New Playable Races Ideas

I definitely think Ethereals would be neutral given their nature. I kind of think Botani would be a neat idea for a neutral race too. They’d fit in well with the Night Elves as natural Druids and same with the Tauren.

I will proclaim til the day I die, Alliance got CHEATED out of Seth’rak. Cheated I say! Mechagnomes are good, they’re fine. I have one, I love my mechagnome, I love me some gnomes. But for the Horde to get Vulpera, and for the Alliance to NOT get Seth’rak? Boggles my mind. I want lizard men. I want them. Gimmie. Please, gimmie.


I wish Alliance got Seth’rak and Horde got Vulpera, then in Nazjatar/Mechagon patch Alliance got Mechagnomes and Horde got Gilgoblins.

Then, let both the Mechagnomes and Gilgoblins be druids. One is mechanical forms like a tiny transformer & the other could just use the Zandalari forms as they are all pretty sea-friendly.

Also recruiting Jinyu and Hozen from MoP, recruiting Tonka and Kaluak or something from the WotLK… would have loved a bigger allied race campaign that took us all over.


I read posts like this and I think, huh. This is so logical and should have been so obvious.

Then I look at what Blizz does and I really feel like the entire company lives on another planet.


The Taunka are already part of the Horde. They’ve just been forgotten about by Blizzard, there’s absolutely no reason why Highmountain Tauren were allowed to be playable and not Taunka.

Really, most of the allied races are just skin and racial cosmetics on existing races and shouldn’t actually stand alone in the character creation screen and making it so crowded. Instead when you select, say, an Orc and then by gender you get the option for ‘Durotar’ ‘Maghar’ ‘Fel’ ‘Iron’ etc. And you proceed from there into customization.

Same goes with the Tauren, you should have the option of picking from Mulgore Tauren, Taunka, and Highmountain. Heck, throw in a wandering Yaungol as an option as well. We don’t need explicit allied races taking up screen space and vaunted as an race option when they’re really just cosmetic customizations.


The fun is having more racials, heritage armor etc. It enriches the game. Their crappy UI needs all sorts of redesigning, no matter how many races there are. It’s horrible.

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“New” races a la allowing players, after an introductory zone like pandaren, that can pick which faction they want to hang out with. Alliance tauren. Alliance Forsaken. Horde dwarves. Horde worgen.

Actual newly playable: Naga (Illidari), Krokul, Quel’dorei (even if it’s just customization), hozen, eredar (even if it’s just customization), mogu, and ethereals.

Mild troll bone tossed out because give them alternate physiques and more niche customizations to really branch out the sand/forest/ice stuff. Aside from the mildly lackluster female stuff, Zandalari were actually a pretty solid addition to the aesthetic of Horde.

add pandaren again to make people mad about Jack Black and furries - there is no difference there’s just two pandaren buttons on the character creations screen


And with my suggestion, you could still choose your racials by picking which ethnic group you wanted to be. All it does is clean up the character creation even more by removing all the redundant choices.

If they add new races, they need to actually be new races with new body types.


I like the idea but I also have the controversial but correct opinion (don’t @ me) that a lot of the current Allied Races need to be merged into their parent race.

That’s right, I’m talking about you Lightforged Draenei, Highmountain Tauren and to an extent Mag’har orcs.


I’m fine with that if it’s Rizzy’s way of still having racials. I’d want a charge-type racial on a Taunka, for example. And also to be a Taunka rogue that charges people out of stealth, or perhaps charges away before vanishing.

Also: Grummles. Maybe not an allied race, not that I wouldn’t play them, but just more of them please.


Naga but only if the playable race name is Fish Elf


This. 100% this right here.

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Thanks everyone for your feedback! I didn’t think this thread would blow up like this. You have no idea how nice it is to be able to have open mature discussions about things like this without the GD toxicity creeping in.

Anyway, I do think merging races together would go a long way cleaning up the character creation screen. Like how Orcs have the upright and hunched option, make a menu with an option for sub races (Mag’har, Fel Orc, etc.)

Taunka got shafted in BFA. I like Highmountain but I much would have preferred furry ice cow. They’re honestly my favorite species of Tauren and I would absolutely play one if I could actually look the part.

All these races would open up so many doors even with the RP scene. If Naga were a thing I’d start a Naga RP guild based out of Vashj’ir where we hangout underwater and build a new kingdom.

Given the state of things right now with Blizz and the game, an expansion focused on new races and existing locations in Azeroth would be such an easy ticket to money. Less work having to design all these brand new areas, getting to use pre-existing writing to write a new expansion. Blizzard make me CEO plz I promise to make shareholders happy.

They aren’t even completely forgotten about by Blizzard, they still toss out the occasional NPC to taunt us. I recall that there’s a taunka flight master in WoD nagrand.

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I would almost rather they spent time fixing the game instead of just tossing out more races. It seems like when they do that it’s their way of distracting players with shiny new toys while the game itself stagnates. Not that I am against players having fun but if I had to choose is all.

Besides you know we won’t get any of the fun ones you guys want. At the end of SL they will just poop out Bastion and Venthyr options and shake each other’s hands.

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I have nothing against the Taunka. But I should point out that they have only a different Male form. The females are standard issue. So, if they were to added them - I would hope they’d do something a little different for the females. Blizz seems to labor under the assumption that no one plays females so they tend to get left out. But that’s just my personal little gripe.

While I would love to see more races, I do agree with Gorebath that I would love to see them fix the game up a bit first. That being said, some more neutral races would be nice.


Give me Gnolls for either side.
Can be hired by both Horde or Ally.
We know Gnolls are easy to hire, prob for relatively cheap, as we see various baddies with Gnolls happily working for them.
Hire as cannon fodder.


I’d love to play my undead as an evil Mr. Burns like figure and yells RELEASE THE GNOLLS and pulls a cartoonishly silly lever and a buncha gnolls come running out chasing away whatever pesky Homer Simpson.


Alternatively - MORE ELVES.

I like

Big Elves
Pretty Kitty Elves
Really Witty Elves
Singin’ Ditty Elves
I like the Leggy Elves (With the nice thighs)
I like a good chest (of loot), no matter what size.
I like the belly folds
I like the six packs
The really tall Elves
And the short snacks
From the mild Elves
To the wild Elves
You got style Elves
Make 'em Riled Elves

…Yeah I really like Elves.


No will not elaborate nor should I need to.

Thank you for your time.