New or Future Monks: Do NOT Get Dragged Down By These Forums

My experience playing it in beta, and several other peoples would respectfully disagree, along with the majority of the Peak of Serentiy discord. I’m assuming you’re a PVPer and tried out the venthyr ability which is bugged, cause that’s the only way I can see you arriving at that conclusion. I also presume your use of the word parse was meant to imply log. Parsing is a firm ranking system for cleared content, you can’t parse for content that isn’t released yet, warcraftlogs supports beta logs, but doesn’t parse them.

Regardless, you’re yet another person trying to dictate that monk concerns aren’t valid from a different class. If you can’t offer a drop of sound feedback to discuss, find somewhere else to troll.


How is this determined? Please tell me it’s not based on which they class they post on the forums as.

I’m failing to see what you’re referring to. Players who play the class have concerns, that much is blatantly clear. The only other bit of info in that reply was stating they should contribute to the topic rather than be like “lolgetoverit”.

I don’t see any determination in that quote at all, unless you meant to quote another post?

I’m trying to figure out how you, and some others, determine whether a poster plays monk or not. I ask this because saying someone doesn’t play monk has been used to dismiss the opinions of some posters.

I am posting on my monk, displaying I actively push harder content on the class.
If you state you play monk as an alt, that’s perfectly valid, you can see the problems we’re addressing even playing the class very casually. They might not affect you as severely if you’re not pushing the same level of content as us, but you should be able to see the problems that are there if you show any amount of genuine interest in the class.

Posting on a level 10 alt, or posting on another class, shows me nothing about your level of interest in the class. This is a group of people who are very passionate about the snowflake they added in MoP, it plays differently from most other classes in the game.

Even with that, if you’re another class posting and you have a legitimate thought out post that directly addresses some of the issues and concerns the communitys heated about, I’m not going to discredit you for posting on another class. If you post nothing of substance, on a very touchy subject, to strictly jab the community, then your post has to value to me.

This is most commonly done by people on other classes who don’t really have a solid understanding of what they’re crticizing. I mained resto shaman for several years leading up to MoP, I don’t make posts in the resto shaman forums because while I may not see the issues brought up there, I’m no longer familiar with the class enough to pass judgement.

A lot of the issues with the spec are being megaphoned by people who play at the top difficulty level, if you want to sit at the table and join on the discussion, show me you have a basic understanding of the class either by displaying knowledge or posting on a monk who’s done the content.

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Being megaphoned by who? Cause jack who is the third best MW in M+ ranks MW as number two for keys. Kariz who is number two is liking MW so much on beta she’s gonna be playing it SL, from what she’s been saying on stream. And you aren’t really pushing any content high enough for you to say that. You aren’t even CE in a tier that is without a doubt the easiest of BFA. And you seem to run M+ very casually.

If you’d read my post history, you’d see that I was indeed stating that Mistweaver was strong in keys. I watch Jak quite a bit. There’s a reason MW is in a swing spot in his raid ranking video, MW could go up in rank if they ship out with a bug, or could go down in rank, it is a big unknown at this stage since there’s been little consistency in buffs/nerfs and virtually no communication.

In regards to CE, I was hit with the lovely roster boss this tier for over 3 months. Doesn’t mean I haven’t been mythic raiding.

You want to see some of the issues? Go watch the Sloot video where he interviewed the mistweavers from Peak of Serenity.


I thought it was babs and jfunk, both WW

There are two videos for monk thus far. The MW came out before the WW video.

he has a different video with abelito, dhaubbs, and… I can’t remember the third off the top of my head.

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never saw anyone link the mw, hm

Fatal ones is the third.

It’s actually linked in one of the earlier posts in this thread.

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I haven’t been so diligent is look at all of them. When I get the chance I’ll go look up the video, I have made it aware I don’t care enough about mw to comment on things I want or fixed, but I can keep an eye on it at the least

There have been some changes since the video was recorded as beta builds rolled out, but nothing that major fixed or broke anything they addressed. Chi-ji was reowrked but not in a way that helps, though it’s hard to tell since the main benefit of the talent hasn’t worked since before that video was posted.

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I watched that video, but I’ve also played MW in beta in raids, and I don’t feel bad playing with fallen order. It’s a lot of fun with tears legendary as well. If you yourself don’t like MW that’s fine, but don’t undermine another person because they don’t post on a monk or whatever, pretty trashy.

I have encountered far too many trolls on these forums over the years to take someones claims at experience at face value, while having my opinions discredited.

Are there people posting on other characters that legit know what they’re talking about? Sure. Unfortunately the forums are a den of people who make it impossible to tell.

Nothing trashy about it.


Will be interesting if Tear of Morning receives the nerf. Also be fun to see if Necrolord ability is nerfed before the release or after.

Tear probably won’t be nerfed since it’s healing is technically capped depending on the talent choice.
But necrolord likely will either be fixed or changed to limit the power of the additional cleaving.

I’ve also been doing a lot of beta testing myself, and don’t want to spend another expansion propped up by borrowed power. Bonedust Brew makes mistweaver healing incredibly strong with the bug. Fallen Order, which not being very interactive, is also quite strong. I want you to look at the healers without covenant abilities, and then you might see the point a lot of us are getting at.