New Nelf Capital - Old Nelf Capital

The problem is the Kaldorei lands have been slowly whittled away. Originally you could of drawn a line roughly on the southern borders of Ashenvale and Azshara and everything north of that was Kaldorei land.

  • Winterspring was lost when the Steamwheedle cartel moved in largely uncontested

  • Azshara was given to the Horde in good faith there would be no further attacks post cataclysm (lol)

  • Hyjal became neutral under the care of the interfaction Cenerion Circle

  • Ashenvale was never fully reclaimed after cataclysm and

  • In BFA both it and darkshore were of course steamrolled and then Teldrassil got burnt down.

We sort of have… nothing left, really… insofar as securely claimed land we can rebuild on.


No, it’s just at times I prefer to use avatars that are more topic appropriate.

But sometimes I feel too lazy to switch. I’ve never done it to pretend I was someone else.

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For those who might wonder about t he guild name, it’s a guild of three Tauren Paladins one of each spec. We’re each named after a New Jersey town with a Lenni Lenape place name. the other two active members are HoHokus and Mahwah.


I don’t really see it this way.

  • Goblins are helping Starfall Village in Winterspring, so I doubt the Steamwheedle don’t recognize Night Elf holdings in Winterspring.
  • Tyrande technically only said she permitted the Horde to us Azshara’s lumber, she did not actually say the Night Elves were ceding Azshara to them.
  • The Cenarion Circle is still lead by Malfurion, who is obviously now pro-Night Elf, so I would see any Cenarion Circle held land as Night Elf land still.
  • And both A Good War and Elegy did show that the Horde had abandoned their holdings in Ashenvale after the Siege of Orgrimmar.

However, this did happen, yes. Still, I believe the Night Elves won Darkshore back in Tides of Vengence. What is still needed is for the Night Elves to officially get Ashenvale back, but at the very least there is the mission tables to at least say that the Night Elves are fighting for Ashenvale still.


What’s the point if it is technically their land?
Most of those lands are empty and any Night Elf presence is barely bigger than a camp or two houses big.

There was more Horde presence in Ashenvale as far back as vanilla than there was Night Elf presence. Most of those regions were pretty abandonned.

Moonglade and Felwood are really the only places in question (I don’t care for Desolace, so I’m ignoring that place), and both have sizable Night Elf settlements in Nighthaven and Whisperwind Grove. Neither are abandoned.

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Felwood is a blasted ruin and until cataclysm it there weere barely 2 houses in it that belonged to the NEs.
Moonglade is more Druid (shared by all factions) than it is solely Night Elf.

We’re post Cataclysm now.

Which goes back to my original point:


And yet despite “belonging” to the Night Elves all factions are allowed to run around in it.

All these locations may have been very Night Elf in WC3 but after WoW Vanilla and Cataclysm it is clear they are anything but.

Feralas has more Night Elf presence than Felwood and Ashenvale put together.


Doesn’t make them not belong to the Night Elves.

Plus, hell, the Horde were supposed to be the Night Elves’ allies after Warcraft III. Thrall and Malfurion were even happy to reunite at Mount Hyjal.


Yeah, cuz the Night Elves are half a continent away in seclusion and the Tauren sent no runners to request aid, the Night Elves are allies not babysitters. If the Tauren needed their aid, why didn’t they request it?

Thrall and his Orc/Troll friends loaned them a hand in the end anyways.

Also, what Amadis said.


I think this is a case similar to the Horde not reacting to the burning of Teldrassil: It was just never written, and everyone draws their own conclusion from the silence.

I do hope that we get a lore explanation of what the night elves thought (or didn’t know) about the tauren’s plight with the centaur, though. It’d clear up a few things.

On topic: I like pretty much all of the ideas here, though my favorite by only a small margin is for the night elves to regrow a new city in Teldrassil’s husk. Or, if the next expansion is on a new continent, I think the night elves (and Forsaken as counterparts) should build a city there so their capitols can serve as that expansion’s hub.

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The problem with Feralas is that it’s SO far south. In order to make sure Ashenvale remains unmolested they must have a presence in Nothern Kalimdor. Those are their lands. I elect mind a second outpost in Feralas but not as the new capital. Even with portals they are just too far away.


Everyone’s trying to figure out where to put the Night Elves. I’m over here trying to figure out where to put everyone else.

Some are easy. The Bloodhoof Tauren go to Highmountain. The Darkspear go to Zandalar. The Shatterspear go in the ground.

Some are slightly more tricky, but doable. The Orcs and Mag’har join the Frostwolves in Alterac. The Forsaken reclaim Lordaeron.

Some I have no clue on, like the Bilgewater. Tech stuff isn’t my aesthetic, so I kind of glossed over what the current state of Kezan is.


I just choked on my food :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Make Kalimdor Purple Again?

Also, Kezan seems to be fine. At least it’s stable enough that the Venture Co. have gone back and are now mining and processing azerite there.


Unpopular opinion here.

I see an almost complete exodus of Night elves from Kalimdor, the establishment of several new tree house colonies in Eastern kingdoms - Eastern & western plaguelands (with obvious night elf face lifts, healing the land etc) and Duskwood for example. Post Teldrasil they decide not to all gather in the one place again where their entire civilization is vulnerable.

Night elf exodus
End of BFA we get our buts kicked by N’zoth who we indirectly empower through healing the titan soul with the heart of Azeroth. Major old god cysts/tentacle spires, erupt from Teldrasil and in Tirisfal Glades. Several lesser sites erupt throughout Azeroth with established old god presences. Western Kalimdor is lost to combined Naga and old god forces as well as parts of Eastern Kingdoms.

Off topic:
I’d like to see the Forsaken re-purpose and reposition Naxramas (or other Necropolis) and have an Over City.


I like that idea. For a while now I’ve been a big supporter of the Night Elves healing and colonizing the Plaguelands. Would give a nice new story/chapter to the entire region in general.


That is like saying Blood Elves should abandon the Sunwell and move to Ungoro.
It ain’t going to happen and should never happen.

I would prefer Blizzard’s original plan of just leaving everything in limbo at darkshore and forgetting it.


It’s true though. All of them. On-screen, where I can see it. No mistakes this time.

Honestly, a multitude of problems could be solved by making Azeroth purple again. Especially now that the more explodey elements of the Night Elves have been shunted off to the Horde, or turned into fish-snake-things.

But, being the kind, reasonable, dare I say, generous soul that I am, I could settle for just Kalimdor.