New Nelf Capital - Old Nelf Capital

No you don’t. The horde has Suramar and Highmountian and if Sylvanas hits Mulgore Myla will dude with Bane. Val’sharah belongs to Tyne Nightelves and now that the legion is gone Azuna is pretty much ours too.

While you’re at it the trolls can go to Zandalar and the Orcs can go back through the portal.

I understand that you may have a dogged deterination to ignore Cataclysm. But the Horde was part of bringing the Ancients back. The Horde was part of defeating Ragnaros who was trying to turn all of Hyjal including Nordrassil to Ash. The Horde was part of bringing down that turncoat Fandral Staghelm. And without Thrall, remember him? Horde World Shaman and all? We would have all been destroyed by Deathwing. And you also seem to forget that the Horde was part of the ritual to rejuvenate Nordrassil. So in the eyes of the Dragonflights, the Horde was now part of that mortal partnership to keep the entire world…not just one tree, safe. And they are needed to help fill the gap left by the now depowered Aspects.

All this is true.

If you count Thrall as the Horde, then sure, this is true, too (Though, to note, we technically didn’t get to see the rejuvenation of Nordrassil in game, instead we got Thrall’s wedding).

All this is fanfiction.


Yes the horde lead by somone whoes first plan of attack is heave bombardment with something that kills all life and likely makes the land usless for a long time as far as supporting life goes csn be trusted to guard the last world tree.


I didn’t think Thrall was part of the Horde anymore?

Also, let’s not confuse Players for factions. I don’t recall seeing Garrosh on Hyjal sending Kor’kron against Fire Elementals or anything. The Horde was pre-disposed with it’s war.

As another point I’ve always been curious about… was that Rejuvenation Ritual ever even completed? From what I recall it turned into a, ‘Thrall is Captain Planet,’ questline where we got to explore his soul and then attend his wedding, and the whole, ‘Ritual to Rejuvenate the World Tree,’ never got brought up again.


I don’t think so. I remember being annoyed by that when I played it live. Maining a druid, I was really excited to help Nordrassil recover. Instead I got to watch Thrall get married.


It wasn’t :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: Instead we’re had to go save Thrall and then focus shifted to take out Ragnaros and then tube dragon soul. Why they didn’t heal tree after recovering Thrall and getting rid of the fire lord was beyond me. Instead we got his wedding under our sacred tree. What Thrall, was Razor Hill was all booked up for events?


Gilneas and Moonglade is open up for an New Night Elf City Land.

It got Deathwinged.

No thanks.

Well Nighthaven was the old capital. The issue now is that Malfurion would have to lock down the Cenarion Circle to only Alliance members because the horde druids have access to Moonglade. He also have to block off its access from the emerald dreamway.

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We don’t know that. for all we know the only response that any Tauren messenger might have received was a hail of arrows hitting the ground right in front of them… or none at all.

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Night Haven is way too isolated from the world and the open ocean. In case you haven’t noticed, Night Elves depend on a lot of fish for their diet. The lake in Moonglade could not sustain the surviving Kaldorei population; and would grant them no escape from any Horde invasion.

There are three to six locations suitable to Kaldorei resettlement on Azeroth:

1] Lordaeron City - close to the sea and have lands suitable for farming for both civilians and military.

2] Gilneas - this land has everything from access to the ocean, to farmland and proven fortification defeated only by the greatest earthquake Azeroth has ever seen since the sundering of the well of eternity.

3] Lion’s Landing - a fortified deep water port in a region of Pandaria that is sparsely populated. The Arrival of the Kaldorei would probably be welcomed by the Shado-Pan who are increasingly under manned and overwhelmed by all the Mogu sneaking around. A Night Elf city here could fish and farm to their hearts content without harming anyone on Pandaria.

4] Eldre’Thalas - a well walled city with plenty of room for proper druidism that isn’t far from the last Kaldorei Stronghold at Feathermoon. Feralas also has a very large Hippogryph and existing Chimera and Mountain Giant population that can be rallied in the time of need; which is now.

5] Feathermoon Stronghold - while not a port or having any port facilities, Feathermoon is the last bastion of Kalimdore power and is surrounded by wilderness and wildlife that could be of unprecedented use to the Night Elves. Feathermoon has access to the Sea, so much more fishing and possible ship building for our people.

6] Azuremist Island - out of range of catapults and the Horde probably don’t even know where it is…


OMG NO!!! Please NO: NOO!!! No more of that stinking claustrophobic biggoted monument of stone and ash!!! Give ua Gilneas!

Lordaeron would be better, but anything but a sack if dirt in that place…

You mean the portals that could be hijacked to other dimensions? Someone called Ner’Zhul made that mistake. Furthermore, the burning of Teldrassil proved tgere isn’t enough avian creatures in the Alliance to ferry reasonable numbers of people, let alome armed people over any distance.

They also used Aspect Dragon magic, something that’s no longer available.

I hear Malfurion gave new meaning to the words “Stag party”.

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Yes? Ships can be hijacked too. No transportation method is foolproof.

Ner’Zhul made a lot of mistakes. But Kil’jaeden is dead and the Legion fairly scattered. I’m not even sure the portals he made (which were trying to reach other worlds) are quite comparable to those across the same planet. Dalaran, for example, uses a lot of portals. And the only issue with those is when a traitor abused them, which still holds for something like ships.

The Burning of Teldrassil (imo) didn’t prove that because the entire event was a bizarre logistical head scratcher. Like catapults shooting all the way from Darkshore. And beyond that, they could make more allies in this hypothetical or build their own new airships. There’s a plethora of things that could be explored in a fantasy world that barely follows it’s own rules.


Except it does follow it’s own rules, just within certain lines that make their wallets shine. The burning of Teldrassil tells us a lot and that avian transportation isn’t sufficient to provide a fire escape for an entire city, let alone a population.

In regards to ships being hijacked, true, although the difference is you usually know beforehand when that is going to of has happened. Unlike the emerald dream or Draenor, where its after the fact and not befor. We can’t jump overboard in a dimensional gateway, but certainly can on a hijacked ship; all you need is a flotation device…

Honestly I’d like them to-model Teldrassil.
Perhaps the Kal’Dorei could find the spark of Ysera & Alexstrasza that was blessed within the tree - Enhance it (Perhaps with various artifacts?) and restore it to a ‘ Black Pearl ’ of their Empire - Also allowing the Alliance to Fortify a holding within as well.

Personally I’d like the Horde & Alliance to have capital cities that aren’t Orc or Human prime-based. As for this ‘Human Potential’ - it’s getting old, if I wanted human potential I’d play Sims. I play WoW to experience otherworldly magics, ideas and various new races & cultures to explore.

Alternatively if they’re to keep Orgrimmar, then I’d like to see Orgrimmar - Along with Durotar hit by a Tsunami .

Whether it be by:

  • Alliance who don’t want peace, sought vengeance & want the Horde to pay (Seeing the Forums there are so SO many that want the Horde to be ripped apart & deem them as ‘ Savagery & Evil Incarnate ’)
  • or by the forces of N’Zoth

Afterwards I’d like to see the Botani ( That escaped through the time-portal when they brought back a larger portion of Mag’har from Alternate Draenor ) utilise the opportunity of the soaked land & raise Durotar / Orgrimmar back into the Forest it once was ( Before the Sundering) - Along with an ‘Upgrade’ of theirs (Regards sent from the primal-flora of Draenor). Altogether this could be a good reason to refurbish the place, making it more eye-candyish and would be able to give ‘Gorgrond’ feels (More ‘Homey’ for the Orcs).

– To which, would all happen after the Night Elves have bolstered ‘The Black Pearl of Kalimdor’ restoring their Empire to something that shadows over the Horde in Kalimdor to where they’d now be the aggressors.

The Horde would be recouping, and the Nightelves (Along with the Alliance) would be strengthened in Kalimdor.
The Kal’Dorei would come to reclaim-back much of the lands that were lost long ago either to the perils of time (Sundering) or to the Horde.


A new night elf capital in Lordearon with them cleansing the Plague from the land and regrowing its forests would be good as its close to Gilneas which are close allies. Draenei can settle in the western plaguelands to be close to the Sunwell, argent crusade and silver hand.

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