New Patch. Same Mistakes

The new patch has some promise to it. Im looking forward to playing it. However, currently I think they are making the same mistake over again with the new legendary. By making it belt only, and covenant power only, until you rep grind the memory, they are creating a negative feedback situation.

Let me explain. So for my Prot Paladin. One of the legendary powers I use is for the belt or helm. So when I gain the 2nd lego, I have to use the helm slot for it. Now that puts my legendary into a tier spot. Now this has zero problems, if I dont get the tier helm. But if for my two piece, one of the two drops I get is the helm, then I have to make a different legendary for a different spot, till I get a different piece of tier. Then that same process repeats, if I get 4 piece of tier.

So by still having legendary items, be for specific slots, which in many cases are tier or in SoD domination slots, they created the same problem again. And they will have to patch in a fix again.

I dont understand this, when the solution was always so simple. Add Wrist and finger to every legendary power. Simple. It interferes with none of blizzards systems. It doesnt interfere with tier. I dont understand why there is this need to implement things that can cause, in cases negative player experiences, for really no logical reason.

And they end up counter engineering themselves. For example, in Nathria, you wanted to craft your legendary on your legs/chest/shoulders/helm, to get the largest possible stat gains. Then in SoD, with Domination gear, you now didnt want your legendary on Helm, Chest, Shoulders or any slots with the option to have Domination Shard gear there, because of the power tied to domination shards. So if you got your 3rd Domination socket armor, but it was in your leggo slot, you had to re-craft a new leggo. They counter engineered themselves.

Now again. By adding the belt legendary in, and adding tier, they counter engineer themselves again. In some specific cases they are nullifying certain legendary powers, till that player has unlocked the memory, or gotten 5 pieces of tier. Again, I dont see the reason for the convoluted mess, when they could just add Wrist and finger slots available to all legendary powers, and not have the issue at all.


Not knowing how the system works and then making a post about it is probably not the best idea.

You also get a token at revered that lets you craft the cov leggo in any slot.


Not reading the post and making a comment on it is counter productive. I did mention that it is a problem till you grind the rep for the token.

This in itself still creates the same problem. In some cases you are legendary locked till you get to this point. And then you have to craft new legendaries at this point. Legendary blanks cost gold. Having to buy several blanks just to keep moving your legendary around is expensive.

So you again have a negative choice. Do you just roll with one legendary power, till you grind revered, then buy and craft your legendary where you want it to go? Or do you spend the money right away to craft a second legendary to use two powers, then once you hit revered, craft another legendary to move the covenant power? Do you craft another legendary so you can use your 2 piece or 4 piece tier? Then when you get your 5th piece move the legendary back?

Yes hitting revered and getting the memory solves a lot of this. But again. They are creating a negative feedback experience because they counter engineered themselves. No one wants to craft and recraft legendary armor to shuffle the power around as they get gear. And many players wont. They simply will wear one legendary, and not engage with the fun of double legendary items, till they hit revered, and can craft the legendary in a spot where they know they wont have to re-craft it.

So instead of putting a token, at revered, and forcing a rep grind, to overcome a negative aspect of a system they created, they simply could have completely avoided the negative aspect of the system, by simply adding Wrist and Finger slots to all legendary powers.

So by saying that I dont know how the system works, and then giving an example of the negative feedback experience I am explaining doesnt really prop you up. I know your instinct was to attempt to throw in a “Got Ya! You’re Wrong.” But in actuality, you just reinforced the point I was making.

They added in a token at revered reputation that lets you overcome a negative player feedback aspect of a system that they made, instead of simply avoiding the negative aspect of the system to begin with.


If you can do the dailies every day, the 2 biweekly quests, and all the campaign quests, you should get the memory at about the same time as you get the belt.

The counterpoint is that the creation catalyst will exist.

It’s not the same problem as shards, because you only need 4 of 5 tier slots to activate the max power. To use the max power of the shards, you needed 5 of 5.

If you put your legendary on the slots with the lowest primary stat budget, some people will complain about needing to make it there for tier and then feeling obligated to re-craft them onto a higher stat budget slot once they get their tier sorted.

Writing two novels and still not understanding how it works.

They designed the entire expansion before releasing 9.0. So of course everything is based on the same mechanics and principles.


i guess the reason because Blizz doing this is because they want maintain the trade “life” so most players need buy items

This guy. At what point do you just don’t want to play the game? If you feel like you “have” to do something instead of “wanting” to do something, then maybe you are just not having fun to put up with the grind, time to move on.


You seem to misunderstand. Progression players want to do their content, but these things are things they have to do in order to get to what they want to do.

He doesn’t have an issue with the grinds. He has an issue with the legendary system itself.


The real solution is get rid of legendaries and make the powers another talent row/tree


Ok. Would you mind laying out what I am not understanding please?

They have created negative gameplay pressure points in the legendary system and the implementation of double legendary items.

They then created ways to circumvent these negative gameplay aspects.

They then created negative gameplay aspects by gatekeeping these ways to circumvent the negative aspects, one behind rep, one behind the creation catalyst. There is the crafting aspect of them which is gatekept behind gold. (Yes you can craft yourself, but the vendor mats cost 100’s of 1000’s of gold to do so)

The point that I am making, is that they can avoid a lot of the work arounds that they create, by simply smoothing down the pressure points. Instead of adding a way to remove one negative aspect, by doing another similar negative gameplay loop.

Im sure I am missing something. And im sure the next argument will be that “Well if we did that, we should just mail everyone mythic raid gear.” Which is not what I am getting at. Why not instead of creating the belt, then have to create the memory from the belt, to remove the restrictions of the belt? Instead of just forget the belt and have the memory be the unlock?

I will give credit that they have been starting to address or just acknowledge the negative gameplay aspects, but they just seem to do half/measures or reiterations of the same negative aspects, rather than just address them.

WoW is my game of choice. Aside from RPGs or Strategy games that peak my interest here and there. I love this game. And through good or bad. Irritating or not, most likely I will play, and find a way to enjoy this game.

I want this game to thrive. But when I see these aspects, the ones that drive people away, continually reiterated on, it gets frustrating. Also the length at which we have to do things we dont want to do, to do the things we want to do is the issue.

The Torghast Soul Ash/Cinder grind is a great example for me. I do not enjoy running it. I run it as little as possible for what I have to do. But with my limited time to play, having to spend a chunk of that time during a week, grinding out ash/cinders is irritating. I will do it, because I have to. But its not a positive experience.

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You aren’t required to use the belt. You can keep your bis leggo in the belt and make your cov leggo in a different slot.

They are all just choices.

Whether or not any individual choice constitutes a negative for you depends on your game play and then you can evade it by making a different choice.

If you don’t want any choices or challenges, perhaps you should try a different game, one that you can just swipe your Visa for rewards in.

After you reach revered rep. Which you can get to, if you do your dailies, weekly, and world boss every week.

But I dont play every day. Some times with work and life, I can play on one of my days off a week. Some weeks I can play more. So while I will just have to grind out the rep, when I can to do so… my question is why create this pressure point? Im going to get there eventually, but its just a unnecessary pressure point.

And I have explained that I understand I dont have to use the belt. But until you reach revered the belt is your only option for double legendary.

Also with the tier issue. There will be points, till the creation catalyst is unlocked on week 8 I think, where you will have to choose, double legendary or 2/4 piece tier. Or craft a new legendary. Or use a legendary you dont like, because it does not have a slot conflict.


And when all choices have negative impact, people can choose to play another game.

Actually, it shouldn’t feel bad to play the game. The fact that players are expected to make choices that feel bad no matter which option they choose is not a good thing.

That’s a personal issue for you.

You unlock double legendary and the token at revered at week 5

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But they don’t.

All those choices have both benefits and drawbacks.

If someone is such a snowflake they cannot deal with choices involving both benefits and drawbacks, they shouldn’t be playing MMORPGs at all because every significant choice has both benefits and drawbacks.

Sorry everything is not all sunshine and roses for you but that would make a pretty boring game.

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The legendary system is the least of MY worries for 9.2 is simply… all there seems there is to do is craft pets and mounts. And the zone is not as big as they made it out to be.

I think people would rather play something fun than commit to a grind just to have fun.

Somebody at Blizzard has lost the plot for retail.

Revered isn’t a big grind. The bulk of your reputation is from the campaign quests, and the 2 weekly quests.