New Nelf Capital - Old Nelf Capital

Malfurion would certainly have top shut down the portal to hyjal and have it guarded in the dream. They’d still need a fleet as a nation with a large coast line.


At this point they don’t really have a choice. Of course, we’re going to get a peaceful resolution where everything is blamed on Sylvanas anyway, but historically speaking the tauren haven’t been a mitigating factor in the slightest. The tauren, both variants on the Horde, have been shown as useless at holding the Horde back, at best, and part of the problem at worst.

Between all the things the tauren haven’t prevented/actively helped with, it’s starting to feel like that skit South Park did about the BP Oil apology videos.


Teldrassil being destroyed IS ALL the reshaping the Forsaken would need to move in though. It would be perfectly usable for the Undead who need no food, shelter, or comfort, but lots and lots of corpses!

Why, they could have the entire population of Darnassus back on its feet and shambling in no time! A perfect workforce to dig a new Undercity beneath the roots of the burnt out world tree.

I’m sorry but I fail to see how the Forsaken moving into another fallen Alliance capital is any different from the Night Elves/Void Elves claiming Stonetalon, aside from your sense of ‘justice’ not being satisfied.

I’m not out to make anyone feel better about themselves though, I’m just out for the factions to claim ownership of new territory. If that’s on the table for the Alliance it should be on the table for the Horde too.

Stonetalon isn’t new territory for the Alliance. It’s just putting Void Elves where the void minions went rampant in Alliance territory:


You think they want to move into remains of Teldrassil?!?! You’re an idiot. The only reason they stayed in Lorderon was because it was their home but as undead creatures they didn’t want to be out in the sunlight like the living. Teldrassil holds no value to them.

Double idiot.

Because Stonetallon is UNCLAIMED TERRITORY!!! I’ve said it 3 times now.

Fine. Then have the Forsaken make their home in some other unclaimed territory like Stonetalon. You’re trying (and failing miserably) to equte my idea if giving the Void elves Stonetalon to them moving into a former or currect horde capital city and its clearly not the same.

They’re sprinkled here and there, throughout A Good War. The Tauren that questions the right turn into Ashenvale. The Blood Elf mage that lets off a celebratory Fireball after Malfurion seems to retreat after confronting the Horde at the Falfarren River. And nearly every illustration of generalized Horde forces shows Tauren. Even one working on siege engines with a couple Goblins. And a few Blood Elves in other generalized illustrations.

Complete and utter bunk. Tosh. Garbage. Lies. Whatever you’d like to call it.


Taking over the territory would make it new territory for them though, and if they controlled all of Stonetalon it would no longer be contested territory, so it would be the Alliance fully claiming a new territory.

Ergo, I’d like to see the Horde getting in on that action. Teldrassil is an extreme example, but defiantly along the same lines.

I’d appreciate it if you dropped the personal insults.

I don’t claim to know what the Forsaken as a whole would want aside from not living on the streets of Orgrimmar. Teldrassil as good a place as any as it has served as a racial capital before and likely has a large stockpile of corpses/souls at this time.

Contested is not the same as unclaimed. It’s contested between the Horde and Alliance. Now who is the idiot?

I think I’m succeeding quiet masterfully in equating the Alliance claiming territory that is contested with the Horde claiming territory that they have conquered. It doesn’t matter how or why or under what circumstances the factions claim new territory, all I am saying is if the Alliance claims some new territory that was previously not solely theirs, I’d like to see the Horde do the same.

It doesn’t have to be the Forsaken moving into Darnassus, but it could be, and there’s no real reason it shouldn’t be anymore than the Night Elves cleansing and claiming Lordaron or the Mag’har claiming all of the Barrens.

not to mention…have anyone of you actually seen what happen to wood or trees when burnt? Its mega brittle. If you tried to build on teldrassil’s husk, there wouldnt be anything solid to anchor building foundations into besides dead burnt wood. If anything the tree’s husk would just entirely collpase


Hence why the Forsaken might dig a new Undercity among the unburned roots.

Thank you for the clarification Galenorn. Then in that case none of them can be trusted. Malfurion should lock down the Circle. At the least make Hamaul a horde ambassador, but that’s it. The rest should go.

You know what, you’re right that may have been too far.

None if that is relevant to where they want to live.

As I previously said

I misspoke when I said unclaimed. But in any case The Alliance still have settlements in Stonetallon that the void elves could have. Or just take the rest if it. Its not equivalent to moving into a former faction captial.

I thought we were dropping the insults :laughing:

No you’re not because I had already said that they both factions hold land there do either take it OR given them the Alliance settlements. You must have ignored that. Also

Not to mention the other 5 areas that the Alliance already holds. If they take it all it should be a part of representations for the thousands killed in Teldrassil thereby making it all Alliance territory.

Also the land that the Hord conquered they burned to the ground there isn’t anything left for them to claim. It’s not contested, it’s gone.

Any way Stonetalon was my suggestion on getting the 2 races of Elves closer. Which seems to have snowballed into something else.

Nothing in this thread is relevant to where anyone wants to live. The Void Elves want to live in Silvermoon as far as I can tell and that’s not happening, so where they are is probably fine for now.

You say it’s not equivalent, I say it’s just an extreme example. Let’s agree to disagree and say there is nothing in the story that would necessarily stop the writers from giving territory to the Void Elves that was previously contests or giving territory to the Forsaken that was previously Alliance only and call it a day?

Haven’t ignored it, it’s just not important.

See, this is the part where I think your misunderstanding me. I don’t care what plot reason they come up with for the Void Elves to take all of Stonetalon, because they could come up with a plot reason for the Forsaken to move into Darnassus too.

You might not like it, but all I am saying, and the only thing I am saying, is it would be cool that if the Void Elves got a new capital and new territory all their own if the Forsaken did too, regardless of where or why. Same goes for the Mag’har who are sort of in the same boat as the Void Elves.

Even if it’s somewhere that has been burned to the ground as an extreme example.

He should. But we both know he’ll be among the first non-Humans to be all “Blah, blah, blah, forgiveness. Blah, blah, blah, healing.” And then, “Blah, blah, blah. Oh yeah! ThE wOuNd In ThE wOrLd! WoRk ToGeThEr!”

Ah well. At least we had cool Malfurion for a novella and cinematic.


I do not understand why the Ren’dorei /need/ somewhere new. They already have their own lands, literally their own world actually. They just need to build it up past a few tents and some crates.

…also the Forsaken would have to be utterly heartless to build in Teldrassil, and they could never expect to settle there peacefully. The Kaldorei would attack them to the last.



And this is where storys and plots that make sense come into play. Had you said the Orcs moving into Ashenvale that would make sense. The Forsaken moving into what was Teldrassil does not.

I never said the Forsaken or Mag’har shouldn’t get their own area from horde settlements. Let’s take out of all Stonetalon then and just the Alliance settlements then. Moving the Forsaken the ruins of Teldrassil and building under the corpses of slain Elves that was once their captial that the horde burned down as an answer to the Void elves moving to Stonetalon to Alliance held settlements is not an extremely example it’s a fasle equivalency. Its still a false equivalency even if they claim all of Stonetalon after the war as reparations. But as this was merely a suggestion for a closer relationship fit the elves let’s just agree to disagree.

We could hope that we would lock it down but the frustrating truth is that you’re correct.:roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

I guess we should be thankful for at least that. Even if it wasn’t a high resolution cinematic like Anduin’s or the 3 Saurfang’s already had.:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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The night elves never really had a proper fleet. Their ships are nothing other than unarmed transports that don’t even mount glaive throwers. They aren’t maritime oriented the way Humans and Dwarves are.

I think Stonetalon should stay a neutral place where the Elves and Tauren can have common ground for studying Druidism and the Void (as that seems to be a thing now from the Tauren heritage armor quests).

So I am defiant against your defiance.

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I remember in A Good War that the Night Elf fleet, after returning from Silithus, was firing on the Horde forces stuck outside the wisp wall. It forced them to retreat off the beach and back towards the Ashenvale treeline.


Also the are using the glave throwers on the ships in Darkshore during the horde cycle.


Oh man if they had a little silvermoon style town floating on those rocks. That would have been really cool.

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Stonetalon could easily be shared, but as I said above, common ground is kind of a thing of the past when it comes to any of the Horde races and the night elves. That said, I’d be pretty happy if we got Stonetalon Peak back, for the nelves. It was one of my favorite out of the way night elf areas back before Cata.