New multi-boxing restrictions don't go far enough

That would fall under " input broadcasting software" so no, no you cannot.

“this is undectable”

No its not, when there is 20 druids using starfall at the same time…


You can with a multicaster/multiplexer

They would then need to ban 20 plus diff mice and keyboards, mine have built in game overlay options as do many others this is how I and many others I know have been mb for years now.

That is “input broadcasting software”

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No it’s hardware

Here, read for yourself

The USB-844-BC "MegaCast"™ USB Keyboard / Mouse Multicaster routes the output of a single USB keyboard or mouse, to as many as four PCs or MAC’s simultaneously. Connecting units in series gives up to 10 ports. It is idealy suited for applications requiring simultaneous keyboard or mouse input, such as the testing and administration of multiple PCs. Our low device latency and fast response time provides optimal performance for multiboxing applications on MMORPG’s such as World of Warcraft.

It even specifically mentions WoW :rofl:

The manual is at the bottom of the page if you want to see how to set it up (tldr: just plug computers into it)


it’s not a grey area just because they didn’t say what you wanted them to say.

Blizzard: “multiboxing is permitted”
GD: “but you didn’t tell us clearly whether multiboxing is permitted! please just be specific. we need clarity.”


my point is you dont need the button to perform multiple actions.
i will explain this slowly so you can understand
you make a macro and have it do somthing right.
then you make another macro and have it do somthing else
then you make another macro and have it do somthing else
then you make another macro and have it do somthing else.
you following? this is extreamly easy to setup just time consuming but you can actually do anything a multiboxer using a program can do with macros.
for example if you are farming a specific type of enemy all you have to do is /target that enemy
/use whatever skill you are using then spam that macro and it will auto target and kill that enemy with that skill.

you use the same stratagy to find lightning paw in duskwood, because hes invisible its hard to spot him but if you use /target lightning paw it will auto target him when you get within 15 feet.

its suuuper easy to understand and im unsure how your struggling with this

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Its hardware, that runs its Own OS, to act as a Multiplexer.

Which is " input broadcasting software"

The only way to get away with not using " input broadcasting software"

Is by seting up 20 KBs with a stick that you press that presses the key. If your doing all that, you will probally still get banned, but you honestly deserve to Multibox.

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Razer Macros do. Those are AGAINST THE TOS.


1 Macro can only implement 1 action Per press of the Key.

whatever you say…

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This is what i was thinking. Just because its partially hardware doesn’t mean its not software related.

Well I guess we’ll need that blue confirmation after all then won’t we

It does offer SW commands. With a Hardware interface that works as a big USB hub basically.

When you hook a Razer Keyboard to a KVM, or a Multicaster, the PC does not show a Razer KB, it sees a “Generic Input” from the KVM.

So you own one? Or did you design it? Or are you guessing?

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Own a few KVMs, and have a Degree in Cyber Security with a Minor in Computer Engineering.

Literally do this stuff for a living.

So then no.

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I just said yes… “Own a few KVMs”

You do not even understand what the product is, that your harping about… SMH.

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You are using your experience to make an assumption about another product you have no idea about.


Ah. This makes sense. I think people are really under playing this policy change or aren’t actually informed as they think they are.

Funny how everyone on the Internet is a cybersec expert and computer engineer when it’d be convenient for them to be.