New or Future Monks: Do NOT Get Dragged Down By These Forums

On it’s own, mistweaver has a strong base (it could be stronger in regards to mastery and haste). We have pretty high tuning in our base rotation compared to other healers.
The biggest problem ends up being that our growth is extremely linear, we don’t really get more power then the flat increases to crit and vers. Borrowed power systems exacerbate this issue in most cases.

I think one of the bigger problems we face is that the other healers application is very exponential with the numbers of people that require healing. Mistweaver does not. Essence font is a spell that presents a lot of problems. It’s incredibly strong the less number of people it hits, but if there’s too many, it doesn’t do any considerable healing to so many people, our HPS appears to bloat while not being effective as a result.

Vivify is essentially, just a cast-time uplift, perfectly fine with it. I do prefer this iteration of Renewing Mist over the old version, but it does cause its own issues. Old renewing mist & uplift cleave was a bit too strong, it wasn’t hard to sit on enough chi that took no time to gain. The new mist and vivify left a void where you didn’t have as much coverage as you did before. Essence font was the reply to this, you fixed the coverage at a lower healing rate in exchange. They overkilled the idea of the solution.

However judging things from the tip top is never a great idea or else you get s1 wod ww.
And we still are feeling the effects of those top monks complaining going out of 5.4, with our chi generator cost.

I’m not sure if I’m reading this right, but pretty much all healers have in-built caps to aoe healing.

At least for the WoD implementation Uplift actually got weaker when you healed more then 6 targets, since it was put on diminishing returns with a target cap. Essence Font is basically just that but given less overall control.

Missed conveying my explanation. What I should have stated is the value of the spell as it hits each person doesn’t really change like mistweavers does. Light of Dawn will heal each target it selects for the same amount, every time you cast it. Essence Font heals for so little, because it’s balance for being able to heal the same target twice, problem being if you have enough targets that that doesn’t happen, the healing you do is considerably weaker.

It did get considerably weaker, yes, you actively had to keep your RMs at a manageable number to not neuter your healing. The replacement style takes the choice of neutering your healing out of your hands by shifting the problem to a different spell.

I think necro ships off as is, no way they change it at this point.

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Okay, yeah that makes sense. Really focuses in on the oddity that Essence Font is at this point, being the only rotational spell in the game that hits 18 targets at max. Even more fun, while the healing per target increases more from it hitting a target twice, the overall healing can drop as much as 17% if it only hits 6 targets.

Yeah it’s really odd, if you heal too many targets the value goes down despire HPS going up, and if you hit too few it does the same thing. The numbers where it tips from impactful healing to underwhelming seem to change based on circumstances and variety of content.

It’s an overcomplicated solution to what was realistically a small problem.

That would be bold if it didn’t get fixed before launch. Means that if Necro happens to make us great (better than other healers) we will receive the “fix” and be left at a low tier most likely. When they nerf monks it tends to be just a nerf and no compensation to make up. Will 100% be interesting.

TBH I hope they fix necrolord ability or at the very least buff the other covenants. I really don’t wanna be a necrolord Panda Monk! Night Fae tree is so pretty. I make big trees all the time on the ground!

You are correct that you can’t often tell what caliber of person you are talking to. That’s why arguing facts and counterpoints is wayyy more productive than attacking the poster (regardless of which class they post on).

If it’s a post about fun and enjoyment then don’t argue at all because it’s purely subjective.


Yo nice mog


Blizzard gets a bruised finger and amputates the arm. Too true.

Most recent is versatility scaling with the terrible idea of corruptions. Blizzard address the future non-problem (because scaling shouldn’t get that out of control) by adding DR to all secondaries. Instead, if secondaries were well balanced with class kits and versatility damage reduction wasn’t a flat “half the damage percent” (because that exponentially gets better as you approach 100% damage reduction), they could’ve avoided nerfing the entire game… :man_facepalming:

Again, in my reply post, if you post something with substance and contributive of the topic or opinion, that’s perfectly valid. People are jumping more on the fact I pointed out this happens almost exclusively with classes that don’t match the part of the forum they’re posting in (resulting in short nonsensical or helpful posts that irk more than just me), rather than my explanation of what content is actually helpful from anyone.

When people post absolutely nothing constructive, contributory, or even a supporting opinion, then I don’t want to hear it. The post I was specifically replying to was of the latter variety, not the former. If you’re Qwangish then that post is very different from the rest of your posts, as you’ve visibly put thought into your replies.

Two statements and a question.

  1. You can dislike what they say but you or I are by no means gatekeepers to who may speak on these forums. So telling people to “go away” or “stop posting” is silly instead of just providing counterpoints to their arguments.

  2. I read your post in response to me and agreed with most of it. That’s why I though bringing up someone’s class they post with is irrelevant and distracting.

What is Qwangish?

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1.) There are appropriate places for posting things like that, a thread where people are visibly going into detail about what’s wrong isn’t it. If they want to input unhelpful opinions and statements, make a new thread or find one of the many that already exist. This thread started as one of those and quickly developed into an in-depth discourse on why it isn’t in a good spot.

2.) I’m glad you agree with the points brought up, I guess the main difference in approach is you operate on optimism when dealing with people here, and I operate on pessimism. I’m not saying people can’t contribute to the discussion from other classes, but the need for them to validate their stance becomes more prevalent when they do.

Answer: Qwangish is the trolly lightforged hunter I was replying to.

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Thank God Qwangish was a name. It’s not everyday I have no idea what a word means.


It will most likely get nerfed, if it does during nathria raiding if I had to guess. FO is What I’m going to go so it doesn’t bother me none.

Lets hope the other covenants get a buff!
2k mana for stomp is crazy!

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Playing a Brewmaster Monk going into Shadowlands, and I am wondering if I made a big mistake from reading this class forum. I’ve always been a DPS player ever since I started playing in the last 1/3rd of MoP. I was told that BM Monk is a good go-to Tanking spec for those new to the Tanking role. I also want to use him for World PvP and Farming packs of mobs.

Did I make a huge mistake, or no?


The monk BM does not have the problems with the mastery and climbs well with the team, they have made changes but it is still good, if it is your first tank it is the best choice, the complaints of the experts are that it is a boring tank.

By google traslate :slight_smile:

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even if they’re a bit undertuned, their stagger passive will still make them one of the easiest tanks to learn the role on. you’ll have a fun time

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