New Nelf Capital - Old Nelf Capital

I don’t think you’re taking to account how Blizzard has written the Night Elves in WoW historically. Malfurion worked with the Horde on Mount Hyjal while the Horde was invading Night Elf lands in Garrosh’s war. And both he and Tyrande worked with the Horde on the Broken Isles. Malfurion was trying to talk peace and sense into the Blood Elf that was trying to kill him during the War of the Thorns.

I only see it as a matter of time before the Horde is questing with Night Elf quest givers again, like they’re working with Jaina and Genn in Nazjatar.

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Id honestly be surprised if they even give them another city.
All the cities except Org and SW are pretty dead population wise.
I dont really see any good reson for blizz to dedicate time and resorces giving the Nelves a city that wont ger used by like 90% of players


It’s not really what you call habitable in any real sense. No sunlight for crops, not even soil to grow them in, and there isn’t any water sources. Everything we live on in there has to be brought in.

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Mages can conjure food and water, so that’s not really much of an issue. Besides, it’s not as if the velves couldn’t explore void lifeforms. Void plants, void beasts, etc…

My hope is that the new night elf and Forsaken capitols can be the new faction hubs for an expansion. It’d give a gameplay reason for them to be built, and mean that they’d get more current lore - for one expansion, at least, but that’s more than a lot of them get.


With usage of void rifts food and other goods can be easily imported so long as they have an exportable commodity, which they do in their magical skills and abilities in artificery. That aside they could simply conjure dirt and do raised beds grown with arcane magic; it isn’t like there were ever real farmer high elves back in Quel’thalas. You can bet all the grunt work was done by constructs or enchanted farm equipment.


I mean the gomes had this huge mechanical city with and no farms not shared by dwarves food supply isnt an issue

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Purely speculation but id like to think gnomes used a mix of cave scavenging (mushroom and cave insects?), trade, surface hunting and hydroponic farming.
At least thats what id like to thinking

Or they juat eat scrap metal.

much like goats, gnomes eat anything you give them. Why do you think we have never seen a gnomish graveyard? :neutral_face:

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I just assumed they shared food with the dwarves who also have almost no farms

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Dont you ruin gnomes for me.

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The gnomes and night elves should join togeter to make a techno organic world tree home

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I always imagined that the gnomes had a mixture of giant hydroponics labs in Gnomeregan itself, and a bunch of farms in the mountain valleys immediately outside the city.


I want Mecha Elves.

Not even remotely related to the topic at hand, but I made a race of Tinker Elves for my dnd setting. I’m moderately proud of how they turned out.


As someone who doesn’t play Night elves but still really likes their lore and architecture. I stand by my opinion that I think Eldre’thalas(a.k.a. Dire Maul) would make an excelent replacement capital.

A) It’s almost completely intact, being relatively unscathed from the Sundering.

B) It’s right in Feralas(my favorite classic zone) neighboring the long-standing Kaldorei millitary base of Feathermoon stronghold, making settling it a relatively simple endeavor.(removing current inhabitants, defending the settlers, ect.)

C) Literal Highborne of the Shen’dralar caste have already since rejoined Night elf society and could get some much needed character development.(Mordent Evenshade)

D) Feralas is a zone with a heavy emphasis on nature with farie dragons, stone giants, and dryads roaming the wilds in addition to the portal at Oneiros that leads directly into the Emerald Dream.

E) During the WoTA, the city was defended by Goldrinn himself, giving it another connection to druidism.

With a proper facelift, this city could be made to look gorgeous. Maybe with temples to each of the wild gods in certain areas, a new temple of elune, i mean, there’s so much space here idk why anyone wouldn’t want this as their capital. Nobody’s going to miss running this dungeon anyways.


Night Elves abandoning Hyjal and Ashenvale seems insane to me.
Thats like Blood Elves abandoning the Sunwell and going to settle in Hinterlands

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I literally said nothing about abandoning Hyjal or Ashenvale.


Problem there is 90% of Eldre’thalas is instanced dungeon sections. To make it otherwise would require a massive amount of work done on Feralas, which I just cannot ever see them doing


Lepergnomes actually. Constructs aren’t really that good at delicate nuanced handwork. When Quel’thelas was created we had to set up new lower castes since we didn’t have Kal’dorei to boss around after the good old days of the pre-Sundering so the losers of the various political games wound up becoming part of the new working classes.