New Nelf Capital - Old Nelf Capital

No, these lines are constantly shifting to meet the needs they want. The Dark Portal is a big deal. But also, Illidan, the Naga, Blood Elves, and Night Elves easily get to Outland when it is closed. Or that Khadgar gets as many troops as needed to alternative Draenor. How the navies are broken, but there are constantly as many ships as needed. Or Blood Elves or Night Elves are mostly dead, but constantly fight in major conflicts.

Like everything else, it is as sufficient as the writers make it. These things are rarely consistent.

Unless you have a mage involved. There are security aspects for portals and dealing with threats.

This is old as hell and not really on topic but shout out to you for naming your toons after two of my favorite town names in Jersey :blush:


Before flying and even afterwards, the portal in Darnassus was an unparalleled weak point. It made it impossible to target the Horde that were coming until they were already on top of you. A portal in Hyjal or Nighthaven would be the exact same thing.

Again, portals and flying are not worse than ships. And more can come into the story as needed, just like ships and soldiers do.

Intresting idea, but it’s whatever blessing was there was destroyed along with the tree unfortunately. Now we are using these sparks for the heart. Oh and just a correction it’s Kaldorei.

I couldn’t agree more.


Explain this “black pearl” thing please.


A response that wouldn’t make a lick of sense given the two peoples’ shared history. I fail to see why any Night elf, would react upon seeing one of their oldest allies pleading for help in their time of need, by literally shooting at them on sight or ignoring them.

The Tauren played an instrumental role in WoTA, and their importance was further increased through learning of Huln Highmountain, his contributions to the war, and how he was blessed by one of the Night elves most highly revered deities second only to elune herself.

Safe to say, Night elves would’ve definitely not responded to them in the ways you described.


I dunno, that sounds very logical to me, and the story doesn’t run on logic.

The night elves were a lot more xenophobic in the time where the tauren’s plight was written, before the night elf/tauren history was decided upon, so in WCIII they easily could have responded with arrows or cold indifference. Nowadays… I have no clue.

I would like to see an official response on what the night elves thought about the tauren and centaur conflict. Did they not know? Did they not care? Were they paralyzed by debates over whether to kill Cenarius’ grandchildren or Cenarius’ favored, and decided to cover their ears and let the issue sort itself out? Inquiring minds got to know!

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Yeah, but only in the case of outsiders or species they’ve never encountered before. During the 3rd war was the first time Night Elves had ever encountered humans, even though they they’ve existed up to that point for a few thousand years. Orcs, they considered agents of the Legion due to the demonic taint within their blood and immediately assumed them to be enemies. Trolls and the Kaldorei have never really been allies at any point in history and have had more conflicts in the past than agreements, and so on and so forth. Most of these “outsiders” the Night elves had little to no experience with therefore were incredibly skeptical which is not the case with the Tauren.

Tauren and Night Elves have fought side-by-side for generations up until the sundering in which the world was devastated and the Night elves retreated into seclusion to rebuild their civilization.

So no, of all the races to ask them for aid, the Tauren are the least likely to receive a negative response, especially with the contributions their people made to the Kaldorei resistance.

Well with everything we know now about the relationship between the Tauren and Night Elves, If they’re ever going to explain that whole situation they’d need to have some darn good reasoning behind it. Cuz there is just no possible way the Night elves would turn down one of their staunchest allies from the past like the Tauren during a period of healing and rebuilding. The only way I can think of is something along the lines of Fandral manipulating them into refusing to concern themselves with the problems of the world outside of their lands.

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Sadly there wasn’t even a passage in Chronicle about when or why the Night Elves officially joined the Alliance. As we haven’t gotten even that much, I do not think Blizzard will ever actually address anything to do with the Night Elves and Warcraft III and their transition to WoW that they haven’t already.


They hate the Elves period. The Trolls started a war and lost big time.

Where is this noted? As far as I know the Elves stayed away from all outsiders. They knew of the trolls, tauren, and earthen but refused to deal with them. It was Jarod Shadowsong who pulled them together, despite pushback from higher ranking elves, for the War of the Ancients.

Now this I agree with. They remember what the tauren did during the war. Not to mention that Hamaul Runetotem is not the first Tauren druid. There had many many who learned the craft thought from the NE throughout history post sundering, Hamaul is just the most recent in 20 generations. The two races may not have been extremely close but they knew each other. Had the tauren sought aid they probably would have gotten it.


As cool as nighthaven is, it further isolates them from Ashenvale, would like to see them build a fortress or a series of fortified out posts in ashenvale and call it New Darnassus or maybe something entirely different. If we have another world shake up event i want to see the Night elves centralize their power to ashenvale, and have the horde pushed back to aszhara.


If there’s ever a revamp of Ashenvale, I think it’d be pretty cool if the forest had a canopy level - some night elf platforms, but mostly just intertwined branches that wildlife/night elves used as travelling paths. It could be a continuous set of paths across the whole zone, or just a few secret bonus paths here and there, but some level of 3D tree use would be cool.

And I think it’d be a cool expression of night elf fantasy to have night elf archers here and there throughout the zone, perhaps even above minor Horde-held areas, hidden high on branches and inconveniencing the occasional Horde passerby. (Though for gameplay, it shouldn’t be anything that gets the player stuck in combat or something like that. Maybe dropping a flare, or an arrow that deals minor damage, or an owl swooping by for minor damage, etc - just something thematic that reinforces the idea that there could be hidden elves anywhere in the forest.)

And while it may be too close to Orgrimmar to make a full capitol, I do think it’d be cool to get a thematic hub town (like Bilgewater Harbor) hidden in the treetops in Ashenvale.


The gifts of the aspects had a radius of effect, which is why Kaldorei very rarely traveled beyond ashenvale and had little knowledge of what went on beyond their domain. Tauren seem like they had lived for thousand sof years as roaming tribes before the Centaur burst onto the scene and became a menace… during that time their memory of the kaldorei may well of slipped away.

I don’t think they would of been dismissed, they would of been by default counted as an ally as much the the furbolg or keepers of the grove, and dryads; as creations of a wild god.


I think the Proximity to Orgrimmar shouldnt be a big deal, might make it interesting as far as warmode. But otherwise it should be a disqualifying factor to having ashenvale as a NE hub, a new smaller city with an AH, Transmog, bank, and portals there would be a cool new hub to use.

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The problem with this, is that once blizzard places a temple of elune or Kaldorei quarter in Stormwind, its very possible Blizzard would never let us leave. Like the Gnomes in Ironforge.


Yeah I don’t want another dedicated park or district… no race deserves that, no matter how much the Devs love SW.

All core races need their own town.


I think the sad fact is they never intend to let us go. They have said they hate being saddled with updating towns which serve no narrative usage, so unless a new Kaldorei hub served as a faction hub it isnt gonna happen.

The best we could hope for outside of stormwind is for an update of Astranaar to Legion-BFA assets as a hub… perhaps a new post BfA phase of Nighthaven if we are lucky.

However, since I am a pointlessly hopeful fan I tinkered with some layout ideas…

Kaldorei Quarter (SW)

Revamped Nighthaven

All of that is scaled properly, also.

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This would at least be a nice replacement for the Park being made into Lion’s Rest.

The next expansion faction hub for the Alliance being a new capital for the Night Elves would be our best hope, yeah.


Gross… we don’t need to be reduced to gnome status and be forever bound to another races capital… not if they explained or showed it in a way that the citizenry is staying In SW during the faction war, and that a new power base for the Kaldorei military is based in Kalimdor still. I guess that would be better.


The two people don’t have a shared history. As seen in the cinematic and in War of the Ancients, the only Night Elf with any degree of interaction with the Tauren was Jarod Shadowsong, who himself was an outlier with his people. The rest of the night elf people like Ravencrest flat out refused to have anything to do with them. Malfurion himself only has his first interaction with Huln after Cenarius bestowed a blessing upon him.