New Nelf Capital - Old Nelf Capital

If they all move to Feralas they would be effectively abandoning those areas.
I vote Night Haven, that place needs an overhaul.

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Night Elves and the Green Flight effectively ceded Hyjal to us when we helped them resurrect their Wild Gods and revive Nordrassil. Our Druids have as much right to the place as theirs.


And we have our own stake in Feralas, in case you’ve forgotten.

We do indeed.


Just because the horde helped dosen’t mean they now own the place. With that logic orgimar was ceded to the alliance because they helped siege it also the undercity when the alliance helped retake it.


Not really, they’d just have less of a presence in those areas, which the Horde has effectively done anyways by destroying their main capital as well as a majority of their outposts.

Even if the Night Elves win in Darkshore, it’s still going to be a long, hard-fought battle to reclaim their lands up north and they don’t have many functioning bases up there from which they can coordinate such a large-scale campaign. Which is why they may be better off re-establishing a formal BoO in Feralas and supporting their northern holdings from there.

Well isn’t that the whole point of being in an alliance?
To defend member states?

You make it sound like the Night Elves are not part of the Alliance. Them fighting alone now is merely temporary.


One problem though is that while there isn’t a direct connection between the two, Feralas borders Mulgore, do we really want two capitals next door to each other, especially when they’re opposite faction?

Thank you. That is my problem with Dire Maul. The uninstanced part of it actually on the map is literally a hole in the ground.

Why in your crack fiction world is Sylvanas squatting on Orgrimmar after the Horde ceded it to the Alliance after we helped them then? Our soldiers have as much right to the city and Underhold as theirs, right?


You make it sound like Blizzard has the writing chops right now to make the Alliance act like an actual “Alliance”.

Which we both know is not the case, it’s either going to be “Humans and friends” or “Night elves are going solo”.

I don’t see why not? I mean, Night Elves and Tauren have been allies since the War of the Ancients, even across the faction boundaries they usually have little issue with teaming up to serve the greater good as seen with organizations like the Cenarion Circle.


No it doesn’t. However the Dragonflights gave the guardianship of the renewed Nordrassil to ALL the races… it’s no longer the sole duty or property of the Night Elves and never will be again.

False parallel. The Dragonflights gave Teldrassil to be our MUTUAL charge. something that YOU did not protest at the time. We didn’t sign any over any deed to Orgrimmar, we agreed to a temporary ONE-TIME goal to remove an enemy to both factions.

Allies? I must have missed the Night Elf presence when our people were fighting for their very existence against the Centaur. I must have missed it when Tyrande gave her aid to help the Tauren found Thunder Bluff and the work her people put in to set up Mulgore as our new homeland.

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You seem to forget brother that half of Feralas is ours. I don’t think that the tauren who live there, or the rest of our people, nor our allies in the Horde would appreciate your ceding our claims to that land.

Then why did you burn down?


The Dragon Aspects weren’t even in-game Warcraft III, let alone at Hyjal.

Though I am open to the possibility that you are so full of nonsense that you actually did mean Teldrassil.

When the Night Elves came to help the Tauren get Freewind Post back even in the middle of Garrosh’s war. And when Malfurion asked the players to save Thunder Bluff from being corrupted by the Nightmare.


In my dyslexia I mean to write Nordrassil, not Teldrassil.

I just said that it was one problem.

At least you’re not upvoting your own posts with your alts at least, I suppose.


ayyy lmao!