New NPC with a disability in Dragonflight! (spoiler)

And your name doesnt go far enough
Heard of vowels? XD


Slow day for WoWhead, I guess.


laughs at blizzard

we know the company is blind though.

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They had a mute Steward in Maldraxxus. Considering all the fighting that goes on I think there should be more disabled characters.

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Not Kewl Broski :sob:

Greatness always starts with Gr - Gr 2022


Honestly, love this thanks Blizz for the diversity :heart:

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Oh wait isn’t that one Bard in Maldraxxus deaf or something? I know the other NPC’s tell him to sew some ears on so he can hear how bad his music really is. But I’m not sure if that was literally or figuratively.

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This is cool and all, but it won’t change anything.
People have been raising Kain about gay (can I say gay? I don’t even know anymore TBH) people being represented but we’ve had gay elves since WoTLK, and Budd since WoD (atleast I think it was WoD).

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I mean you got an entire class that is disabled. Demon hunters.

In addition to their mental disability, they’re also all canonically blind too…even if it their own fault they are.


And half of the Horde is technically disabled, that back posture needs medical attention, seriously.


This one?

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Alterac Valley has had a blind orc since Vanilla.



Not really.

Rather, they have their own way of seeing things.

I thought Drek’thar has been blind since vanilla.

We had a blind human too.

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TBC Kargath chopped both his hands off :person_shrugging:

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I joined in wod.
Hard to tell what came before

Because Deaf people exist and it’s good for Deag people to be in the media we consume.

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Nass, the ghoul was deaf in WOTLK. that’s why you smack him with the boot.

Then don’t. You don’t have to leave a comment. Personally, I like when these sorts of things are added.