New Overwatch lore [Spoilers]

Zunde lives in a monastic cell confirmed.


I love how we’re talking about Overwatch lore in a WoW’s server forum. What does this have to do with WoW? What does this have to do with WrA? Can someone explain to me how an Overwatch gayboy is involved with our server.

Also, lol @inclusiveness because Blizzard was racist to a Mexican.

do these people just enjoy outing themselves like this

is it fun to out themselves as a jerk


What did Zunde’s applejuice thread have to do with WoW???

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what garbage can did you crawl out of i’m looking for a new place to live, PM me


exactly what are you talking about


He also put in a federal complaint. Came out about it after seeing Soldier 76 stuff come out and people praising Blizzard for inclusiveness.


Also, Moon Guard of course. Decided to move to WrA. You’re Alliance. You’d be fine over there.

found a new submission for r/woosh


Yikes. This thread went places, then came back, then went places once more.


Yikes indeed.

Who is this person?



On the one hand, that’s really awful, and I hope that guy gets his justice.

On the other hand, the failures of the management of Overwatch esports doesn’t make the inclusion of a gay character by the Overwatch developers not inclusive.

On the third hand, a cursory Googling search fetches a lot of articles about what hypocrites Blizzard are for having a gay character and this issue simultaneously, and not a lot of evidence that Gemma Barreda-Mirkovi even exists beyond exactly one site listing a few credits, which perhaps sets off a minor alarm bell.

On the fourth hand, I really can’t get over the fact that this guy’s Twitter handle is “Psychlolis,” which I really, really hope means something in Spanish.


it does not

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If you read the guy’s longer explanation linked in his tweet, that’s the person responsible for most of the racial abuse he suffered.

I do agree: representation is good. But it doesn’t make institutional bigotry okay, and this is not the first time I’ve heard of Blizzard being pretty hypocritical on the subject.

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Ursuola I didn’t wanna get crap for saying all of that, but I certainly thought it. Every part.

I was looking for more on the story and basically nothing about it exists anywhere outside of that guy with a vaguely pedo twitter handle telling it. I mean if that happened, that’s awful, but I’d need more than what I have to condemn Blizzard as an openly racist corporation.

Also, Zan, I was referring to Lissarra, not the “gayboy”. To be clear.

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