New Nelf Capital - Old Nelf Capital

Even if it were still just the tauren druids, boot them, for failing to keep their people from actively harming the natural world they claim to worship.

The Tauren like the elves of the horde (other than Lorash) ate only guilty by association. The Tauren went there, infact they were focused on Silithus which is what Sylvanas wanted as she didn’t want Baine to challenge her.

That said though I think if they do boot then they should only a few taurn to continue such as Hamaul. Those who have proven that they can set the faction conflict aside. The Tauren seem to be capable of seeing the larger picture the trolls however are going to do whatever the Zandalari do. They can’t be trusted.

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All of the core Horde races were there (and responsible), except the Huojin.


This would all require blizard to have to do something positive for the elves which they won’t.


I’d rather the Night and Blood Elves just switched places, honestly. I know people don’t like the blue EK red Kalimdor idea, but it at least gives the races an opportunity to grow in peace in a new environment. Night Elves can heal the Dead Scar and turn the Sunwell into some kind of super Moonwell, the Blood Elves can take over Nordrassil and the Well there. The Void Elves can go be Voidy in the Ghostlands.


I do not think either race would ever give up their homelands. Like, ever. There are so many lore reasons this would not work I just don’t even.


Hey, it’s happened before, it can happen again.

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With how the blood elves sermingly support sylvanas a ton putting them near the only good workd tree is not a good idea


Yeah sure. Boot the only people that’re probably keeping the Horde from burning down Moonglade.


More like a near certainty as Exodar and Silvermoon proved that designing new player capitals was a waste of time and resources.

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I guess that were there in game but I don’t think that was the case in the book was it? If they were there in three book then Lor’themar’s claim of being the good guys is clearly bunk and the Tauren should also be removed from the Cenarion Circle as Poised said.

There are plenty of places for Night Elves to re-establish, Nighthaven or Hyjal being great options.

I would love for Gilneas to be reclaimed, and perhaps the Gilneans can re-pay the Night Elves by giving them an area to stay. Only for the fact that it’s a shame that Gilneas ended up only as a leveling zone. Such a great aesthetic! I know that will likely never happen though.

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Because you said Stonetalon could be reshaped and claimed by/for the Void Elves and Teldrassil has already been reshaped and could be claimed by the Forsaken. The logic isn’t that hard to follow.

If we’re just going to have races start taking over new territory that didn’t previously belong to them I’d like to see the Horde get in on that action.

I wouldn’t mind Felwood. If it could be completely cleansed and regrown. Build a tunnel through the mountains to get to Darkshore and kill the Shatterspear tribe and its doable. They could use a portal network to travel to where the fleet would be. I think they should militarize the coast of the Zoram strand, destroy Zoram Gar and use the existing infrastructure to build a base that portects both the portals and the fleet.

My only reason for saying a cleansed Felwood is that I want their new capital to be surrounded by a forest like Darnassus was. But if they cab successfully use a portal network Hyjal could work.



Your logic is hard to follow as Teldrassil wasn’t claim or reshaped by anyone, it was destroyed. It’s completely unusable by anyone.

You also said…

Lorderon City was in ruins the castle still stood and was mostly intact as where the catacombs beneath and the tunnels that Arthas had started, which became Undercity. You can’t compare that to Teldrassil as it is completely GONE! It’s nothing but a husk.

Stonetallon is a different matter all together its its contested territory with settlements from both factions but most of which is held by the alliance. Those areas could be given to the void elves or even the whole thing. The horde destroyed a city and killed thousands of innocents, Stonetalon could be part of the elves justice.

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to quote myself from an old thread

Honestly I think the best place for the Night Elves is Mt.Hyjal. I dont think its stated enough in wow, but from WC3 we know that in Night elf culture/lore Mt. Hyjal is like THE night elf holy land, one of if not the most sacred of places on all of Azeroth to the night elf people.

Honestly its where their city should have been from the start. Not only is it a giant mountain which would make invasion by enemy armies a living hell, it’s also home to most of the ‘Kaldorei’ aligned Wild Gods/Ancients. It hosts a portal network directly in the emerald dream which also connects, conventionally, to other major night elf locations and settlements. It would be a shame not to use Hyjal. Imagine a city using all those lovely new HD Nelf assets among a forest entwined with and under the base/roots of Nordrassil. Perhaps part of the city could wind up around its trunk ala Lothlorien.

We know from, WC3 and even the Caverns of Time instance that there was a sizable settlement under and around the tree before (pre-Darnassus) so I dont see why they shouldn’t do so again!


Now that I’m kind of liking this portal network idea to connect the city to the coast line on Darkshore, is like Hyjal. Redo tube while zone and put the city where the firelands raid is. Give it like triple tube amount of trees it that are there now and it could work.

The only other problem is getting to Ashenvale. But if the portal network is connected to the Zoram Strand they could get there quickly without needing to go through Darkshore.


Well the portal network is the Emerald Dreamway, its kinda got set portals that are connected to Duskwood, Feralas, Grizzly Hills, Hinterlands, Moonglade, and the Dreamgrove in Val’sharrah.

No real need to have a port or sea access when they have large permanent portals that connect almost all the continents. A night elf embassy could be easily built around the gate in Duskwood and trade with Stormwind would be easier and faster than its ever been.


The problem there is the horde has equal access rights to to those portals, also three times now the dreamway has come under attack, twice by the nightmare and once by the void directly–If a future attack with N’zoth free were to occur the old god forces could then pour out directly into the Kaldorei settlements.

Im sure they could easily block off or turn off certain portals. Maybe build defenses around the entrance to each portal, and if they ever got in risk of being captured/used by the enemy, have them closed/destroyed.

If the horde had such easy access to them, they’d have used the Duskwood one to instant transport an army right next to Stormwind by now.

Only portals that would really cause an Issues are the Grizzly Hills or Hinterlands one. Hinterlands one at least has the Wildhammers nearby so if the elves built a settlment around that portal with the dwarves help it would eb well defended.

The ‘neutral’ use portals such as Dreamgrove and Moonglade are only used by Cenarion Circle members, and while the Circle has horde members, it is an organization thats a part of Night elf society, so they could easily restrict horde race access. Though from what we know, horde circle members are pretty anti-Sylvanas.

And even then, I doubt the denizens of the emerald dream would allow an invading army of aggressors to march through the dreamway. The spirits and such there could probably easily just turn off the portals.