after new patch i noticed a weird behavior as soon as i pressed any movement key, some weird mouselookbehavior would kick in.
as suggested by someone in tradechat, “/console rawMouseEnable 0” fixed the behavior but now my mouse feels less crisp and … mushy.
i just want yesterday’s behavior -.- is there hope for a fix or is this the new way to play wow?
Nope, that’s the way it’s going to be forever!
heh, you never know. Path of Exile removed my ability to remove shadows and post-processing as well as bloom, forever 
kinda sad they had to mess with it at all, it was pretty neat the way it was!
known issue means its gonna get worked on i guess, that’s good! thanks.
They applied “fixes” to the camera and made it way worse.
geez. I hope this crap is fixed before I get home from work.
That’s why they said 8 hours