New Nelf Capital - Old Nelf Capital

I can dream, can’t I?


Personally I think a Night-Elf/Worgen resettlement of Gilneas would be more interesting and be in keeping with an all-Horde Kalimdor and an all Alliance East Kingdoms.

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A very cynical part of me thinks they will allow the Gilneans to reclaim gilneas and then stuff the Kaldorei in that tree in the blackwald like they did the Gilneans in the howling oak all those years >.>;


Bold of you to assume (cynically, or not) that anyone gets anything outside Stormwind city limits.

It’s why I went grand with some of the things I’d like to see. The thread, by its very nature, is hypothetical. The Stormwind Pumpkin Patch is the new Night Elven capital.

It’s equally as abyssmal as this “Red Kalimdor/Blue EK” notion. If Kalimdor has to go a single color, it should be Night Elven purple.


What we need to do is make some kind of well in the Northern Barrens and then cause another Sundering, separating Northern Kalimdor from Southern Kalimdor. Stonetalon, Ashenvale, and everything north becomes it’s own continent, all the nelves. Azshara can stick with Southern Kalimdor.


I have just recived word from blizz on the matter “we have heard the players snd have decided to give the night elves a new section in stormwind as a capitol. We beilive this is best and fits the story we want to tell best”


At this point, that’s the most likely outcome in the near term.


Well goven how swift blizz is at giving people their oen cities they will be there fot a good 10 to 12 irl years


I would not object to it tbh in the short term. They could easily set in a Kaldorei village in the area behind the mage quarter, it is all unused blank space back there. It is better than us all being weeping hobos on the stormwind streets, or growing pumpkins for our apparent human overlords…


Something that very few people want. Give Gilneans back their home and leave it at that. I think the Night Elves should also take Stonetallon Mountian, use the druids to heal and rehape it and give it to the void elves. It’s not like they’re getting anywhere near Quel’thalas.

Intresting. I have a more practical idea. 1,000 years ago the elves used druid and Elune magics to permanently seal Ahn’qraj. I’d say do that again at the border of Azshara and the Ashenvale- Barrens border, but this time use druid, Elune, and arcane magics. That should lock that area up tight.


What necessity do you mean?

I think the Void Elves are perfect where they are, where their experiments and research can’t corrupt Azeroth. The Rift just needs a make-over. Actual buildings instead of tents, and the like.


If they need to get somewhere to help their allies they would have to travel a considerable amount before getting to their ships. Also if they need aid from their allies because of the horde the Alliance would have to get through all of darkshore and Ashenvale just to get to them.

Your probably right but I would like to see better elven relations on the Alliance side.


I agree. they have plenty of land, they just need to stabilize the central isle of the rift and build it up. Right now it feels very slapdashed together, which to be fair it kind of was.


Just have them emphasize portals and flying more.


Please no more raiding horde cities, can we raid an Alliance capital for a change.


Wouldn’t Darkshore make more sense for Void Elves, what with all the old god servant bones and Twilights Hammer cultists lurking around?

Don’t see what there is in Stonetalon the Void Elves would care about.

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There actually is some sort of old god presence in Stonetalon, it attacks in cataclysm and it is mentioned some sort of darkness resides under the mountain. However, I still think they should stay in the rift. it is their ideal setup.

Also it will be a cold day in Tanaris before the Kaldorei willingly fork over Darkshore to anyone.


Now that Cataclysm is 8 1/2 years old, why not revamp Hyjal.

Archimonde is dead. Ragnaros is dead. I know it’s even closer to Origimmar than Moonglade, but it’s not really being used.


The problem is hyjal is actually another one of the issues with moonglade: It is tied to the dreamway, so a horde druid could teleport directly into the middle of the kaldorei sanctuary there.