New multi-boxing restrictions don't go far enough


There is NO way to accomplish this feat with hardware.

Except there is. Ask Google my dude.

Except there isn’t.

The only feasible way to do this with hardware, would be a stick pushing the keys and you pushing the stick. Which then breaks other Blizzard rules as is considered by blizzard “automation” as a user has to press the key, not the stick.

I agree that it’s not as particular and specific of wording as I’d like to see.

They need to just make it so you can only have one instance of a client active at once (Classic and Retail being separate clients). As well as state that controlling more than one account at a time, by any means - be them software or hardware assisted, is a bannable offense.

Yes because they’re totally gonna ban people for paying for more than one account. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You’d have to further add to that “on the same PC” since Parents play with their kids giving them an account on their BNET

They 100% will.

When you get reported. The people crying outnumber the amount of accounts bought and payed for by boxers which is an EXTREME niche.


Let’s just ban families too while we’re at it. Wouldn’t want to give any evil boxers any way to get around these new made up rules!

I’m telling you guys, just quit, neither of you are going to stop and neither of you can definitively prove you’re right :man_shrugging: Just bug Blizz

Uhm, yeah, duh?

What do you mean? Are you implying that them stating that they will begin banning people who break this new tos aren’t going to be banned because they’re paying for multiple accounts? If so, by what logic do you come to this conclusion?

When “i” get reported hm? I can barely play one instance of the game on the one potato computer I have access to. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


There is a difference between characters being played at the same time, and doing different things.

Than 40 druids casting Starfall at the exact same time.

Stop being obtuse.

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Go read where they’ve said boxing isn’t against the rules. Just because you’ve decided boxing is bad doesn’t mean blizz has said it is. They’ve actually said its not against the rules.

Just let it go Trayu :rofl: This is never going to end

I don’t have to prove I’m right.

Blizzard already said why they are doing this. What they don’t want.

People that box, want to find ways around it and are using loop holes in the wording to try and do so. That’s called mental gymnastics.

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Re read what I said dingus.

There’s no loophole in “input broadcasting software”

If I decide that I’m the queen of England that is totally valid too right? Since I can just pull stuff out of my bottom and pretend its true when its not? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yet people are trying to find it.

“I’ll use a KVM” “I’ll use separate keyboards and a stick”

It was a dumb way to say it, I agree. But they probably assumed that people weren’t going to try to circumvent what they clearly stated they no longer want.

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Reread what they’ve said they said boxing is fine. Do you think they just yoloed this onto the internet with no thought? They said boxing is fine. It doesn’t matter if it hurts your feelings. They’ve said its fine.