New Nelf Capital - Old Nelf Capital

Well at least you gave an explanation which is more than Blizz did.


Void Elves were present in Darnassus before Teldrassil was burned:

That was probably supposed to be Emmarel Shadewarden of the Unseen Path, who was still looking for Alleria in Legion, and Alleria was off on her thousand-year war adventure through the Twisting Nether.

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They were present in all cities. Stormwind and Ironforge as well (I think, I hadn’t been in Ironforge in ages). Still, walking through a city is hardly an indication of welcome.

The NPC in question was updated in BFA, and has Shandris’ click-on lines. It’s Shandris.

… I don’t see how it wouldn’t be indication of welcome.

I saw that. I added “supposed to be” to my post.

Just because I could walk through parts of New York City does not mean I would be welcome in those parts. Velves being in the Alliance means the nelves can’t refuse them visiting rights, so far as I know.

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I would hope it does mean you’re welcome. Unless you’re suggesting the Night Elves were going to pull the Void Elves into a back ally and mug them.


Pretty sure Maeiv and her Wardens did something similar back during the novel, Wolfheart.

And now Maiev is leading the very same Highborne she tried to assassinate.

Yeah that plot never made any sense. Still, just pointing out, it’s happened before, could happen again. Just because the velves are free to walk the city does not mean they’re welcome there. Indeed, in the early War Campaign, Shandris shares her doubts about the velves to Umbric, albeit in a slightly more tactful manner than Tyrande did with the Nightborne, and Umbric had thick enough skin not to decide to go join the Horde because Shandris didn’t trust him and his people entirely.

If the Night Elves could become friends with the High Elves after exiling their ancestors, same could be so for the Void Elves.

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A new city for both night elves and undead would be nice. I vote for Nordrassil, it has all the ancients shrines and it was there that Archimonde and Ragnaros were defeated.

Really now, Blizzard will not make a new city if it’s not the hub for a new expansion or raid.


The whole place would need a makeover. Thr scorched areas need to be made over and that whole area with Ragnaros has to go. Boy to mention the twilight hammer areas.

But there is still that portal from the Dreamgrove that horde druids can use. Which is part of the issue with so many druids. Sacred Kaldorei areas are also scared to the druids which means the horde now has access to them.

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As nice as it would be, I feel as if they should just revamp old NE cities so they dont look super small despite being thousands of years old rofl. Astranaar is a big example. Also maybe drive the ogres out of Dire Maul and have each district become a garrison for different group. Cenarions, Sisterhood of Elune, Highborne, etc. This shouldn’t strictly be an NE thing either: make Aerie Peak big as it should be in-lore.


Nigthaven or Hyjal would be the logical places if they don’t just grow a new tree. Or, you know, have the nelves be without a capital or home for the next few xpacs like they did with gnomes, worgen, goblins, trolls, etc… which is also a possibility.

But if neither of those things happen, than any of the areas in north Kalimdor that were once neutral would easily be useable. The tauren and trolls have no right to any of the Cenarion Circle holdings any more, which Nighthaven is. The Circle is a kaldorei organization that allowed other druids of other races to come in and work with them, but that clearly isn’t feasible any more.

Once the Wound is fixed any Horde druids should be punted out of Hyjal and Nighthaven wholesale, and they can go make their own thing, and either of those places, preferably Nighthaven, can become the new capital.


I will be happy to have a home again . Thank you !
Ashenvale , Feralas , Hyjal … or a new World Tree … Lothlorien would be great too :heart_eyes:


One of my many, many disappointments in BfA is not getting to romp around Moonglade with Malfurion in a “Purge of Moonglade” scenario.


It’s almost as if, unlike Jaina, Malfurion isn’t a raving nutcase.


Why not move into Hyjul in general. I’ve debated this topic with many nelves and haven’t found anyone that disagrees. Besides a Northrend revamp Hyjul is overdue and proper.


Neither was Jaina, until Baine and/or Derek MCed her into being a peacenik lunatic.


Now we are really seeing the issue with expanding the druids top other races beyond the first 2. Now more horde races have access to Moonglade and Hyjal which frankly ate Night Elf lands.

It’s almost as if Jaina made a decision to throw out an organization of people who were always loyal to Dalaran, neutral, and never helped the horde destroy her city, kill her friend and predecessor, and steal the bell from Darnassus.

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