New multi-boxing restrictions don't go far enough

Ooookie dokie smokie

They’re just making stuff up. You can want something all you want. You can’t just will it into existence when blizz has stated otherwise :rofl::rofl::rofl:

It really doesn’t matter what they say, it’s like my niece saying there’s a monster in the closet like “oh yeah? well what’s it look like?” :rofl: I’m not worried about their opinions on it

I’m trying to think of something to do, bored, just got done playing overwatch :weary:

Theres someone who got mad i called them out about wanting anyone with more than one account at a time running being banned and when I told them that’s ridiculous and blizz said boxing is fine they called me a troll. This is who were arguing against lol.

They can just track your character’s action in their log, if they do the same identical sequence of action with or without delay, then they’ll just have to find if all of them were on the same machine ID, or if the machine have multiple plugged keyboard on it.

At that point they already know that you’re using input repeater, and you’re pretty much at their mercy.

Do you think people 40 box on one computer? 0.o

Everyone knows the monster is under the bed. Silly kids.

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Doesn’t need to.

If you have 40 chars using abilities tied to the same hot key, being used at the exact same time.

That is an artificial clone of the key press.

You will be banned.

It really is that easy.

They do not want people running around with 40 chars, mowing things down. How is this not clear.

They have access to your sequence of action in their log, they pretty much know what you do in the game all the time.

You can if you have the hardware as in PC components lol not special hardware

AMDs 3990x is more than enough to 100 box on a single PC but you’d have to have a pretty nifty freaking monitor setup if you wanted to see anything but specks lol

If they’re on separate bnet accounts on separate computers…?

No one that is doing what we are talking about is doing it on 40 potato PCs lol.

In my honest opinion, blizard should have put permanent restrictions on multiboxing like 14 years ago. It wouldn’t have been as big as a problem at the time, but it still would have been pretty big. They are trying to take away something from players that is extremely useful to those players. Idk, i just don’t understand why blizzar waits so long to suppress stuff like this. Now they have a bunch of players who are multiboxing in a way that wasn’t illegal for quite some time, and now it is illegal. It is so stupid to me.

They said nothing of the sort and until they dio you’re spreading misinformation and trolling

So what? just track their IP, even if you live with your mom, there’s no way your mom could do Jump -> Jump -> walk Left the same second you’re doing it in your basement.

It’s really not that hard to track you once they know you’re doing the same sequence of action on their log.

You don’t need to see anything but the head.

That is exactly what they said…

Have you not read the Blue post from the day before yesterday that the thread is talking about?

The rumor mill says because WF raiders were planning to 4box classes to cover all the covenant possibilities :man_shrugging: Trust the rumor mill if you will.

Wow. If you think that level of going into someone’s business is okay you’d be okay with the government doing the same thing to police everything else right? I wanna see how… out there… you are, really.

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Well, at this point its 100% obvious you are trolling.

Welcome to my ignore list :).