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Which is the root of the problem because the Kaldorei players didn’t get run over; hence: Revenge…

I have no idea how to parse that statement.

Plot twist. It’s exactly one of those times.

I believe that events have progressed significantly beyond “dust up” status.

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The Alliance and Horde are already making up, and the “dust up” isn’t even over yet.

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Well the devs see it otherwise

Those “devs” don’t have any credibility:

    Shani began by saying that Tides of Vengeance gave the team its chance to “tell a little bit of Tyrande’s story” but that the focus in Nazjatar is going to shift to delve into other characters and to see more of what Sylvanas and Anduin are up to.

    “I think she had her moment where we told some of her story and she got her revenge for the Night Elves. I don’t think we’re exploring her story too much more in Nazjatar though.” Shani said.

    Morgan picked up the conversation. “The problem is there is so much to be told. Everyone has characters they want to expand on, but we also want to introduce new ones and to find ways to weave those stories together. With Rise of Azshara, the emphasis is on Sylvanas and Azshara herself. They are the focus. There’s just so much happening.”

Except in 8.2 we haven’t learned squat about what Sylvanas or Anduin have been up to, so this answer undermines its own credibility, along with the Heritage Armor misinformation:

    “Shortly after Rise of Azshara, you’ll see that,” Morgan explained. “These are the two races that haven’t been updated. They’ll have new heritage armor with that as well.”


I’m saying revenge is something that belongs to the player. The faction leaders is just a legitimate engine we’re supposed to ride to get to it.

Therefore, since the Kaldorei players haven’t had their revenge, Tyrande hasn’t had her revenge. The Kaldorei haven’t had our revenge because we’ve yet to get to the retribution part.

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Whats wrong with Darn? If an Arch Demon blowing up on one tree didn’t kill it no reason to thing Teldrassil is dead.

Healing the tree and rebuilding (giving the city a much needed revamp) could make for an interesting event. Same thing for the UC.

There were people on it. There weren’t any people on Nordrassil.

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I think they were asking more why Teldrassil can’t be healed like Nordrassil, and Darnassus rebuilt. Not so much “What was morally wrong with Darnassus?”.

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Well, I suppose Blizzard has implied the same themselves:

    On a lighter note, [senior producer Michael Bybee] did offer an olive branch to shocked and stunned Alliance players who witnessed the destruction of their beloved World Tree at Sylvanas' hands.

    “It is a magical tree, and it’s not the first magical tree,” he said when we asked whether it would grow back.

I have mixed feelings on it.

I, the actual person behind the screen, would love to regrow it. A giant, horizon-dominating middle finger to the Horde.

But I can see how in-universe some Night Elves not being to eager to once again live at the site of so much death and destruction. Even with a tacked on message of regrowth and defiance.

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Hm… That’s kind of a Night Elf thing, though? Like Mount Hyjal Twice, or their still trying to heal and repopulate Felwood, for example.

Maybe. But they haven’t really had something with this kind of death toll since WotA. 10k years after which, they still considered Azshara cursed and haunted.

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To be fair, they believed the same of Darkshore, and they want that back now, too.

The way I see it, NE and VE aren’t leaving SW any time soon. They are chilling there, but problem is, SW is not that big. If we give that farm area where the NE currently are camped, is that area big enough for them? Now is the VE issue. They need a place too, they can’t always live in some void portal. Where do we move them if we are to give the embassy farm area to NE? Every district is full. There is an area near the Pandaran portal and deepholm portals, maybe we can give that area to the VE?

I blame blizzard, if SW was big enough, we could have housed both races easily.

Likely they will take inspiration from dragon age and make elf alienages they treat elves about the same in bith serise

Because by the look of things, Teldrassil’s destruction was complete. The Tree is dead ash, not wounded wood.

I realize accuracy has not been their strong suit when it comes to the Burning, but the fact that Teldrassil is still standing, and still bearing the weight of several large branch structures, would usually indicate the core wood is still alive. Much like catching a tree on fire in the first place, killing one with fire is also ridiculously hard, especially a fire that was over before a single night had passed. Usually, the bark and expendable parts like the leaves take the brunt of the damage, with the core insulated by the tree’s stored water. Then after a while, the tree starts growing from undamaged buds from above the blaze, or starts growing suckers from the roots. Alot of the time, if the tree does die, it’s only indirectly from the fire, damaging and weakening it enough for diseases and fungi to take hold inside the wounds.