New official SoD video announced this week by Aggrend

Aggrend just dropped that major class balance for PTR this week and also new SoD announcement on the world of warcraft youtube channel sometime this week.

Looks like P4 soon.


Cap unless it’s on Wowhead and there’s an alert in every SoD Discord channel created to date.

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This is what I get for assuming any good news is a lie. And not checking Wowhead or Discord.

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P4 wont be until after 4th of july weekend for sure

July 11th is my bet. If the PTR/Video update comes out on Weds/Thur/Fri it will be roughly 2 full weeks for it to come out. My next bet would be July 18, which would be slightly under three weeks.

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which means the first posts about Phase 5 should be around July 20th.

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It better not be. TMI, but I’m getting a colonoscopy that day lol. Is it an omen?

Youll probably have more fun at the Dr’s.


Most likely July 11th or 18th, with 18th probably more realistic.

why are people counting on july? it could literally be first week of august at this point because there is nothing to lose as they already hit rock bottom. Why would they rush it now?

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it means S4 will be a PITA?

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I mean…duh. Dawntrail is launching July 2nd.

We already know Blizzard holds back releases to coincide with a released from a competitor. Or to coincide with the a new Quarter on the horizon; they like to release mid-Quarter to get a small boost to the ‘current Quarter’ and then have that boost flow over into the next quarter.

Rest in peace the 2h sham dream, no second attack, more speed. Although I am curious to try the 4.00 speed reaper lmfao.

:headstone:RIP homie

lmao wow

“utility matters when discussing class balancing, but not for shaman”

sick game

It kinda sucks, I never wanted my class to be fotm or Op. I just wanted a middle of the pack dps that used a 2hander and supported the homies. But apparently 2h actually does okay dps now even if it’s an auto attack boring bot.

But does that mean shaman just got even more OP?

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I hope 2h is good
I hope ret is good
I hope all the classes at least have a fun time. Aggrend’s response to the question pretty funny. “It sucks to get nerfed” brooooo imagine maining a hunter and seeing that after shaman got slaps on the wrist since February lmao

yes Aggrend having my burst nerfed in PVP does in fact suck. it sucks so bad that I haven’t wanted to play the game in like a month and a half. It sucks so bad that I don’t want to queue because my faction feels that my spec is a detriment to the team. I don’t care about raids unless it’s a means to an end, the end being: “can I kill dudes better with this?”

had no motivation to raid since Crowd Pummeler was BiS.

but hey man as long as ele and dual wield shaman is having a good time right? SP caught a huge nerf and in the same breath as justifying their low PVE DPS due to utility, he’s like “it’s ok Enhance is nearly on the moon with warrior, we don’t want them to have a bad time u guys”

my copium for P4 has almost run dry, but I guess we will see what they deliver.

same, but SoD quickly turned into an arms race

“we aren’t going to try to balance around PVP”
adds world PVP events and new honor gear

Enhance wasnt great in pvp before and now they can’t heal with maelstrom procs outside of the uber bad lesser healing wave.

Enhance is a free HK to us good pvp’rs. Ele looks like its gunna be disgusting at 60 tho

enhance hasn’t been as strong after current DR/HR, they were cracked in 50% DR and still strong without any damage/healing reduction, ele shot to the moon in PVP after burn buff.

we’ll see what rolls out in P4 but looks like ele stocks going way up again

Enhance will be strong. At the tail end of my enhance career I ran with a healer anyways and dumping all my MSW into damage never heals. I will have wolf sprint and damage now, and earth shield plus sham rage. It won’t be bad at all. I wouldn’t even pay attention to these “good players”.

The game isn’t 1v1s and enhance dominate in team fights.

Hell I dropped one of my 40 kill games playing enhance with burn rune and flametongue offhand just roasting people with flame shock still.