New NPC with a disability in Dragonflight! (spoiler)

Which he replaced with blades.

Comparing a deaf character to a piece of paper on a desk? Nice one.

Take yourself out please :wastebasket:.


I’m afraid that’s your derangement shaping what I said into what you want it to be. I’m saying “spotlighting” it, celebrating it, it’s unhinged. This addition is about as important as if they added a character that’s missing a gallbladder.
Maybe they need to start handing out anti-delusion medication as much as they hand out SSRIs.


It doesn’t really bother me deeply or anything, but it is annoying to see Blizzard pander so blatantly and watch as people eat it up and soi face over it like its the second coming of Christ.
And having the signing character explain what’s going on like the context clues aren’t enough to let somebody know just feels patronizing as hell.

The Drakthyr in the wheel chair was far, far more silly and the people who liked that are dumb as hell.

It’s not nice to call people who can only do LFR disabled.


Anytime Blizz tries to be subtle the people that don’t even read quest text tend to throw tantrums

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Ah heck, some absolute hack of a journalist is going to make a 13-minute video with a ridiculous thumbnail on YouTube dot com over this.

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While we’re on about pointless representation and needless spotlighting, where’s my pseudo-caucasian, overweight, depressed, male characters?
Actually, knowing how the crowd that makes a ruckus about this stuff is, I wouldn’t be surprised if the current writers gave most of them the Shadowlands shortcut out of Azeroth. For equity’s sake, of course; entirely noble, yes.


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Farseer Drek’Thar: I feel the flames dying down. What is happening, exarch?
Exarch Maladaar: We have a visitor. Perhaps… a savior.
Exarch Maladaar : We are freed! Follow me, shaman. We will escape through the hills.
*runs over a little bump. 5 sec later.
Farseer Drek’Thar: …Heeey wait a min-

Eh. I like ragging on blizz a bit but I think this npc is a neat little idea.

I mean Gallywix is right over there


Where did I imply in that statement that, specially that only people who are Disabled strictly run LFR?

Who cares lol

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He’s green, and an absolute party animal with personal resorts hidden probably all over Azeroth. Debauched he may be, but I can’t imagine he’s depressed, especially when there’s still challenges he can choose to uptake despite already having attained wild success.

me at 18:

“that person is deaf or blind I wish them the best, I hope science advances so that their condition can be cured”

me at 36:

being literally afraid of people with deafness or blindness if they are smart because they literally have telepathic powers

They also have a pretty prominent blind Night Elf in lore too… though he’s quick to point out that while he is blind, he is not deaf.


Honestly, making the deaf centaur the best hunter of the clan makes me think centaurs sucks at hunting.


Garrosh never listened to anyone, does that count?


-_- i was just trying to make a funny

This is nothing new.

Canonically, demon hunters are blind without their spectral sight, and we’ve had several characters missing one or two eyes.

Then you’ve got the Shattered Hand. Mind you, that’s a case of ritual mutilation, but the fact remains that the orcs in that clan are missing limbs.

Plus, there was a pandaren that was mute before he was killed in Garrosh’s attack on the Vale in MoP.

Characters with disabilities are not new or special in Warcraft.