New Nelf Capital - Old Nelf Capital

Quel’thalas was scarred not burned

:roll_eyes::roll_eyes: We’ve seen this idea quite often. First off, the Kaldorei are not your maids! Clean up your own blighted mess of a land!

Secondly, we’re not leaving one of of the last 3 enchanted forests on Azeroth for Lorderon. We do that and the Barrens will extend from Orgrimmar to Darkshore as we know the orcs have no sense of preservation. Everything will torn asunder. 10,000 years plus of culture gone! I also don’t trust then not to burn down Nordrasill either.


I don’t recall this at all to be honest.

Anyways, I imagine the Dragonflights might have something to say about current events and how good a job the Horde is doing at protecting the World and keeping it alive. It never made much sense for the Dragonflights to spread that responsibility to the Horde. Maybe certain other Alliance races (Worgen, Draenei, Pandaren), but the Horde at large? Talk about a mistake.


I don’t get this arguement to dump the nelves in northern Eastern kingdoms. You can’t convince long time night elf players to give a rat’s behind about a green tinged Medieval England variant #474838294 that they’ve never had any attachments too.


I’ve just spent the last hour in this topic and I love all ideas, but I’m wondering if they will actually build new capitals. I mean, it took them half a decade to make one for the trolls and the gnomes still don’t have gnomeregan? I’m not a huge fan of the whole “each faction in a continent” thing, and I definitely don’t love the idea of abandoning our ancestral enchanted forests in kalimdor in exchange of the simple (and kinda boring) lands of eastern kingdoms, but if that has to happen, it could be a good idea to grow a huge tree in tirisfal glades and turn everything until the borders of guilneas and including silverpine forest into a huge, lush, multicolored forest. But I honestly prefer the idea of moving to hyjal or moonglade or growing a new tree from the ashes of Teldrasil.


I’m banking my hopes that, at the very least, they’ll give Forsaken and Night Elves the, ‘Allied Race Treatment,’ and give them their own spot with easy access to it through Stormwind. Personally, I’d like that spot to be Nighthaven in Moonglade. As I said before, the Dreamgrove works well for Druids, so Druids don’t need Nighthaven anymore. Nighthaven is certainly closer to the sacred forests of the Night Elves than a lot of other suggestions, and you can’t take them away from their forests without losing a good chunk of their identity in the process.


A new capital would be stupendous. I’m partial to a lot of the ideas here, but I’m particularly biased with regard to Darkshore and a remade Auberdine. A port city, with a full Gilnean district similar to Stormwind’s Dwarven District for dwarves.

In addition to that, I think it would be fantastic to see the new night elf WMO (building/structure) assets applied to various night elf settlements. I am of the opinion that Mordent Evenshade’s recently returned Shen’dralar highborne and the new Darnassian Mages should have their own small portal room in Auberdine to connect the night elves to various other night elf settlements such as Nighthaven, Nordrassil Village (Hyjal), Astranaar and Feathermoon - and if not that then at least direct flightpaths to these locations. Let Auberdine’s harbor contain ships that ferry Alliance travelers between this new Capital and other Alliance Capitals, such as the Wetlands, Stormwind City, Boralus and the Exodar.


I like that the Gilneans are so close to the night elves. I do think that it’s unfair for us to want them to stay with the elves instead of returning to their home just as it would suck if the elves have to leave. I do wish they could stay though but it’s just not fair to them.

I agree with everything else you posted. I think the buildings should be similar to those in Val’sharah. It should also reflect that complete inclusion of druidism, Elune, and responsibly used arcane.


A fair opinion to have. Though, the night elf capital having a Gilnean District does not mean the Gilneans cannot have their own Capital back as well. This is one of the reasons I compared it to the Stormwind Dwarven District, as the dwarves and humans are quite close as well and the dwarves have a place in the human kingdom while also retaining their city in the mountain.


The “allied race option” is that Teldrassil and Lordaeron remain up for players below 110. Players (or PVP raid parties) beyond that level use the neighborhood Bronze Dragon to time shift back.

I don’t think anyone is actually running the Cenarians right now. Runetotem is spending his time with Magni, and Malfurion/Tyrande with guerrilla operations in Darkshore.

I mean, that’s kinda why i brought up the Dreambough portal in Oneiros. Because with it, they can establish fortifications around them by ferrying forces through the Emerald Dreamway with the aid of druids, and use the portals to support each of these places over long distances. Including the one in Ashenvale, Bough Shadow.

Like yeah, they need to have a presence in their ancestral lands, so they will, but the chances of them being allowed to build up a new main base of operations so close to the Horde capital are quite slim.

So unless the Horde is super defeated or the Night Elves quest for vengeance has ended by BfA’s conclusion, the fires of war in that region are likely going to burn for quite some time, meaning the Night elves aren’t going to be able to fully re-settle Ashenvale for a long time.

The best they can really do imo, is to have Ashenvale be the new Feathermoon, so-to-speak. To have that region be their new main military hub that gets long-distance support from their would-be capital in Feralas

But then again, this is just my particular scenario, so take it however you wish.

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Why not? They live here too. It took BOTH factions to take down Deathwing, as well as heroes from both to take down Arthas and stop Gul’dan. The job has become something the Night Elves can’t take on alone any longer.

Hamuul is still tagged as Cenarion Circle, as are Broll Bearmantle and Zen’kiki with him down at Silithus.

The Horde left Mount Hyjal after Warcraft III. Chronicle only mentions Tyrande and Malfurion staying on Mount Hyjal to see to the restoration.

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So yes they have their membership cards, but the Cenarians, nor the Earthen Ring can be said to be out in force. Most likely because most of their memberhip have decamped to fight the faction war.

Sure thing! But Having to share a continent with the Alliance while the Night Elves get all of Kalimdor? Nah. Why not take your friends with you and we’ll take all of EK.

Val’sharah will henceforth become Horde land as well because why not. Broken Isles is ours now.

The Dwarves will move into Tanaris/Barrens/Stonetalon after the Mag’har turn Ironforge into the next Blackrock Foundry.

The Gnomes all move to Mechagon after Gnomer is officially destroyed and the Bilgewater get a shiny new updated Booty Bay or something.

Humans? Eh. Put em in a rebuilt Theramore or something. Or even better, have em help the Night Elves grow pumpkins.

Worgen? They’ve been squatting for a while. Give them a cleansed Felwood or something to do whatever they want. They deserve it.

Then we never have to see each other again. Win win!

Well unlike the horde i think the alliance can actully teraform the land to make it better if they csn griw a gaint tree in salt water they can make a dessert a forest if they try

Malfurion still remains the leader of the Cenarion Circle. This hasn’t changed, and there’s no council set up to vote him out the the Kirin Tor and Jaina as far as we know.


I figured it’d make more sense to update Silvermoon and the Exodar, then just let the Forsaken and Nelves share that with their allies.

I mean we’re both short a city now while two cities sit in some weird 2007 dimension that technically exist in Outland, in the code anyway.

I don’t play Blue team much but as a Forsaken player I direly miss my nightmare sewer. Got my people turning into beef jerky in this dry Durotar heat. But seems just wasteful to make two new cities while totally ignoring two exisiting ones in dire need of updates.


Your logic is that the Horde should be given the responsibility to care for, and protect, the World Tree, because their one claim to fame is destroying things? Yeah, sure, let’s have the faction that created the Blight just have the run of Hyjal because they killed the Lich King, or something.