New official SoD video announced this week by Aggrend

people complaining about MSW healing nerf don’t bother to think about all the other free instant healing components they get, enhance will surely be strong.

my money is still on ele being absolutely clown shoes broken again. I could be wrong and maybe earth shield+riptide+wolves makes enhance top them in PVP, although ele can freely use all of these too lmao. oh yeah and they can all use them in conjunction with a 20% wall on a 1 min CD

waiting to see what further adjustments come to all classes this week I guess

man I might if I ever play or get a game play ele with rockbiter way of earth with shamanistic rage like HOLY GIGA BROKEN.

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lmao I used to joke that SoD ele sham was designed for a make-a-wish kid that just wanted to dominate BGs

not so sure that was a joke coming into P4

but watch out! I can do 110% weapon damage (physical still) to 4 dudes every 10 seconds AND have my normalized seal damage now! (DS still doesn’t proc a seal) AND I can go fast for 3 seconds. no more exo insta resets though

A) It’d be weird to have a preview video for p4 over a month before it launches.

B) War Within comes out in late August.

Given this and that other phases were released on Thursdays, July 11th or 18th seems like the most likely date for p4.

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