New Patch. Same Mistakes

Apparently not, because your comment made no sense with what he said. lol

thanks for the input hun

You get your belt at revered.

And yet you cannot counter it with anything but overwrought mud
 or rather, pooslinging :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: .

Counter what? You claiming there’s some huge deal about choosing a legendary slot and how that’s good gameplay and me telling you that it’s a crap system? I mean, I literally did. :roll_eyes:

I want an OLD style lego again to where it takes a massive grind and lots of hard work to get. No pride in receiving something that everyone else has and that was more easy to get than some of the epics now.

Of course
 so that we all buy more tokens.

Wrong. You get your belt at a certain point in the campaign.

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I agree, but the problem works itself out as time progresses. If your legendary is in the belt slot, I would just forgo the double legendary until you hit revered which shouldn’t be that far from when you complete the chapter to get the 265 belt. If you’re pushing the rep, you’ll probably hit it around the same time. You’re not going to want the belt anyway because I don’t believe you can upgrade it. I’ve actually powerleveled my JC’s ring recipe because I fully intend to throw this on rings for pretty much all of my characters for example.

The whole gear shuffle we’ve had all expansion ha been a little annoying, but it’s been interesting as well. We’ve had the puzzle of holding onto gear to maximize our secondary’s for a while because of dr’s, but this adds another element to that puzzle. Annoying, I still agree, but I’m not sure I want to complain about it.

If you login and do a bunch of chores every day for the next 3 weeks
you will get the reward you want. Ouch.

Also, that doesn’t sound familiar?

I mean, less emphasis on waiting around for rares, but now double the emphasis on going in daily due to the fact the weekly has been moved to a twice a week cadence.

The sad thing is - they had a recipe for success. I would likely still do ZM (at my own pace) because for the first time in a long time, they have added cool mount models to the open world that are unique. Instead, now I will have to grind it out and be bitter about it the entire time.

Chill its a 9 set tier set I think if your helm is taken youll be OK

You get them both at the same time at week 5

Agree that negative feedback systems seriously undermine the dopamine feedback loops

And they are generally only implemented to increase grind and serve cash shop metrics

Yet I believe somebody will find a way to get to revered before getting the belt, though, lol.

This is the exact sentiment. With work, family, social life, I dont play WoW every day. And as soon as someone mentions that, the WoW-Hards say thats a personal problem. I dont really see it as a problem. Just the nature of a portion of their player-base who aged with the game.

The crux is that there are a lot of players who cant play every day. And designing aspect of the game around playing every day negatively impacts those players.

An idea as a solution is simply let Daily Quests be repeatable, up to a weekly cap. Since by only having a few daily quests up every day, there is a finite amount of times you can do them in a week anyway. Which creates its own weekly cap.

I think this is a decent compromise, as people who can play every day, can either do the dailies every day and spread them out, or just grind them out in one day and do whatever else they want for the rest.

I feel that there isnt really a need to drive this play every day focus. Its purely driven my numbers. How many people log in every day? How to Increase MAU’s? This management decision to drive MAU’s as a primary metric has really hurt the game in a large way.

5 Pieces. Yes it will be fine. The point I am making is that they create these negative player experiences within the game. Then they add in a way to work around them, with yet another negative gameplay experience. When they could just not have those specific pressure points. And they eventually cave on them anyway.

Look at Covenants. Shadowlands DRASTICALLY improved as an expansion when covenant swapping became available and they removed conduit energy. They were so stubborn and obstinate about them. They took a negative player experience of being locked to a covenant. Then they added in a way around it. Which involved two resets of a tedious fill the bar quest. Which was addressing a negative gameplay experience, by adding another negative gameplay experience to work around it. There was plenty of negative feedback about it as well. Yet they dug their heels in

Then they made the change for us to freely and quickly swap and it had a positive impact on the player base. They added renown boost catchups and conduit catchups. And again. It improved the gameplay experience for a lot of people.

People want to play the content they enjoy. Blizzard needs to be ok with that. They just need to make the varieties of those different aspects of the game fun, and let people play the aspects they want.

Some people want to WQ and daily grind for mounts, cosmetics, pets, rep ect. Make that fun and let them do it.

The same with M+, Raids, PvP, Brawlers Guild and solo play. Give each aspect paths to improve a players character through gear, and just let us go do those things. Instead of making layer upon layer of systems and currencies that every character has to do, put that time in the classes themselves. Talents being a big one. There are so many specs with tons of dead talents. Rework dead talents. Make them more fun. If they are OP for a bit, fine. Correct them.

Our characters are the lens we experience the World of Warcraft through. Our class and spec play an immense role in that. When our talents and specs, languish for expansions, where they rely on being propped up with these bolted on systems it hurts that experience. Where our characters stagnate until 3 new layers of temporary systems address a problem with the core of the spec. Then come next expansion, the spec is back to being in a poor state till the new bolted on system props it back up again.

Blizzard seems to focus on adding a “New Engaging System” every expansion to drive MAU’s. And this strange need to add this thing, that everyone needs to do, because its tied to player power and it is tied in some arbitrary way to the story.

They need to get back to this. World of Warcraft is fun to play. Dungeons are Fun. Combat is Fun. PvP is fun. Being out in the World is fun. It doesnt need a new reason and system to be fun. The core aspects of the game are fun. Just let us go have fun.

If they want to add in new things, great. Focus on making them fun, and be ok with some players not doing them. They have been shifting into this design choice of “We want you to play the game this way and do these things we created. We know better than you, and we made this new thing, so you will have to do it. Whether you find it fun or not, you have to do it, because we have tied it to all the other content.” Instead of “We made these things that we hope are fun. Go play with them. If you dont like them, its ok. Go do the other things in the game that you enjoy doing.”

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The math works out that with only making time to log in 4 times a week instead of 7, you’re only 1 week behind the crowd who can be on for multiple hours every day. (pending RNG rep drops)

I understand this. And I know I will catch up and be fine. They have added systems in to work around all the pressure points of the system. Again, my point is, they dont really need to add in work arounds, if they just didnt create all of these arbitrary barriers in the first place.

YES — Forget all this legendary stuff (because they are not exactly adding a legendary experience to the character anyway.) They are simply talents added.

They NEED to focus on updating all characters Talents. Like most of us already know you only end up choosing one talent in any giving row while the other two never get used. (Might switch up only if you are doing PvP vs PvE)

And we not really getting two legendaries it’s just a piece of gear with your covenant on it lol

Oh, well that makes it all better. I guess we should be thankful they embraced the 4 day work-week for their chores?

From memory there was huge backlash on launch of MoP due to the time-gating of the golden lotus rep behind other reps, as well as the gating of dailies behind reps. Thankfully none of those were really tied into player power and were mostly crafting/consumables with the exception of a couple of items which were pre-raid bis (and quickly replaced because that expansion actually dropped loot in raids). Blizzard also listened to the player complaints and removed the rep-gating, introduced tabards and BoA tokens.

Remember the good old days where the gear you got in the previous tier was enough to get you into the current tier of content? Not so much these days, because between raid tiers you’ve got new systems to contend with and if you’re not up to speed with those systems you fall behind the rest of your team. I can understand that those pushing Mythic raids spend a lot of time maximising everything, but a Normal/Heroic guild shouldn’t require farming rep, legendaries, conduits, tokens, currencies, M+ etc etc just to maintain their status. I miss logging in on raid night and contributing to the kill. Now it’s "you need a flask and food and pots and runes and a 265 legendary and do at least a +15 and
 " No. That’s not fun for casual players.

The new legendaries are nothing more than costly glorified talents (in fact some of them used to be talents, and some current talents used to be legendaries). We’ve been told in the past we can’t get a new talent row because “bloat” and “effort” but we can somehow get convenant/artefact abilities, conduits, legendaries etc every few patches. Also as you said, the current talents are so poorly balanced and designed that in 90% of cases you pick your talents when you hit max level and never change them again. Maybe you’ll swap out one talent for an AoE fight, but even then its rarely worth it. Worse is that despite all the QOL over the years we still get entire talent rows based on pvp or solo utility, or perks that once existed baseline removed and introduced as talents which makes specs feel bad to play.