the Night Elf Archers from WoT, the Wardens…
Blizzard, please, don’t let those outfits just sit there on NPC models. Especially when you have player versions of the Nightborne! We just want more cool wardrobe options
Ok, I finally decided to elaborate on the races I think would fit each faction storywise.
To reiterate from my last post, these races I think are a no-brainer, considering they are already faction members or closely associated. And no, I do not believe any of them should be customization(Barring the Undead Elves, if they are somehow able to let you choose different undead body types under Forsaken racial tab…)
Ogres(Stonemaul, Dunemaul, AU Ogres)
Taunka(United Taunka Tribes under Chieftain Icemist)
Forest Trolls(Revantusk Tribe)
Hozen (Forest Hozen/Grookin Tribe under Chief Kah Kah)
Undead Elves (Part of the Forsaken)
Gilgoblin (Unshackled - Under Neri)
Broken (Part of the Exodar Draenei)
Frostborn Dwarves (Ruled by Velog Icebellow)
Jinyu/Ankoan (Pearlfin Tribe/Waveblade Clan)
Furbolg (Stilllpine Tribe in Azuremyste)
As a side note for alliance, I 100% SUPPORT wildhammer as a race rather than customization- it is a disservice to them when Bronzebeard and Dark Iron have individual races and much more lore due to it. Same with High Elves to an extent being mushed into Void Elves.
Now, onto races not directly in or closely associated with either faction. I know some of these races are in themselves, unlikely to ever be playable. But it is still fun to think about a what if situation.
Sethrak(H) - I know some may think they want them for Alliance, but truly, storywise, I don’t think that is the best outcome. They are building their relationship with the Vulpera up, and presumably the Zandalari. Joining the faction that outright attacked both of those people would not do well for their relations- and if another war broke out, being surrounded by enemies alone is not good…just look at the Night Elves.
Centaur(H) - We already have a centaur that joined the Horde in a comic(?). While historically enemies of the Horde, and specifically the Tauren, it wouldn’t be the first time that it has happened. The Zandalari are a good example, and Tauren are very forgiving, especially with Baine in charge. I believe they could negotiate and lead at least a few clans into the Horde either due to Alliance aggression in the area or a larger threat that they’d need help with.
Children of Cenarius(A) - If we are talking about Centaur, we should talk about these guys too. They have very close ties to the Kaldorei and due to that, Alliance in general. After Teldrassil I could see a group of them leaving their neutrality and fighting alongside the Alliance in any upcoming conflicts.
Quilboar(H) - They, logically, could go either way as they don’t have any real strong connections to either side. That being said, I just wouldn’t be able to imagine a scenario where most of the Alliance would accept them with open arms. I would reckon they have a much better shot with making peace with the Horde and getting help from them.
Night Elf Worgen(A) - Self explainatory I think. They helped hte Gilneans come to terms with their curse, and keep it under control. They would be able to easily be able to come out into the world and aid the Alliance in the future I think.
Ice Troll(H) - While the Drakkari are practically extinct, there are other, more minor, Ice Troll tribes in the world. Them joining the Horde after the Zandalari have is a no brainer in my opinion, especially with the one minor tribe named being in conflict with the Alliance, more specifically the Dwarves.
Naga(H) - This was a one I had a few ideas for, but ultimately, I think the Horde would welcome them more. And I am not talking about Queen Azshara and all the naga, it’d require them to be a rebel movement that is leaving their Queen. Now, while I don’t think Blizz will ever do another neutral race, I think Naga COULD potentially work as one, if they made them two separate groups that asked for aid from each section. Don’t make them come from the same group. But anyhow, seeing how Tyrande reacted to the Nightborne- she still held a grudge, I don’t see her accepting Naga. Thalyssra wouldn’t oppose to the Naga I feel, as she also accepted the Nightborne that joined the Legion back into Suramar.
Vrykul(H/A) - I think Vrykul could be interesting in either side, though depending on the faction they would be entirely separate beings. For instance, Frost Vrykul for Horde while maybe Stormheim Vrykul for Alliance, due to what happened in Legion. Not much else to say, but I think it would work well.
Drogbar(H) - I would say they are technically in the Horde still, but we have not seen that confirmed. But they are still allied and part of the Highmountain tribe, so either way, they’d fit best into the Horde. I would not see them betraying Mayla to join the Alliance.
There are otherssss but I cannot continue.
We are still campaigning for gilgoblins in the Kelfin discussion thread. I’ve posted some very interesting gilblin druid form ideas and custom options.
THere is only 1 answer and it is Yaungol.