New Nelf Capital - Old Nelf Capital

They burned a tree the size of a mountain that was in the middle of the ocean using catapults and magic wind. What makes you think Blizzard knows any of that?


I still find it bold of you to assume that there will be a new night elf city after the devs clearly stated their position on night elves

Nordrassil started regrowing leaves fairly soon after the Burning. If you managed to get your way into Hyjal while it was “under construction” you see Archie’s skeleton hanging from a fairly healthy looking tree.

In Teldrassil’s case it seems that the catapults triggered a burning reaction in the Tree itself that pretty much spread inside like a super-speed cancer consumed it entirely.

Malfurion who was a pretty good judge of such things had reassured us right at the end of Reign of Chaos that Nordrassil had already started to regrow and would eventually heal itself. He even talks about the regreening of Darkshore at the conclusion of the Warfront and actually even starts the regreening right after liberating those two Ancients. He makes absolutely no such pronouncement on Teldrassil, so it must be totally and truely dead.

It feels so wierd to see one of my old posts be used in that MMORPG article. You never know who might be reading you! :sweat_smile:

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By the looks of it, Felwood wasn’t inhabited to a significant extent before or after the third war.

Nordrassil wasn’t inhabited at all a d when Archimonde blew up on the tree, it damaged it enough to strip the Kaldorei of their immortality.

I was doing the daily 7th Legion quests in Darkshore, the quest to set the disturbed ancestors to rest when i realized: the released spirits flashed into the light instead of turning to wisps like living Kaldorei do.

Perhaps the destruction of Teldrassil has had a much deeper effect on the Kaldorei lore wise than has been admitted by the devs. Maybe, the devs are the wrong people to derive this information…

Not really, Outside of Old Feathermoon Stronghold, Auberdine was the largest and most vibrant Night Elf hub outside Darnassus and the largest travel Hub in the Alliance of Stormwind.

After the Cataclysm, the New Feathermoon Stronghold eclipsed both Auberdine (destroyed) and the Lor’danel.

:clap:Nelfs :clap: should :clap: revamp :clap: Mt.Hyjal :clap:

Or or or

Genocide the Jungle Trolls in Stranglethorn and become Jungle Elves.

Not a single thing. Hence my opener:

Someone will have to help me out with the source about Darkshore. It was in one of the older novels, but I can’t remember which one at the moment.

Don’t give blizzard any ideas; they can hardly scrape lore together for the existing Elven ethnicities. We don’t need a 3rd fragmentation of Kaldorei culture.

Ita one of the BFA waterfront dailies. It doesn’t even involve any rares.

Stormrage said the Night Elves tended to shun it because of the thick mist that always covered the area, and that most attempts to settle it ended in failure, except Auberdine (and later, Lor’danel). Not about it being cursed, as such.


Well stormwind has space for both night and void elf, the embassy area can be give to night elf and the big large farm acres where the pandaran portal and the other portals are could be given to void?

Thats the worst idea put forth yet a d the void Elves have their own planet. Multi-faction Capitals removes the world from Warcraft.

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Void elves can’t live on that planet thingy forever, it’s a temporary plain. That area I was speaking of, near the panda portal, is actually very big, it’s big enough for them to build their mini void city in. They need a proper place and the void plains is not proper place.

Night elf might need more room I agree but they don’t have a choice at the moment.

Gnomeregan has not been taken back so that’s a big no. Gilneas has not been taken back either. We have no other capital cities.

Ironforge doesn’t even have any room otherwise I’d say send one of them there.

Grow a tree in/over that gap north of SW, have the dark irons mine out of blackrock and into that bay. Gnomes build over the mountain in Dun Mogorh. That one spot could be a interesting merger of most of the members of the Alliance.

If our Gnomes even bothered to take Gnomeregan back, we could easily make enough room for either night or void elf there.

Trees dont grow underground. And Stormwind is so biased they dont even let the Dwarven district build Dwarven buildings.

Until we find a proper spot to plant our new tree, living aboard our boats is suitable enough.

The gnome issue is exactly why a Night Elf Settlement in Stormwind is a bigger no, no. If Blizzard puts us there they’re never going to let us leave.

If Shandris’s outfit is any hint, the next Kaldorei Capital is potentially somewhere cold, if God allows.

You are probably right for the Night Elf.

As for the Void Elves. They could build a mini silvermoon within stormwind, I think there is enough room in the farm area to the west.

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Yeah, i think the Void Elves are being set up as the Alliance equivalent to the Consortium. I could see that happening in Stormwind.

Imagine a miniature Silvermoon, looks similar to the real Silvermoon but instead of the red parts of the architecture, it’s purple. Would look badass.

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Purple with fumes and spires of the void…

I admit, it would be a much needed upgrade the City needs. It certainly would look a hell of a lot better than a Giant out of place tree growing next to the Keep.

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