New Nelf Capital - Old Nelf Capital

Blizzard isn’t going to spend time and money designing a new capital unless it’s a hub or a new expansion city.


Well, maybe this is precusor to shared cities by all. Next Stormwind will have Horde Alley, void elves will take up Murder Row in Silvermoon, and trolls will finally build that bridge to Dun Morough.

Then we can raid within cities and kill other players for loot. This all coming to 8.4

And 8.5 they can get rid of all factions make every server pvp and every man for themselves

Or definitely force us into guilds or be annihilated in solo mode.

Imagine if we had guilds like militia holding down parts of cities or having to pay guild guards for “protection” and then have it once in a while turn off a la Dalaran Sewer

Maybe just portals. They would have to set up a heavily defended based on the her other side of the portal. It could be intresting if they utilized that, a city connected by portals to the docks.

If you look at it that way, maybe. I guess they could help with the Twlights Hammer. That said I doubt that would want to live there.

It could be remaid and shaped to be a new home for them. It won’t be Quel’thalas but could be a new forest home for the void elves.

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I have to ask, what’s wrong with the Telogrus Rift? Even if something is wrong with it, why should the nelves want the velves anywhere NEAR them or their sacred forests? Especially after (arguably) being witness to velf mages corrupting the eggs of raptors and animating the bones of devilsaurs in Zandalar?

I mean, we saw no velves helping to evacuate nelves when Teldrassil burned, despite those Void Rifts arguably being just the thing needed.

I only ever saw velf players when it came to the Darkshore Warfront, certainly no NPCs, so it’s not as if the velves are fighting for Kaldorei lands.

There are only generic 7th Legion guard velves in Naz’jatar, so it’s not as if the velves are playing any significant role in defeating Azshara either.

The velves have done nothing to earn either the trust or respect of the nelves.

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I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said I just think it sucks that the elves of the horde cab get along but on the alliance side they are still distant.


I might be wrong but it seems the nelves and helves get along okay. They may not be having sleep-overs, but they work together for common cause, like Suramar.

Nor, do I think, nelves and velves not get along. I just don’t see them as being friendly either.

I can’t see nelves and velves ever becoming bosom buddies and sharing cities and such. It might be possible between nelves and helves, but velves are anathema to all that the nelves stand for. One can argue the helves have been humbled and are close enough to nature, what with all their hunters and the likes, that they and nelves could cooperate and even share a city.


By that logic, why not set up the new Forsaken capital in the ruins of Teldrassil? They lived in the ruins of one Alliance capital before, so they should feel right at home in another one. It’s already canonically been remade and reshaped into a suitable land for the undead too.

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Being fair pretty much any race with a lick of sense is going to be careful about getting too close to a race which hears maddening whispers of the void nonstop telling them to cut off your allies faces and make them into hats. Only a matter of time before one of them finally snaps.


The new Night Elf capital is going to be on the Moon. End of story.


It’s called “Enabling War Mode”.

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In Vanilla, the Night Elves loved the High Elves so much, they stuck the one High Elf visitor out at the end of the Auberdine Pier… the only reason she’s not situated even farther was because they ran out of pier. According to lore, it was the Night Elves that told the Alliance the hidden history of the High Elves.

“Boy, you should have seen those high elf faces.” -Brann Bronzebeard “Guide to the Alliance” for the D20 WOW game.


I recall. Before she was moved to Auberdine (in I think BC or Wrath), that helf used to be at Menethil Harbor. Of course, that was vanilla. Those helf threads show that nelves and helves do get along more now. Vereesa went to Tyrande’s wedding, they fought together in Suramar, it was a nelf who was looking for Alleria in WoD, etc… There are even nelves in the Silver Covenant.


I don’t know Veressa seemed surprised that she would share a camp with the Night Elves. Had it not been for Rhonin’s death should would have been with the Blood Elves.

Me either. I just want some apparent communication between the two.

Not one word you’ve said is relevant to what I’m taking about. Stonetallon is contested but unclaimed. It’s not a former capital city. How is Teldrassil or the forsaken even relevant to Stonetallon being used for the void elves?

I forgot about that.

Don’t remember this but that’s probably because I flew through WoD lol.


It was one of the garrison inn quests, I think. Some masked nelf asked you to look for signs of helves in Shadowmoon, and that’s where Alleria’s arrows were found. How her arrows were found on a world from a different timeline I’ll never know.

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You’ve got to be kidding.:man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

“I am looking for someone, it is not important who. All you need to know is that I will reward you for any sign of high elven weaponry that you should come across.”

Admittedly, Alleria’s name is not brought up, but from what I recall there was a tweet or something back then that linked the quest to her.

Nevermind, turns out it was Shandris and she herself says she was looking for Alleria.

I’ve heard about this quest. I need to do it for that pet. But why is Shandris on Dreanor of all places looking good Alleria of all people?

I don’t know… it never made any kind of sense. All I can think of is that Shandris did it for Vereesa for some reason or other, but what that reason could be, I’ve got no idea. I can’t see her doing it for Sylvanas.

Maybe Tyrande wanted Alleria found? Maybe Tyrande had some vague idea of trying to improve relations with the helves?